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Topic subjectwhoah
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=14502&mesg_id=14616
14616, whoah
Posted by mke, Thu Aug-12-99 12:34 AM
>AND SECOND OF ALL BEING TURNED <BR>>AWAY FROM BANKS AND NOT BEING <BR>>ABLE TO EAT ARE THE LEAST <BR>>OF WHAT I DEFINE AS OPPRESSED <BR>>OR HARD LIFE...<P>Yet, when the same thing happens to Black people, doesn't that constitute symptoms of their oppression?<P>>US?? FROM THE MOMENT THE EUROPEAN <BR>>RACE STEPPED FOOT ON THIS CONTINENT <BR>>THEY HAVE CONTRIBUTED NOTHING BUT DISEASE, <BR>>WAR, SLAUGHTER AND DISTRUCTION TO MANY <BR>>CULTURES AND CIVILIZATIONS THAT WERE ALREADY <BR>>HERE TRYING TO LIVE "HAPPILY EVER <BR>>AFTER". <P>I have no desire to defend Whites, but the pre-Columbian peoples weren't all happy, peace-loving, enlightened and perfect. Saying that is just the same as the White vilification of Blacks. <P>>SO IF YOU <BR>>HAVE NO PLACE IN THIS DISCUSSION...BEAT <BR>>IT!!! <BR>>KEEPING IT REAL! <BR>>ME <P>So if he doesn't agree with you....<P>"There's always a bigger fish"<BR>"Patience, my blue friend"<BR> -Qui Gon Jinn<P>"Tes phrases ont un méchant goût de déja-vu"<BR> -IAM