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Topic subjectReply to nahymsa
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=14502&mesg_id=14595
14595, Reply to nahymsa
Posted by guest, Mon Aug-09-99 06:00 AM
I definitely see your point on this. If I May I'd like to throw my $0.02 in the bucket. Being a musician, and a long-time member of the Hip Hop Nation, I can fully understand why the Roots play where they play. Like Wesley said, "If you play the shit that they like, the people will come, simple as that!" The Hip Hop nation as a whole has had a problem looking 3 inches past thier own nose! If it's not right in our face, we can't see it. If it's not the misery, gun toting, drug run ghetto some of us have seen our whole lives, we don't know what the fuck to do with it! That's why artists like Silkk The Shocker & C-Murder go triple platinum! As a musician, I can say The Roots have talent that I see as unsurpassed in Hip Hop!! They not only have great musical skills, but what they say is also genuine hip hop representation. It's just not right in your face w/ a gun & a forty. Unfortunately, those who can see the depth & talent of the Roots are those who have access to better musical education, which a large number of those folks are the upper middle class (pre dominately white) It's quite a paradox, you see. The people who understand what the Roots are saying and appreciate thier talent are usually the ones who have never seen or experinced the things the speak of!!! Ironic, isn't it?!?!?!?! The bottom line is the Roots are arguably the best group in hip-hop to date. They are unfortunately overlooked by the hip-hop nation at times because they don't have that 'in your face, Dom P, 9mm' approach. If you were to look at what we hold as values in the hip-hop and the honor code we try to adhere to, the Roots would be the president & supreme ruler of the hip hop nation. As to qoute KRS-1, 'kings just rule and most are never understood', well I think the Roots would not only qualify as rulers, but they can teach us something as well. The Roots keep it RIGHT (De La)not REAL, RIGHT!!! this is something we should ALL be doing!! You see that on a daily basis here at okayplayer! That quote in the intro of TFA in a prime exaple of the thinking out in the lands. "rely on black people to eat......" That is so true for the Roots, but what I can't understand is that they PLAY the shit we like!!! Really when you sum it all up, the Roots are a victim of short-sightedness and small thinking in the pursuit to 'keep it REAL'.<P>We will learn someday I hope!!!!<P>In the meantime, I'm off to book a 350 mile trip to try to see the Roots in San Diego cuz NO ONE wants to come to Arizona (I don't really blame them!!)<P>Peace y'all keep it RIGHT!!!<P>Xpoman