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Topic subjectY'all Remember That Time OKP Laughed and Traded ____'s Revenge Porn?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=204804
204804, Y'all Remember That Time OKP Laughed and Traded ____'s Revenge Porn?
Posted by Damali, Sat Nov-11-17 11:12 PM
last laugh.zip

how many of y'all dudes reading this right now laughed and traded that shit via inbox some years ago when that piece of shit uploaded it with his corny ass rap?

he better not EVER get famous cuz I will be the first in line to expose his ass.

we DATED...were together and shared pics with my BOYFRIEND at time.... we break up, then five years later, outta nowhere, he shares my pics on this website, along with a bunch of other okp women...

and the majority of the dudes here openly applauded him, laughed at all of us, made critical comments about our bodies and traded the zip file with each other...gleefully supporting his disgusting revenge porn actions...there were a small handful of dudes (and mods) who tried to protect us but they were clowned for it.

and even if you didn't participate in that, you probably relished checking out Vida Guerra's "leaked" pics or Scar Joe's...knowing that they both were violated in the process

The point of this post is:

It's not just Hollywood.

ALL Ya'll men need to get your fucking houses in order...find some other way to define your manhood that isn't at the expense of women.

204805, Anybody still got that MP3?
Posted by SeV, Sat Nov-11-17 11:38 PM


Dallas Cavericks LETS GO!!
204806, yup. check your inbox; i sent it to you.
Posted by Damali, Sat Nov-11-17 11:55 PM
204807, I dont rememebr this situation but thats wild
Posted by Heinz, Sun Nov-12-17 02:57 AM


IG @h_n_z
204808, ^
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Nov-12-17 03:02 AM
204809, I don't remember this but that's messed up
Posted by makaveli, Sun Nov-12-17 07:36 AM
204810, yup and your boy SeV, above was a big part of it
Posted by Damali, Sun Nov-12-17 08:44 AM
204811, Wtf
Posted by SeV, Sun Nov-12-17 12:10 PM

I ain't send that shyt to nobody or even ask for that shyt

Only reason I saw it cause ol girl posted it up in aim chat

Don't lie on me to defend your pedo friendly homie

U kinda low key dissed him by bringing this up as something reprehensible as a spinoff to my post since he sees nothing wrong with what he said

Edit: And to be honest I was bullshytn bout the track

I didn't even know he made a song to it till u mentioned it

But if u really got it inbox a nygga

I can keep the pics

Lord knows I wish me eyes never had seen those


Dallas Cavericks LETS GO!!
204812, Whoa this is hella judgmental...
Posted by hip bopper, Sun Nov-12-17 07:47 AM

>and even if you didn't participate in that, you probably
>relished checking out Vida Guerra's "leaked" pics or Scar
>Joe's...knowing that they both were violated in the process
>The point of this post is:
>It's not just Hollywood.
>ALL Ya'll men need to get your fucking houses in order...find
>some other way to define your manhood that isn't at the
>expense of women.

I wasn’t posting at the time that post was made, but all men don’t do this. There are are some good dudes and there are some scum bags... same with women. People that you care about, you wouldn’t dare to that to that person. The sad thing is that none of this shit is going to stop. The internet is too powerful which gives people too much of a platform to post bullshit.
204813, You need thicker skin.
Posted by MEAT, Sun Nov-12-17 07:56 AM
204814, You need to stop riding jocks!!!
Posted by hip bopper, Sun Nov-12-17 08:53 AM
204815, your #notallmen and "thats the way it is" BS isn't good enough anymore
Posted by Damali, Sun Nov-12-17 08:43 AM
those are the same excuses that white people claim when you tell them they are all socialized to be racist.

you must own that as a hetero male, you have been SOCIALIZED TO BE SEXIST. own that shit then you can deal with it.

the right response is to observe your own behaviors and see what other ways you might be contributing to rape culture

then if you find none, speak out against that shit when you witness it and teach other younger males how to upend it.

because even the GOOD MEN are complicit at maintaining the status quo.

and if you can't understand that, there's nothing for me to argue with you about. just like its not my job to educate white people on their privilege, i'm not going to spend another second educating you on yours.

