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Topic subjectLegendary Battle...
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12523, Legendary Battle...
Posted by Tariq3, Tue Feb-05-02 06:47 AM
>or even
>Bernard Hopkins Vs. Felix Trinidad
>This is what I compare Thought
>vs. Nas to. To all
>catts that are boxing fans
>yall know that Hopkins had
>Trinidads number just like Forest
>had Mosley's. To me Thought
>Hopkins or Forest.
>and Nas is like:
>Mosley or Trinidad more like Mosley
>Lyrically both are good and could
>be equal. This can only
>be proven in a battle.
>Just like the boxers are
>good in thier craft. I
>would say that Nas is
>like Sugar Shane Mosley because
>he has the skill pound
>for pound but he can
>be overconfident based on his
>popularity and catch a bad
>one from Thought.
>Black Thought:
>Battle emcee. Sometimes poetic. Nice voice
>and delivery. Very consistent. Sometimes
>too Consistent.
>More poetic. Better voice (one of
>the best). Delivery is sweet(one
>of the best). He rocks
>with better concepts than thought
>has ever been able to
>do. Has a identity crisis..NOT
>To me the odds would lean
>towards Nas taking a win
>but dont count Thought out.
>Just like Forest and Hopkins
>he can still come up
>with a win. He just
>gotta study the tapes and
>come with a ill strategy.
>Is he capable? Yes.
>I think if he and Nas
>do battle it would have
>to bring out a side
>of Thought that weve never
>seen unless Nas underetimates him
>and comes weak.
>This is a more objective subject.
>It depends on the eye
>of the beholder. Unless Nas
>pulls a Stillmatic-like recycling of
>some old stuff this can
>go either way. We all
>know The Roots wont let
>Thought bring forth a weak
>I think Thought should accept Nas's
>challenge but only if Nas
>blast first then its on.
>If this battle is a two
>or three rounder like Jay
>vs. Nas was
>I think that the Roots would
>prolly prove themselves better on
>that tip and grab up
>more fans with just production
>alone. I cant count Nas
>out though because he has
>some good peeps in his
>staple to grab some heat
>from. Lately his beats have
>been weak though.
>Thought vs. Nas is a good
>match up. Nas has more
>to loose cause its like
>he's coming to the table
>with belts. I dont think
>this would end Nas career
>if he looses though. Nas
>like Thought seem to have
>a certain attitude bout this
>rap stuff. He's good but
>its not the Begin all
>- End All.
>As a spectator I hope that
>this battle would bring the
>best out of both of
>them. Currently I dont have
>a vote yet cause I
>truly feel it could go
>any way. The same I
>felt before both boxing matches.
>I wanted Hopkins to beat
>Trinidad and I wanted Mosley
>to beat Forest for personal
>reasons. So for personal reasons
>I want Thought to win.
>I want Thought to win
>cause I truly think he
>can. Plus I want to
>see "Left-To-Center" Hip-Hop get some
>more light.
>Ohhh The Irony!!!

I like your response. This is a good way to look at it. However, I'm biased. I think Thought would smash Nas. It wouldn't be easy but Thought comes to the battle with a different element than Nas. I also think it would be a more legendary battle than Nas/Jay-Z because you got two "thinker/writers".

We all know Nas hits the page and takes time with his ryhmes as does Thought. Whereas Nas took Jay out pretty easy and Jay keeps comin back to try and redeem himself. Jay is mostly "the image" and "mystique", but Nas served him. Thought/Nas will make a more worthwhile battle.

If the battle takes place in the field (on stage) I definitely think Though would kill Nas. I don't think Nas can hang on the Freestyle tip. We'll see. Hopefully, The Roots will put it down on the battle front.
subhaanakallahumma (Glory be to you, Oh Allah), wabihamdika (and I praise You). ashhadu anla ilaha illa anta (I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except You). astaghfiruka (I seek Your forgiveness), wa atuubu ilaika (and I turn to You in Repentance).