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Topic subjectRE: thats very very good n/m
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=12243&mesg_id=12279
12279, RE: thats very very good n/m
Posted by princeguy, Wed Feb-06-02 10:26 AM
The most important thing a lot of people are missing is that the album isn't very good. The cursing is definitely a turn off, and you don't really like Jag as an artist. The foul liner notes where she's calling out her in laws, is just crass. Jill's album was good, so it sold itself through GOOD word of mouth. Jag's Cd will not sell that well, because it simply isn't that good. Press, or no press if it's not good product it won't sell. Not unless you're Clive Davis and can overhype an album like he did Alicia's CD (so overrated its ridiculous and criminal), this CD will not take off. I saw Jag live when she played before Maxwell in Chicago and she was madd nice. She has a great voice. But I was very disappointed with the "experience" of the CD.

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