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Forum nameOkay Artist Archives
Topic subjectcaa?!!?!?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=12243&mesg_id=12257
12257, caa?!!?!?
Posted by qoolquest, Thu Feb-14-02 06:25 PM

she switched agents
>who has solid tour offers
>after she gets back from

CAA be creepin up on WMA acts on some jerry maguire shit, promising shit to artists and not delivering. contrare....wise woulda been for res to be at an agency in which there are SIMILAR artists so that she may tour with them.

and with every left to center act in black music at WMA.....wouldn't you want your artist there too so that you can benifit on some instant opening act shit?

i blame res' managment for that one. performing is the only thing that kept us alive for so long. that's the shit i'd look at when making up my mind where do i go.....

i know no CAA artist surviving without a hit record. case and point (macy)

album flop.
tour stop.

if i ever went solo, my favorite drummer would be me bragging sig:

"How great are the Roots live? Their drummer.oh my god, he's such a great
drummer. He's so good. So good! Such a great drummer. Is he one of those
musicians that knows how to play everything? He's such a great drummer. I
love them."
-james king