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Topic subjectRE: I think the pregnancy complicates the Cersei thing
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=208817&mesg_id=208830
208830, RE: I think the pregnancy complicates the Cersei thing
Posted by Mynoriti, Mon May-06-19 12:58 PM
>>a surprise attack being an issue. Probably the only way it
>>could happen.
>Seems like Daenarys should've spotted them a mile away. And
>nobody was on watch on the ships?

They were behind mountains. I'm not sure how high up the dragons were. I think they just got lax. You would think Dany and them would be more weary of spears and scorpions at this point tho.

>Plus how he just rolled up in there with a crossbow, now that
>the white walkers are dead they don't have security at

LOL i thought that too, but Bron's kind of a bad mf so i allowed it.