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Forum nameOkay Artist Archives
Topic subjectI have to say
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=10061&mesg_id=10085
10085, I have to say
Posted by kmycoolness, Thu Sep-26-02 04:41 AM
That is this a good ass post. I know that you are gonna get flack with it as well. I have to agree with you on all points. I being one that haven’t' been here from the start but for a while now don't get why some artist on here are "on here". I know that when I was in IL I really didn't come to the site and check different things because I had pees that kept me in the loop. Now I moved to MS (don't ask) and I am here all the time not that I say much but there is no interaction. I mean I know you are not going to do what I say i.e. can you come to New Orleans and bring everone you know more often cuase I am in desparate need of serious a concert!! But just to say what's up? What y’all want me to do as a suggestion.. And if you don't use it fine but if you use oh how much more I would be supportive and tell the world about it. Not only because I enjoy your music but because you used an I idea that came form me a peon so I gotta give you props to get me some..
All in all this is a good post and if it could be like that the world as we know it would be a better place. Not kidding.
Well that is my .02
Good day