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Forum nameOkay Artist Archives
Topic subjectNas comments are Bull!!!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=12710&mesg_id=12767
12767, Nas comments are Bull!!!
Posted by Tariq3, Wed Feb-06-02 08:38 AM
Personally, I think that he definitely singled them out. He also dissed them by calling them fake and confused. To me that's going enough to illicit a response from the Roots. Perhaps not a battle (yet), but for him of all people to come off like he's a role model is crazy.

His whole schpill was bull to me. All that coming from the dude who plays in Belly. I guess he was pious because his character wanted to go back to Africa (please). Plus these niggas kill me with this twisted righteouness BS. Do you teach your child about sex by watching pornos? No! Are any of his albums material where going to play for our kids? No! Dudes need to be real in the true sense of the word.

subhaanakallahumma (Glory be to you, Oh Allah), wabihamdika (and I praise You). ashhadu anla ilaha illa anta (I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except You). astaghfiruka (I seek Your forgiveness), wa atuubu ilaika (and I turn to You in Repentance).