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Topic subjecti know i say i will never respond to anyone who resembles an orger but.....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=12243&mesg_id=12292
12292, i know i say i will never respond to anyone who resembles an orger but.....
Posted by qoolquest, Wed Feb-13-02 07:41 AM
The cursing is definitely
>a turn off,

now...hang on. i'm as pc as the next motherfuckin carlton banks nigga (i got jokes)...i'm assuming that with the name "princeguy" you seem to like prince. cool! we got something in common. cause i like him too. but i have to ask....is prince ("i sincerely wanna fuck the taste out of your mouth"...."my sister never made love to anybody else but me"....i can go on)also offensive to you? i can name mad rnb niggas that "offend"...oh wait...maybe that is the key word: niggas.

so are you saying that jag (who really dosn't offend no more than your average neo-phile (jill does songs about swallowing, d does golden shower songs, bilal goes to ike measures for his tina.....but most cats are so lost by the texture that they NEVER LISTEN TO WHAT'S BEING SUNG) is reinventing the wheel by fussin and cussin on her joints?

The foul liner
>notes where she's calling out
>her in laws, is just

most cats i know don't even care about liner notes and in the age of "for all y'all motherfuckers who said i wouldn't make it!!!!! how ya like me now fuckers!!!!!!--type liner notes....i dunno yo. i kinda got a kick outta reading them (note to self: never cross jag when she's doin notes)

Jill's album was good,
>so it sold itself through
>GOOD word of mouth.

indeed. let's not forget timing as well. erykah backlash (hair issues, model build, mother nature shit) couldn't have been better. jill comes across as your next door neighbor. someone who's access dosn't make u feel like you aint one of her.

>Cd will not sell that
>well, because it simply isn't
>that good.

here i disagree with you. jag is far far far above your "on my mind all the time" love you bullshit. she gets half a star for the subject matter...--fuck dat, i doubt no one in rnb even knows the definition of the word "lineage". contrare. i feel these are fresh outlooks on a broken heart:

-"what if" is not your average "bizounce"
-i love the "we gonna make it" angle of "country song"
-"same shit...."--sorry dukes i feel it hard. i know mad women that go through this. i counci---sheeeit i made em go through it.

look. i can go song for song. i will respect your opinion. (this is a far cry from "JAG'S ALBUM SUX"- posts as of late. but i am curious as to how you see the artistic failure of this record.

jag's singing performance is on point. not like i can say for most rnb diva's in which you can hear flat notes galore

the production is on point. i heard nan wrong notes, or execution on this record by any musician. myself included (i love my performance on "same shit" and "what if"...i think it's one of my better breakbeat 92 era performances....and i never brag on my drumming --sans the masterpiece "double trouble")

Press, or no
>press if it's not good
>product it won't sell. Not
>unless you're Clive Davis and
>can overhype an album like
>he did Alicia's CD (so
>overrated its ridiculous and criminal),
>this CD will not take

again...opinion counts. so i will respect yours. i love alicia as a person, and i respect her art, but i think there are some bland moments on her record. and dog, i don't feel that way about jag. she also hits a nerve with some jilted sistas out there. i seen jawns straight crying in the audience. sorry. this aint the "citzen kane" of neo soul.....but this aint the "shanghi surprise" either. (i really wanted to say graffiti bridge...)

I saw Jag live
>when she played before Maxwell
>in Chicago and she was
>madd nice. She has a
>great voice. But I was
>very disappointed with the "experience"
>of the CD.

so you accepted the way fouler rated x jag (out of all places a maxwell concert! a place where they stamp "pc" on your forehead upon entry) in concert, but felt the cd was whatever?

well...hey i'll take what i can get. but i dare you to grab 20 female rnb joints in the last 2 years and damn if jag aint in your top 5

if i ever went solo, my favorite drummer would be me bragging sig:

"How great are the Roots live? Their drummer.oh my god, he's such a great
drummer. He's so good. So good! Such a great drummer. Is he one of those
musicians that knows how to play everything? He's such a great drummer. I
love them."
-james king