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Topic subjectthey don't know the bizness
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=12243&mesg_id=12251
12251, they don't know the bizness
Posted by spirit, Wed Feb-06-02 10:11 AM
see my earlier post, the first reply in this piece...

no video rotation, no real radio rotation, and moving 21,000? that's like selling 21,000 *indie* (cuz the only real diff b/t indie and major label artists, 5 times outta ten, is the indie guys never get radio or video rotation).

(and I don't think the press ads helped)

All I can figure is that the appearance on Unplugged and the (relatively) steady touring + word of mouth did it.

Thoughtfully yours,

Spirit Equality

If you really loved me, you'd check out http://www.mp3.com/spirit_equality

Blackalicious is gonna kill 2002....exhibit A is the link below http://www.mcarecords.com/web_assets/blackalicious/audio/00_paragraphprez_auf.ram

exhibit b of blackalicious illness is below...

I love em, I'm street teaming without being asked. LOL!!!

If you believe in avant garde music with soul, peep out http://www.miscflux.com

2002: The Underground Strikes Back

Abolitionist Movement representing...