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Forum nameOkay Artist Archives
Topic subjecti think what's going on
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=12629&mesg_id=12672
12672, i think what's going on
Posted by the2ndsurvivor, Thu Feb-07-02 03:37 AM
the only thing i can recall is the "what's going on" remake which benefited those affected by the Sept. 11 attacks and also fighting Aids in Africa. if there's anything else, somebody let me know. plus, that was for charity and nas was involved, too so what's the problem??

...if I were a superhero, I'd be Had-It-Up-to-Here Woman, sneaking around grocery stores, malls, and amusement parks all over the world. With lightning speed, I'd snatch up bad azz kids and give them three swift licks with my golden switch and vanish into thin air before anyone knew what happened...

Pet Peeve of the Month:

Okay, I'll give it to you. Technically you do meet the requirements to be here. But be considerate. Just because the sign above the express lane in Wal-Mart says "20 items or less" does not mean that you should take your 19 item holding cart to the lane and hold up the rest of us who only want to buy a package of toilet paper.