204816, RE: your #notallmen and "thats the way it is" BS isn't good enough anymore
Posted by hip bopper, Sun Nov-12-17 08:59 AM
>those are the same excuses that white people claim when you
>tell them they are all socialized to be racist.
>you must own that as a hetero male, you have been SOCIALIZED
>TO BE SEXIST. own that shit then you can deal with it.
No I haven’t and I will not to forced to claim that bullshit.

>the right response is to observe your own behaviors and see
>what other ways you might be contributing to rape culture

The right response was the one I gave. I don’t contribute to that bullshit at all so don’t assume that I am.

>then if you find none, speak out against that shit when you
>witness it and teach other younger males how to upend it.
>because even the GOOD MEN are complicit at maintaining the
>status quo.

That’s a given as all men to do with these younger males.

>and if you can't understand that, there's nothing for me to
>argue with you about. just like its not my job to educate
>white people on their privilege, i'm not going to spend
>another second educating you on yours.

Well carry in then ‘cause you could never educated me on anything!!!!!

Lastly those type of posts should be curtailed by the mods. They allow all the bullshit on here so a majority of the blame is on them. Reduce or eliminate what people can post about will put an end to most of the bullshit. They allow all the porn, nudes, etc. If they continually delete these posts then it wouldn’t make this place a safe haven for them.
204817, You're a huge part of the problem.
Posted by SoWhat, Sun Nov-12-17 10:00 AM
You and men like you. Your denial feeds the bullshit.

If you don't participate that's great. But you see it around you. If you don't you're an idiot or a hermit. If you don't see it and don't participate in it then trust that it happens. If you want better for women then do your part by at least shutting the fuck up in these discussions if you can't help or won't help due to your denial.

Stfu sometimes.
204818, No bitch you are
Posted by hip bopper, Sun Nov-12-17 03:19 PM
My denial of what... that I participate in rape culture when I don’t.

All your bitch ass does is talk loud on a message board when you probably don’t give a fuck about women your damn self (since you want to make generalizations).

Whatever happens on here post wise the mods should take remove those posts, and the usually don’t. The real test is in real life with people you come in contact everyday. Anyone can say whatever they want to make themselves look good which you like to do.

Stfu period
204819, https://www.do2learn.com/picturecards/images/imageschedule/sitdown_l.gif
Posted by double negative, Sun Nov-12-17 11:41 AM
204820, He has a point.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Mon Nov-13-17 08:01 AM
>those are the same excuses that white people claim when you
>tell them they are all socialized to be racist.

White responsibility isn't just about how they're
socialized but also about the power vested in
them by the structure itself (i.e. being deputized
to kill Black people with minimal or no punishment).

These privileges you attribute to men simply are
not given to all men neither socially nor institutionally.
As a woman raising Black boys, one would think you'd
have some awareness of that. Yall also cosigned an
article that literally said Black men are at the
bottom of "every metric determining quality of life."
That does not happen to a privileged group of people.
Black men therefore don't have the systemic power
to oppress any woman. We can mistreat women, but any
person can mistreat another person. Since Black men
are near or at the bottom of every metric, that means
that everyone (including Black women) is socialized to
devalue Black men. It also means Black misandry is more
systemically powerful than Black misogyny.

With that said, it's terrible what happened to you
others involved, and I wish yall some peace if possible.
As you can see, most of us either weren't even here
for it or can't fathom participating in such a thing.

