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Topic subjectcan i get some change?...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=10134&mesg_id=10141
10141, can i get some change?...
Posted by Akronym, Wed Aug-21-02 04:49 AM
its stupid but thats the firs thing i thought he was seriously asking.ha..1

*my avatar* i think i found my new wife! she is from American Idol...but Tamyra Gray is still sexy as fuck...ahh geeese..*hangs head cause he watches the show*..lol

J-Live "The 4th 3rd"
Ras Kass "Golden Child (Primo Remix)"
Lacksidaisycal "Nothing Going On"

Heinz Moleman!