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Topic subjectyou know what?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=12243&mesg_id=12295
12295, you know what?
Posted by Hot_Damali, Wed Feb-13-02 12:11 PM
>perhaps it's just me but lovers
>rock didn't hardly move me
>as much as the previous
>4 did.

>(this sade album is not. i
>love her lyrics, and melody....but
>i am so accustomed to
>her previous production work, that
>i just feel it is
>a step backwards

you are probably the first person i heard say that cuz that's exactly how i feel. Sade's music has always spoken directly to me and I was so let down by Lover's Rock that i barely even play it any more. Every other Sade fan i talk to is sooooo in love with Lover's Rock but i swear i just don't understand why.
