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Topic subjectdo you know him????
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=23149&mesg_id=23180
23180, do you know him????
Posted by Quez, Sun Jul-09-00 07:35 PM
>personally i think r. kelly is
>a stuck up, stupid, talentless
>bastad. but like someone said
>up there that's just me.

Umm, sound like one of two things.... 1) you got played by him or 2) you just another impressionable hater

i know yall dont care, but i'ma say what i gotta say any DAMN way.... (c) Quez


Sheldon Mar"Quez" Rankin
homepage: http://www.Quez.Bored.org
AIM: Queztions
ICQ: 2018629

"if you want it I got it come and get it I'm wit it" --- Talib Kweli

"Hiphop you my BITCH and like a Ford I'm Exporin you" - Common

"I make niggas co-sign, on how many different flows I got" --- Planet A.S.I.A.

"The truth is, my crew is, the smoothest spitters of saliva juices like The Roots is, more Organic than acoustics" ---- Talib Kweli