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Forum nameOkay Artist Archives
Topic subjectRE: OkayPlayer WHO'S WHO
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=23138&mesg_id=23141
23141, RE: OkayPlayer WHO'S WHO
Posted by Phil, Mon Jul-10-00 07:54 AM
angieee - Stress...our webmiSTRESS who runs tings
newguy - doug, Stress' sidekick :-)
steve - moderator of the okayartist board
Bkyle - moderator of general discussion
boodaah - moderator of okayactivist
Tank - Ruler of okaystore
ShawnGee - Buisiness Manager
Mercedes & Tracy - Jazzyfatnastees
rakkaa - From the Dialated Peoples
label_guy - Label guy from MCA
common - well...common
Loud1 - The Klangsqwader Kamal

that's about it.


**Celebrating July as Fake Ass Quote Month**
Somedays I wake up and I just wish I was a man. - Tank

"Ilezchizpamzan" (c) Donwill

Black Thought Album due this Fall!!!
"My Chocolate is Like Water for Thirsty White Jawns."