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Topic subjectyour share
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=14502&mesg_id=14582
14582, your share
Posted by qoolquest, Sat Aug-14-99 03:59 AM
>Okay, so i've gotten at least 10 <BR>>people to buy your album, where's <BR>>my share<P>well, your share is that the roots will fill your life with the perfect soundtrack. you see....if you buy...then the label let's us record. but if you don't show the numbers....can someone say diamond d?.....<P><P><BR>What ever happened <BR>>to people making enough to live <BR>>comfortably.<P>no one lives comfortably round here. let's see you come home to some nigga who wants what you got wearing your t-shirt.<P><BR>.really though...i dunno, are you struggling <BR>>to get by ?uest.<P>i don't put that much value behind material shit. but now i think it's important to get a crib (for my saftey) because of the onslaught of unsolicited bell rings at my door (my crib is featured in the opening scene of the 6th sense. they shot right next door to me. but yeah. now i know why niggas leave the hood after a while. andre said it best on "return of the gangsta" about how one can be about peace. but then some nigga who wants what you got can try to take yours with a "piece".<P>...........................do these artists <BR>>really think their style of hip-hop <BR>>is good? I mean, do they <BR>>go to bed at night saying, <BR>>"damn that track i laid down <BR>>is so funky fresh...i can buy <BR>>my mom a house too!!!!" <P>hell yeah they be thinkin that shit is hot to death. i've been at many a session in which some mofo's think man this is gonna be a hit!!!!<P>"god made me funky"