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Topic subjectList Nas contradictions
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=12710&mesg_id=12763
12763, List Nas contradictions
Posted by Kev, Wed Feb-06-02 08:10 AM
Whoever mentionned "Belly" has a good point but what about Nas and his view of religion. When he first came out it was "When I was 12/I went to hell for snuffin Jesus" "Im waving automatic guns at nuns" When it's my time to go/I wait for God with the fo fo" Nowadays he keeps on talking about his "God's son" tatooe yet Jesus is God's son so in a way didn't go to hell for snuffin himself back when he was 12.

Non-believers get my dick and genitals backwards-Redman
