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Forum nameOkay Artist Archives
Topic subjectRE: there is NO way in hell
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=10061&mesg_id=10120
10120, RE: there is NO way in hell
Posted by SPADE, Wed Oct-02-02 03:29 AM
I agree with you. the okayartist aren't using this forum to it's full capacity. Most of them aren't even trying.

But I will speak on something that bothered me last month. Krewcial had a post about the new JFN album and explained why he didn't like the album. It was not negative in the sense that he blasted the artist or the product. It was constructive critism (IMO).

So you know what happened? Yup okayhaters blasted the JFN and the okay dickriders attacked krewcial. Very few people tried to approach the subject in same respectable manner as Krewcial.

But what bothered me the most was Mercedes response. Maybe it was the emotions she was feeling but her response was insulting. It's in the JFN diaries if anyone wants to read it. And I was a person who didn't like the album when I had the promo but still brought the album to support their efforts. I even played it to others because hey everybody has their own taste. after reading Mercedes response it made me feel if I didn't like something that I should just shut up. I am not a fan. Okayplayer core of audience is Hip Hop fans and not into what the Jazzies were doing. ETC. Etc. Etc. That's how I was made to feel. I had been lumped in with this idea of what she percieved to be okayplayer audience. That wasn't cool. It showed me what the artist really thought of okayplayer or rather the people who posted.

So why would someone use a tool like okayplayer if the percieve us limited audience?