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Topic subjecttry explaining yourself
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=12243&mesg_id=12285
12285, try explaining yourself
Posted by spirit, Thu Feb-07-02 07:02 PM
I'm curious to see why you think the CD is "terrible". I think it sounds good and don't hear anything remarkably unlistenable on it. "Terrible" is a very strong word. "Terrible" = unlistenable. I disagree with you completely.

ps: To those complaining about the cursing, you've got to be kidding me...you'll hear WAY more cursing on an album by "conscious" artists like Common or Kweli than you'll hear on the Jag album...I wouldn't recommend the album to devout Christians or anything, but since when has contemporary R&B been squeaky clean? Did y'all hate "Shit Damn Motherfucker" too?

Thoughtfully yours,

Spirit Equality

If you really loved me, you'd check out http://www.mp3.com/spirit_equality

Blackalicious is gonna kill 2002....exhibit A is the link below http://www.mcarecords.com/web_assets/blackalicious/audio/00_paragraphprez_auf.ram

exhibit b of blackalicious illness is below...

I love em, I'm street teaming without being asked. LOL!!!

If you believe in avant garde music with soul, peep out http://www.miscflux.com

2002: The Underground Strikes Back

Abolitionist Movement representing...