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Topic subjectthe images i create in my mind
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=94201&mesg_id=94645
94645, the images i create in my mind
Posted by DVActivist, Tue May-30-06 10:22 AM
never match the actual person

and i'm trying to figure out why i initially think certain people look a certain way. anyway i wanna give shout outs too

lovejones- great accent, so warm and friendly. i think you are just like u r on the boards

wugambina- very nice as well, i loved your dress saturday night

mrthomas- u r whoever u are, i love u like a step-brother

oh10- D&G though? wow- u are a hood ass negro, thanks for lettin us keep our shit in yall room

doug funnie- u were pleasant and cordial, and not nearly as nasty-talkin as u are on the boards. i am hopin u didn't remember all that shit i be sayin in them inbox-me-a-secret posts. at the same time i wanted to befriend u so u could give me the scoop. u seem too honest though, so it woulda been a lost cause

thanks for being welcoming to the ladies that signed us in

chemical- it is always a pleasure, i just love your style and u are so friendly, which makes it even nicer to know ya

natralyght- the same goes for you, always smiling! i love that smile

thashadow- i can't believe u were actually going to be that fucking generous. anyway, it's always fun

hypnotic- u look like halle berry, and i'm not just sayin that to be nice. it was nice to meet ya

RAin- good to see u again too. i always feel like we're supposed to sit down and talk but we never do... maybe it's just me

Riot- u were busy talkin to my friend the whole damn time, but for the 7 seconds we met, u seem like a cool dude. i said some mean things about u when we were at the bbq but thats just cuz i got in a stank mood. so, sorry

goldmind- i wish u were there longer :( i like u. i like u a lot

trace- another smiley girl, very nice to finally meet u, so now i won't feel bad when i crash yall philly pancake breakfasts.

akon- funny... very very funny in a sarcastic and truthful kind of way. nice to meet u as well. i was dyin at some of your observations at the bbq. priceless

clipse- i am stank, erica is right. i treat u badly cuz noone else does and i think we need some balance to our interactions. i've always been very nice to u so this time it was apprpriate to get stank. i love u though, like a foster brother

kwame- u r soooooooooooo cute

babysoulrebel- we talk more on okp than we do in person. but i know u were crazy busy, yall did an amazing job with the food and shit. everything was wonderful

deluge- we didn't formally introduce but i enjoyed our mini hide-n-seek behind a boho game

novembersgift- that blueberry popsicle had u lookin smoked out. it was nice to meet u and enjoy a quick game of spades, yall whooped our asses so i'm sure you're glad i wasn't on your team. :(

mindstorm- we also didn't formally get introduced but it was cool to sit and agree on a few things for a minute

cyren- did i say something mean to u at pop burger? if i did, i apologize, i don't remember half of the night

sha- u r always so fabulous... the earrings, the hair the skin... just so on point

everyone else, it was very nice to meet you all. i look forward to hanging out again, next time i'll actually go to more stuff.
that 80's porno in pop burger was dry and hurtful to my eyes. yikes but haha

the okaymentary made me feel super warm and fuzzy inside. proud to be a part of the okp positivity. proud to know i'm not alone in my addiction.