204821, Damn I missed this shit too lol
Posted by ThaTruth, Sun Nov-12-17 08:03 AM
204822, theres nothing funny about it.
Posted by Damali, Sun Nov-12-17 08:45 AM
204823, I always wondered what that was about
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Sun Nov-12-17 09:17 AM
and now I'm trying to understand why that post is so fondly remembered.
204824, Sounds terrible
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Nov-12-17 09:32 AM
and disgusting.
204825, this is when I'm glad
Posted by tariqhu, Sun Nov-12-17 09:44 AM
that I'm out of touch on most the stuff here. I thought this was the opposite. thought it was a bunch of dude pics. either way, disgusting.
204826, I get the point of this post, but eh
Posted by atruhead, Sun Nov-12-17 09:47 AM
it could be making victims re-live trauma they put past them, I think the point could have been made without bringing up that incident

it wasn't cool then, but hilarious in a sad way at how psychotic it was. 10 years later it's definitely shameful

Im hoping this post doesnt give life to more controversy on Facebook etc because people who used to post here still live for the bullshit
204827, Err, she was ome of the victims
Posted by BigReg, Sun Nov-12-17 09:54 AM
204828, which I get
Posted by atruhead, Sun Nov-12-17 10:03 AM
by and large, lots of us were assholes in that era even if it wasn't to revenge porn levels
there are some people who still post here that I wont ever acknowledge, let alone piss on if they were on fire
but this post seems to bear a lot of resentment (which I get to a degree)
I hope dude learned and grew to be better and I hope anyone else affected has healed
204829, Err, can you heal if ya nudes is out on the internet?
Posted by BigReg, Sun Nov-12-17 10:11 AM
>by and large, lots of us were assholes in that era even if it
>wasn't to revenge porn levels
>there are some people who still post here that I wont ever
>acknowledge, let alone piss on if they were on fire
>but this post seems to bear a lot of resentment (which I get
>to a degree)
>I hope dude learned and grew to be better and I hope anyone
>else affected has healed

Thats permenant.
The problem with that incident is that it can’t be undone once things like that are out in the wild. Being assholes don’t cover it tho; that was’t in the same sphere as 99 of the asshole behavior on here that we can joke, or laugh about now. It was then, and now, fucking vile.
204830, It doesn't seem like you get the point of this post.
Posted by MEAT, Sun Nov-12-17 10:35 AM
204831, I'd never tell a woman how to feel about something like this
Posted by atruhead, Sun Nov-12-17 10:47 AM
but this post was a direct response to a troll post that was calling out another person trolling

we could have had a productive conversation about doing better around here, but now men (who aren't satisfied with every piece of legal porn ever made being available online) who didn't even know about this are probably going to be on some "wait, I want in too"

I actually feel sad for anyone who still has the file or its contents, that's serial killer levels of depravity to horde shit like that for a decade
204832, Fuck you
Posted by SoWhat, Sun Nov-12-17 10:49 AM
I meant what I said and wasnt trolling. The nigger sev is a worthless troll.
204833, yep, "jerking off in front of kids is fine" wasnt said to rile people up
Posted by atruhead, Sun Nov-12-17 10:50 AM
204834, 'jerking off in front of kids is fine' wasnt said.
Posted by SoWhat, Sun Nov-12-17 11:12 AM

Use troll logic all you want. But what was actually said and WHY is right there in the archived post you bitch. Keep trying to throw that stone and hide your little sanctimonious passive aggressive hand and i might see you about it. Fuck that shit. I know where Torrence is, ho.
204835, I don't feel like doing this
Posted by atruhead, Sun Nov-12-17 11:43 AM
your exact sentiments include

"i'm not overly concerned about kids seeing someone masturbate."
"it's just a penis."

if I translate that in simpler terms as "jerking off in front of kids is fine" and call it trolling, yet you're offended by it...maybe scale back what I call trolling? but you can't have it both ways (trolling ----> "fuck you bitch, Im not trolling)

the original post wasnt about you, let's end this here.

as far as threatening to find me, good luck going door to door in a city of 147,000. I hope you don't get disbarred letting internet comments upset you
204836, Yeah. I'm more convinced of my initial statement.
Posted by MEAT, Sun Nov-12-17 11:32 AM
204837, RE: I'd never tell a woman how to feel about something like this
Posted by MEAT, Sun Nov-12-17 11:35 AM
>we could have had a productive conversation about doing better
>around here, but now men (who aren't satisfied with every
>piece of legal porn ever made being available online) who
>didn't even know about this are probably going to be on some
>"wait, I want in too"

I made an entire post centered around and about rape culture.
It was not productive.
This post wasn't for nor about that conversation though.
204838, Those are now criminal acts. What's the statute of limitation on them?
Posted by SoWhat, Sun Nov-12-17 09:50 AM
I wonder if any of the women involved are interested in pursuing criminal prosecution? Would any sign a criminal complaint?

