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Topic subjectokay I've read....
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24812, okay I've read....
Posted by guest, Wed Apr-26-00 03:58 PM
all of these post where people are saying he's a clone or he's unique in his own way.

Maybe I'm reaching, but when a fellow scribe handed me "Time Out" and he was one of the featired "next 20 people" or something like that. After just reading what the writer had to say I was open. I immediatly ran down the hall and begged my editor to get her hands on anything he had recorded and she did.

What I've heard thusfar, sounds nothing like D'Angelo. IMHO, the comparisons come in when people (consumers/media) feel the need to always compare. Never truly wanting or allowing something new in. Just a constant need for the familiar. The creative ones are always the ones who must be killed and resurrected first.

I'm not inside Balal's head, but I'm sure he's thought at one point this might happen, or maybe not. Not in particular of being compared to D, but that he'd be compared anyways. This people is just how it is. It's not "right" and it ain't "wrong", cause that's all relative and everyone's entitled to their opinions. But I think alot of you are assuming before you even get a finished product in your hands.

Or it may be some frontal lobe thing, because he's being assited creativly by some of the same cats who assisted D. These are the opinions souly of Jaila.

My final thought on Balal, and what I've heard so far is this: He reminds me of a younger, grittier Donny Hathaway, with splashes of Al Green. His vocal prowess is amazing to say the least, his range for a male vocalist blows me away. I don't need to compare this soul singer to anyone, to know he stands on his own. See he's like that "middle" child. Who in my honest opinion will grab the attention of all us who are "left in the middle folks." He will bridge a gap, one that's been open for a long time. Just sit back watch and regardless of what you think...you become chronically aware of what I mean. Draw your own conclusions. But this young man is full of somethin' and I don't think anyone right now can quite describe it. Only assumptions can be drawn. Him and Jill Scott and a few other young soul artist are about to slowly close these pot holes we got going on.

There will always be clones. But, because of this everyone is written off before ever given a chance to stand in their own space and time. If you don't like someone because you think they sound exactly like another artist then that's limiting.

Nothing is ever truly original or even new. All is recylced, but it's the elements and this my friends will help Balal just like it helped so many stand out. It's the elements they all bring. Ad, by elements I mean that "something" that the anothers doesn't have. If we were all true music listeners we'd learn to listen without suspecting ears. Many of us look for that familiar...and most do it unconsciously.

Peace :-)
