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Topic subjectMa...it is a lost cause
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=14977&mesg_id=14995
14995, Ma...it is a lost cause
Posted by nahymsa, Mon Jan-17-00 08:53 AM
I think part of being a strong black woman is thinking strategically and knowing when & where to fight your battles. <P>This is not the place.<P>you make 2 mistakes (no offense) <P>1) assuming that the Roots (as individuals or a group) are "conscious" and that that consciousness or love for our community mandates certain actions & behavior. <P>2) bringing a topic like this to forum that is not only mixed racially but a spot for fans & artist to interact. A group of friends will defend each other and guess who spends the dough on shows & records. <P>The topic is too deep, painful, & politicized for this place. <P>Love the quote though.... <BR>><BR>>"You need to get that We Are <BR>>The World mess out of your <BR>>head." -- Regina King, Higher Learning -<P><P><BR>