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Topic subjectRE: Tweeter Center -- Camden, New Jersey
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=10659&mesg_id=10665
10665, RE: Tweeter Center -- Camden, New Jersey
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Jun-11-02 11:10 AM
>Exactly where is the Tweeter Center? I'll prolly be taking
>the bus up from Baltimore and need to know what public
>transport will take me there.

If you take a bus from Baltimore take it into the Philly Greyhound which is at tenth and Filbert (sp?). Walk two blocks over and one up to the 8th and Market PATCO station. Get on the train going to Jersey and literally the next stop is Broadway, where you want to get off. From there you can walk or take a shuttle bus to the Tweeter Center (formerly the Sony/Blockbuster E Center) which is only a few blocks away. peace.