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Forum nameOkay Artist Archives
Topic subjectwell then if i were an oka and i wanted to sell
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=10061&mesg_id=10084
10084, well then if i were an oka and i wanted to sell
Posted by lazyboi, Thu Sep-26-02 05:43 AM
more records, guess what?

i'd make time and get a lil pc savy

it doesn't take much to us a pc. and as far as time goes, well if you don't have time to promote ur work, then........

what do you do with an album after you drop it? u promote it and tour. this is promotion. why sign up for and pay for (or get paid for) a fan website and not use it?

well i guess it is getting used with the individual artists sites , but just speaking for me. i'd be keeping my ass in you all's eyesight

movie line: they wanna be all profes...talking bout conditions, conditions this conditio..CONDITIONS FOR WHAT?...it's their manager...well they manager gonna get them fucked up, they act like i'm getting paid.....

i can't believe he/she said that shit:

"What Mo'nique didn't tell you big broads is that skinny girls can crack jokes too...By the time I finished freeing Willy...Runnybuns moved to another seat."

okpre_atl@hotmail.com http://reunion.kodefendant.com