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Topic subjecta huge issue...
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14565, a huge issue...
Posted by guest, Fri Aug-06-99 04:39 AM
That has come out of this discussion and is in many ways the root is the segmentation in the Black Community. I keep seeing people talking about "headraps" vs. "perms", not just in this post, but repeatedly brought up all over the boards.<P>It's a question of people's perceptions. I've seen people write shit like "I went and gave a flyer to this sister with a headwrap because I knew she would be down." WHUUTTT? People seem to think that just because you have a headwrap or natural hair you are socially conscious, pro-black, and into underground hip-hop and jazz. And people think that women with perms are entrenched in their communities, black women who don't front on some bourgeouis, high post shit and support people from "around the way."<P>Are women with headwraps "alternative", stuck-up, and strange? Are women with perms ghetto, ignorant, and thuggish? Does having natural hair mean someone is aware of what it is to be truly black? Does having a relaxer mean you aren't aware of the imposition of european culture on blacks? <P>When are we going to stop creating barriers that don't exist? Until we can stop making judgements on people based on superficial things, we hurt ourselves. Until we learn to see beauty in headwraps and perms, underground and commercial hip-hop and stop discriminating each other on some dumb shit, we will continue to weaken ourselves. I mean, if it's beautiful, it is beautiful, all classifications aside. I can prefer whatever I like, but as long as I embrace and respect something other than my preference, we have something positive happening.<P>I mean, shouldn't we be trying harder for the idea/concept of "one love?"<P>Peace ya'll<BR>~Lauren<P><BR>okayplayer.com...it's not just a site; it's a lifestyle<P>I'm sick of bitches shakin' asses/I'm sick of talkin' about blunts/Sick of Versace glasses/Sick of slang/Sick of half-ass awards shows/Sick of name brand clothes/Sick of R&B bitches over bullshit tracks/Cocaine and crack/Which brings sickness to blacks/Sick of swoll' head rappers/With their sicker-than raps/Clappers and gats/Makin' the whole sick world collapse ~Dove, Stakes Is High