Regardless, that shit was immensely foul. Those dudes must really hate women. Or at least they did back then. I wonder if they've changed?
204839, Worst thing Ive ever seen here
Posted by BigReg, Sun Nov-12-17 10:06 AM
and ive seen some vile behavior from the community front and back

He was the first j-a-n-u-s where any references towards the file or his name was erased on site (and honestly even as annoying J was, (and how he crossed the line with threats) his behavior never even reached that height .

Even I was confused at how people took it like a generic poast and kept the party going, dudes would reference it fondly as if he was on temp timeout for some stupid shit; shouting out the incident,etc.

I still don’t get it to be honest...it was on some proto-4chan abhorrent stuff and it was worse then Damali described. I literally wanted to delete the boards, it was just so fucking meanspirited for a bunch of motherfuckers claiming to be a community.
204840, We never really acknowledged how fucked up it was.
Posted by AFRICAN, Sun Nov-12-17 10:49 AM
Even those of us who didn’t participate ,share or even see the files.
I’m ashamed of that.
We laughed it off and giggled about spicy tofu.
I hope I’ve grown into a better person.
204841, Nah. Wasn’t around for that shit.
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Nov-12-17 11:10 AM
204842, one of the 4 horsemen of the OKPacalypse
Posted by eclipsedInI, Sun Nov-12-17 11:28 AM
it ushered in the continued beginning of the end
204843, one okp was underage when she took them naked pics too.
Posted by Reeq, Sun Nov-12-17 11:57 AM
that went a lil underdiscussed.
204844, How did he not get in any REAL trouble, wtf!
Posted by isaaaa, Sun Nov-12-17 06:22 PM
Anti-gentrification, cheap alcohol & trying to look pretty in our twilight posting years (c) Big Reg
204845, dude was on some real life predator shit bro.
Posted by Reeq, Sun Nov-12-17 06:53 PM
if he saw you talking to one of his exes/currents on the board...he would hit you up on aim chat and ask if you fucked her. just to keep tabs. if not then he would try to cockblock and run you off the route.

still handcuffing mad years later nshit.

any time he saw me talking to okp s****s on the board he would hit me up and ask if i fucked yet lol. nah munnygrip. thats all you.
204846, Underage damn
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Nov-12-17 06:41 PM
the more I read the worst it gets.
204847, Is the guy Lunchbox?
Posted by Heinz, Sun Nov-12-17 07:22 PM


IG @h_n_z
204848, lol fam.
Posted by Reeq, Sun Nov-12-17 07:50 PM
204849, Lunchbox the narcoleptic???
Posted by Cenario, Sun Nov-12-17 09:34 PM
I remember that name from the freestyle boards like 15 years ago. Wasn't venturing into GD back then.

204850, Damn, smh
Posted by Cenario, Sun Nov-12-17 09:34 PM
204851, Didn't he hitchhike to a OKP:Re?
Posted by isaaaa, Sun Nov-12-17 03:43 PM

Anti-gentrification, cheap alcohol & trying to look pretty in our twilight posting years (c) Big Reg

[font size=4 font color="green"
204852, I can't believe people are still friends/friendly with dude
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Nov-12-17 05:39 PM
it's just bizarre to me

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
204853, He still post?
Posted by MEAT, Sun Nov-12-17 07:20 PM
I wasn't on site like that back then and most of this.
204854, no, but I've seen him pop up tangentially on facebook
Posted by Rjcc, Mon Nov-13-17 12:46 AM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
204855, RE: Y'all Remember That Time OKP Laughed and Traded ____'s Revenge Porn?
Posted by auset1, Sun Nov-12-17 06:07 PM
And they wonder why women left....
I remember that shit.

