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Forum nameOkay Artist Archives
Topic subjectloved it
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=10445&mesg_id=10593
10593, loved it
Posted by MicheleQJ, Wed Jul-03-02 05:59 AM
company coming over tonight---the replay at 11 or whatever will be the treat o' the night-- if i had a vcr id tape it -haha

the rhytym of 'you got me' was tight and the intro to it was real cool---like the vocal effects mimicing the cabassas or shakers or whatever --i dont think it was cut...seemed a good length of time...they ended up flashing the title up again when jill started since it had been a while

'the seed' and cody were dope -- nice voice and presence -- thought sounded good too on the under the bridge joint

real good energy (especially considering the fact as i read here that multiple takes were done)

wish there wasnt so much beeping out---this was cable after all

was hot though -- inspiring show

saw grav in the crowd a few times