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Topic subjectNever forget history...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=14502&mesg_id=14620
14620, Never forget history...
Posted by spirit, Tue Aug-17-99 07:09 AM
>You said it yourself "this is <BR>>1999", then act like it. Lets <BR>>get out of the fucking past. <P>No, I am sorry. The past is not meant to be forgotten. The past must be remembered, so the same mistakes won't be made again.<P>>Arguments like this are reserved for <BR>>the human race, i wish i <BR>>was a fucking animal. <P>What exactly do you mean by this?<P>Peace,<P>Spirit<BR><a href="http://amphibians.iuma.com">http://amphibians.iuma.com<;/a><BR><a href="http://infiniteloop.iuma.com">http://infiniteloop.iuma.com<;/a><BR>DC hip-hop is on the rise...