204856, All the people who left are doing as fucked up weird shit in a private
Posted by Heinz, Sun Nov-12-17 07:19 PM
Facebook group, don't let all this social justice warrior ish fool you LOL

The amount of online Louis CK whipping it out both male and female going on behind private Facebook closed doors is hilarious. Holier than thou ass mofos I swear.


IG @h_n_z
204857, apparently, you're in said groups?
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Nov-12-17 10:48 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
204858, Nope
Posted by Heinz, Sun Nov-12-17 10:50 PM
I know people in there and I'm sure you know people in there it's not hard to find out what goes on in it. Shoot you are old enough that you might be in it lol

IG @h_n_z
204859, You seem to hang out with a different circle of people than I do.
Posted by Rjcc, Mon Nov-13-17 12:46 AM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
204860, *shrugs* what are we doing here?
Posted by Heinz, Mon Nov-13-17 01:25 AM
This ain't the tech page where you freak out on people over TVs and phones and people just take it. If you want me be an asshole let me know you fucking loser LOL smh

IG @h_n_z
204861, You kinda came in trolling the post tho
Posted by BigReg, Mon Nov-13-17 10:01 AM
On some,


Where yeah, they do some silly shit but its run of the mill silly shit; imessage screenshots, you find out XXX and XXX fucked each other. That's run of the mill twitter beef shit...I fell into a black twitter trap last night where the controversy was one person sending an unsolicited dick pick. Meanwhile ten years ago on the boards women literally set up a website for all the dick pics they received from the boards and off (and to keep with the creeper vibe some of the women who offered off some of their dick picks were underage at the time so lord knows how that happened)
204862, Wtf....I'm so lost.
Posted by Cenario, Sun Nov-12-17 06:33 PM
204863, same
Posted by Johnny, Sun Nov-12-17 07:30 PM
i feel like I know about 35% of the info for every okp scandal/beef/major event

204864, It was extremely fucked up.
Posted by shygurl, Sun Nov-12-17 07:49 PM
Being younger then and not fully realizing the depth of what was happening, I always thought it was fucked up. I didn't think about the fact that it was a *criminal* act, and the trauma it affected on the people involved.

Also, you are absolutely right about how people see this Hollywood thing as just something rich people are doing, and not how it is something that we've all been complicit in, and how we need to examine our own behaviors.
204865, ^^^
Posted by Rjcc, Mon Nov-13-17 12:47 AM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
204866, Never understood revenge porn...sorry that happened
Posted by Cenario, Sun Nov-12-17 09:39 PM
To whoever it did. You gotta be some real crud to pass around an ex's photo like that.

Not sure if that's the same as celebrities nudes leaking or if it's even a male issue. If some dude had his nudes leaked, i'm sure women would be lining up to see. It's more of a societal issue imo.
204867, Is this why niggas was in my inbox asking for naked pics?
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Nov-12-17 11:06 PM
>last laugh.zip
>how many of y'all dudes reading this right now laughed and
>traded that shit via inbox some years ago when that piece of
>shit uploaded it with his corny ass rap?
>he better not EVER get famous cuz I will be the first in line
>to expose his ass.
>we DATED...were together and shared pics with my BOYFRIEND at
>time.... we break up, then five years later, outta nowhere, he
>shares my pics on this website, along with a bunch of other
>okp women...
>and the majority of the dudes here openly applauded him,
>laughed at all of us, made critical comments about our bodies
>and traded the zip file with each other...gleefully supporting
>his disgusting revenge porn actions...there were a small
>handful of dudes (and mods) who tried to protect us but they
>were clowned for it.
>and even if you didn't participate in that, you probably
>relished checking out Vida Guerra's "leaked" pics or Scar
>Joe's...knowing that they both were violated in the process
>The point of this post is:
>It's not just Hollywood.
>ALL Ya'll men need to get your fucking houses in order...find
>some other way to define your manhood that isn't at the
>expense of women.

