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Topic subjectFood for Thought...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=12710&mesg_id=12759
12759, Food for Thought...
Posted by Kmiggidy, Wed Feb-06-02 07:58 AM
Pun Intended.

Seeing that the Roots represent Philly and Nas, in NYC, put them on blast on Hot 97... AND the Roots had to hear about it 3rd person (unless they happened to be listenin' at the time) Why don't The Roots use a Philly radio station for a response(**all-star weekend) and do an exclusive on their home turf addressing their opinion on the Nas comments. Shit, he'll be in Philly to here it too! No need to go to their turf and listen to NYC callers supporting their man from QB... creating addition tension, rebel rousing, and instigation!

Plus, fuck that... why help boost Flex and Hot '97's ratings anyway??


**And now, back to your regularly scheduled program...**

"I miss the hood when I'm travelin.'" - Freeway

"Give me an ounce of some honesty, some innocence and a cup of loyalty. A table spoon of some attitude, and of course a pinch of freak!!" Musiq (w/ A.Stone )-how do we make love? (and what is it truly made of?)

"Your funny dude... you really think you can do me when you roll a 500 thats really a 320... You shouldda let somebody else hook it! Numbers look crooked, like King Kong shook it..." Jay-D