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Topic subjectfine then
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=15597&mesg_id=15623
15623, fine then
Posted by UrbanCowgRRL, Fri Jun-29-01 11:01 PM

>Think about this. What gives ANYBODY
>the idea... JUST THE IDEA,
>that Pharoahe Monch is JOINING
>OKP. Why? Quiet as kept...

c'mon brian..before you go posting this nonsense..you should have told angieee not to post hints and pictures of pharoahe in the lesson..only to delete them before the morning work folks...baby pics...old 80's pics...she said she 'stole' them...ha!

>you look for HIS site
>to come, right... but ya
>never wonder why we never
>mention him. BUT JAG gets
>mentioned all the time... and
>she doesn't even have an
>album on the market yet.
>She's more direct fam than
>he may be, but, your
>lookin for a SITE for
>HIM. AND U wanna talk
>about WHO I'M to talk
>or NOT talk about in
>the news page? Check yaself.

just sayin'....
