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Topic subjecteasy...breathe
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=12243&mesg_id=12253
12253, easy...breathe
Posted by spirit, Mon Feb-11-02 11:31 PM
Now, name for me the female R&B artist in 2000/2001 who did over 20,000 in their debut week with virtually no radio or video play.

Better yet, scroll down to the part of the thread where label_guy compares Jag's stats with other "famous" debuts (she tops debuts from the roots, jill (even tho she was on MTV2 almost on the daily before her joint dropped!), and several others).

Thoughtfully yours,

Spirit Equality

If you really loved me, you'd check out http://www.mp3.com/spirit_equality

Blackalicious is gonna kill 2002....exhibit A is the link below http://www.mcarecords.com/web_assets/blackalicious/audio/00_paragraphprez_auf.ram

exhibit b of blackalicious illness is below...

I love em, I'm street teaming without being asked. LOL!!!

If you believe in avant garde music with soul, peep out http://www.miscflux.com

2002: The Underground Strikes Back

Abolitionist Movement representing...