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Topic subjectMaaan...
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10588, Maaan...
Posted by queenisisdivine, Wed Jul-03-02 05:22 AM
The show was amazing...probably the best I've seen. The Roots, Jill Scott and COM all at once! For 2 freakin' bucks! Aside from it being just short of a quickie...I mean the shit was dope. Jill Scott just ripped it. Common touched my hand TWICE! The floating camera almost hit me up side the head like 6 times...but it was cool (just had to remember to dodge and duck everytime I saw a black figure in the corner of my eye).

Thanks yous and Shout outs:

-Thanks Kyle and Friends for providing with good laughs and conversation while waiting in line and for buying me a sprite. It was MAD hot outside. (And dude with the ice thanks!)

-Thanks to the dude with black coofie for lettin' me use your cell like 5 times. I know I was gettin' on your nerves lol.

-Thanks Kyle's friend again for letting me take your spot right up front! (*Hugs*)

-Shout outs to the camera guy for only getting my side of the crowd like twice. Dude beside me got on like every front row shout and I was straight cut off lol. I know I'm ugly but damn!

-Thanks to my man B Kyle for hooking me up. My friends and I love you dearly!

-Thanks to Rahzel, Res, Thought, and Sway for allowing us to take pics w/ yall!

-Shouts to Barticus and his crew (beside us once again)...first in line for the tix and right up front for the show!

-Thanks everyone up front and in my vicinity for wearing deordorant (I was mighty surprised not to smell any funk)...we was mad cramped and still rocking. My head was shoved under dude next to me arm pit almost the whole show.

-Thanx MTV and the whole Roots crew for making this shyt happen!!

Definitely an experience that will be deeply embedded in my memory for years to come!!! :)



“I'm down to Earth, at times I feel closer to Mars.
The world is yours, I'm hopin’ it's ours...” ~ Common

“I find it distressin', there's never no in-between.
We either niggaz or Kings. We either bitches or Queens.”
~ Mos Def in Blackstar

“We black women are the single group in the West intact. And anybody can see we're pretty shaky. We are, however (all praises), the only group that derives its identity from itself.”
~Nikki Giovanni