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Forum nameOkay Artist Archives
Topic subjectOnce More for the weekend n/m
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=25646&mesg_id=25669
25669, Once More for the weekend n/m
Posted by Phil, Fri Mar-24-00 11:33 AM
R.I.P.<BR>Diogenes Moschovas<BR>1933-2000<P>"I've got so much Charm, women call me Lucky" - Phil Copyright 2000<BR>"Petty Thoughts for Petty Minds." - Phil Copyright 2000<BR>"Okayplayer.com, first the Web, next, the World!" - Phil copyright 1999<BR>"Phil, You're a Genius" - Kayci Copyright 1999<BR>"I'm not a genius, I just say what other people should be thinking." - Phil Copyright 1999<BR>"Girl, you so chicken, your Grandfather's name is Colonel Sanders" - Phil Copyright 1999<BR>"You must have verbal diarrhea cuz all you do is talk shit." Phil Copyright 1999