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Topic subjectDC Clubs suck...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=14502&mesg_id=14560
14560, DC Clubs suck...
Posted by guest, Fri Aug-06-99 09:42 AM
My experience w/ DC DJ's seems to directly reflect what you were saying...they play all the sh*t that is on the radio. That is why I no longer frequent them. But you did mention that their are venues in DC where "our kind" of music, i.e. non-jigga-fied, flows freely. Please my friend...tell me where this salvation lies. I've heard Metro Cafe' has it's moments but that's about it.<P>-Kristy<P>"My people are hard; we live hard, love hard, laugh hard and die hard."