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Topic subjectyou missed the point
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=12243&mesg_id=12303
12303, you missed the point
Posted by spirit, Thu Feb-07-02 07:06 PM
So many albums come out in the R&B field that it's pretty easy to miss a newcomer (particularly since radio has fairly closed playlists), so what probably happened was, the stabbing incident got KeKe name recognition in urban markets and people checked out the album, liked it, and spread the word. It's kinda like how Pac got name recognition just for constantly getting arrested and then for his incendiary comments in Vibe interviews, then people tuned into his albums and discovered they actually dug his stuff (having Dre produce and rap on "California Love" obviously played a big part too).

Thoughtfully yours,

Spirit Equality

If you really loved me, you'd check out http://www.mp3.com/spirit_equality

Blackalicious is gonna kill 2002....exhibit A is the link below http://www.mcarecords.com/web_assets/blackalicious/audio/00_paragraphprez_auf.ram

exhibit b of blackalicious illness is below...

I love em, I'm street teaming without being asked. LOL!!!

If you believe in avant garde music with soul, peep out http://www.miscflux.com

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