... "A Beautiful Struggle"

204868, that shit was so trash my memory is most folks teeheeing and
Posted by dba_BAD, Sun Nov-12-17 11:15 PM
vying for the inbox

i dont recall a lot of concern at the time, maybe i'm misremembering but i dont think so
204869, I debated about commenting on this
Posted by DVS, Mon Nov-13-17 08:00 AM
but taking ownership is something that's become more and more important to me as I grow up, so let's rap.

Did I have a part in the creation and release of that? Nope. I found out about it after the shit went down.

Did I have a part in the environment where that type of shit happened? 100%. I'm not going to sit here and say that I haven't in my life pestered somebody for a picture that I wasn't supposed to have any access to. That's a fact.

So let's be adult about this shit. A lot of the sexual harassment and body shaming and shit that has happened on this site is indicative of some shit that's going on within MEN in general. We all have our crosses to bear and that one is most definitely ours. It's problematic. It's way deeper than any website.

What I won't do is apologize for being a friend. That, thru all the ups and downs, has stayed and remained. We all grow and change and friendship is supposed to weather that.

What I do want to SPECIFICALLY apologize for is the way that I behaved on here when I was a youth. I grew up on this site. I had my heart broken on this site. I lived and loved and eventually married off this site. So y'all, whether you paid attention or not, have seen me grow up into a (semi)respectable member of society while arguing with fools about music and politics, etc.

I'll own that I exhibited thirsty assed behavior when I came here. And I know that some folks just don't FUCK with me to this day from that time period because of it. I'll eat that.

I've also grown quite a bit since logging on back in 2001, and I truly regret some of the ways I behaved and, most importantly, MY OWN LACK OF VALUE IN MYSELF. I was a broken thing when I came here. I got better.

At the end of the day, it's all personal. I know that shit hurt you and STILL hurts you. So, publicly as opposed to the messages we've swapped over the years, I apologize for contributing to that environment, sis. I sincerely do.

204870, with all due respect
Posted by atruhead, Mon Nov-13-17 09:12 AM
it's good that you acknowledged your growth but your only comment specifically related to the shenanigans was "I didnt have anything to do with it, but Im riding with my guy"

I actively work to not be scum (Im still not all the way there), I have associates and friends who could stand to be better, but I've never been in a position to have to defend someone publicly so I cant imagine whether or not you're conflicted in your loyalty

if dude knows you're in his corner, that's between yall. telling people who still find him reprehensible "that's my man regardless" *almost* sounds like enabling (I dont know what discussion you two have had over the years)

I think the best resolution would be him reaching out to anyone affected and making amends if he hasnt and cares to, and then of course his apology would have to be accepted. the last public comment I saw from him was a blog to the effect of "yes they deserved the leaks and I hope they burn in hell"

I know from the relationships I've been in that pride/shame is a real thing and some people dont believe in peaceful closure though

204871, Not sure how you got that from this, but I'll bite
Posted by DVS, Mon Nov-13-17 09:49 AM
He didn't make this post.

Nothing I said here in public isn't anything that she and I haven't talked about in private. I will admit I'm a little surprised that out of all I typed, that's what we are focused on. But cool. I'll bite.

Everything specific about this is over a decade old. Are you the same person now that you are then? I know I'm not. I also know what I said about this behind closed doors...and just because I'm not blasting him in public doesn't mean some very harsh shit wasn't said in private.

I'm not caping for him, my g. I didn't agree with it then, I don't agree with it now...but I didn't sever all ties. I explained. I counseled. I chastised. I did everything that a true friend is supposed to do.

But, once again...ain't about that. It's about that what she mentioned is real as shit...and I wouldn't be the man I claim to be if I didn't admit to my part in that environment.

Hope that makes sense.
204872, Shit, at least your crappy behavior that time had an excuse
Posted by BigReg, Mon Nov-13-17 09:39 AM
At least you had a conflict.

Rest of us tho?

And don't get me wrong, I ain't preaching from the top of the mountain.

