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Forum nameOkay Artist Archives
Topic subject2 questions
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=12243&mesg_id=12306
12306, 2 questions
Posted by disorganized, Wed Feb-06-02 06:33 PM
tomorrow, i'm heading out to buy jaguars album.

1. when do the non soundscan purchases finally trickle down into the published sales totals?

2. i usually buy music from an independent store in my area. i've noticed that a number of CDs i've purchases there, are labled as being made in Canada, by record company X, Y or Z located in Canada. where does the credit for my purchase show up in published stats. US or Canada?

although, i'm one person buying her album, i want that one album to count early.

Dis...Generation 8-Track
**V4M Coming to GD in 2002**