That particular incident I saw in 3D clarity but even as a mod at that there's been plenty of times where ive hee hee'ed on some guy shit when I shouldda pulled out the baton, on top of the regular shitty men shit that I ain't get till years later (like you said/damili referenced, its not as if in the past id be like, 'Oh noez, Vida Guerra pics, get thee away from me!').

Some of it is being young and stupid, but it's kinda sad that young and stupid comes in a particular asshole guy kinda flavor, and by the time we've grown out of it much of the damage is done across the board

204873, It's about ownership. I can't and won't hide from my part.
Posted by DVS, Mon Nov-13-17 09:52 AM
Ain't no excuses
204874, but it was so much better/safer back then huh?
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Nov-13-17 08:53 AM
gotdamn these stories about the good old days a sound awful

204875, this place was wild. Mad Max wild.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Mon Nov-13-17 09:37 AM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
204876, yeah.. every time I hear an old story
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Nov-13-17 09:44 AM
I'm like wait a minute..

y'all talk like it's so bad now but back then? yeeesh
204877, It's a different kinda bad now.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Mon Nov-13-17 09:45 AM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
204878, Nigger youd fit right in back then. Stfu.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Nov-13-17 09:47 AM
204879, RE: but it was so much better/safer back then huh?
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Nov-13-17 09:39 AM
204880, lol this shit lowkey funny.
Posted by Reeq, Mon Nov-13-17 09:47 AM
nigga just running up on folks with the draco and no convo.
204881, Shhhh. Lol
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Nov-13-17 09:47 AM
I'm unhinged.
204882, right, but our jokes drove the ladies away?
Posted by Cenario, Mon Nov-13-17 09:47 AM
204883, You're not a scum sucking maggot.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Nov-13-17 09:48 AM
Nope. A paragon of virtue and a rapturously funny comedian.
204884, Thanks Bro! I love reading your opinions. So insightful.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Nov-13-17 09:52 AM
204885, its bc I'm smarter than you.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Nov-13-17 09:53 AM
You're really stupid.
204886, it was better, worse, everything inbetween. now it's just kinda a consistent
Posted by Government Name, Mon Nov-13-17 09:51 AM
level of light trash
204887, This shit is like Sunday school now lol
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Nov-13-17 09:54 AM
204888, This shit is like Sunday school now lol
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Nov-13-17 09:54 AM
204889, the 1st post i ever remember in gd
Posted by Reeq, Mon Nov-13-17 09:58 AM
i used to leak unreleased/advance kanye/common/kweli shit in the lesson when i first got here.

i wandered over to gd one day and there was a post from one okp chick saying another okp chick got aids lol. there was an okp dude in the mix too. he was one of their boyfriend and the other ones ex. somebody came in and said he needs to worry about another okp fucking his babymoms (a completely different okp chick lol).

wild cowboy.

shit made me keep coming back every day for mad years straight lol.

there was a lot of positive really dope shit taking place regularly too. but the circus sold the most tickets.
204890, See, these type of stories let me know
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Nov-13-17 10:05 AM
that folks just got older and moved on due to other sites.

now folks go ham if you call Caitlyn Bruce..

Back then folks were calling your job and getting folks fired.
204891, right everybody is so overly political correct now back then you had...
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Nov-13-17 10:10 AM
>that folks just got older and moved on due to other sites.
>now folks go ham if you call Caitlyn Bruce..
>Back then folks were calling your job and getting folks fired.

beholdme and Janis going ham AND cheese up in this bitch lol
204892, don't be e a Black Straight Male on OKP bruh..
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Nov-13-17 10:16 AM
204893, LOL. That's what y'all got out of this exchange
Posted by BigReg, Mon Nov-13-17 10:27 AM
God bless y'all.
204894, tongue was planted firmly in cheek.. cmon, you should know by now
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Nov-13-17 10:28 AM
204895, Bringing up the old days has me on high mod alert
Posted by BigReg, Mon Nov-13-17 10:31 AM
204896, Not trying to tell you how to do your job but ummm
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Nov-13-17 10:46 AM
just sayin.

Help him out.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Nov-13-17 10:35 AM
post barrel of a gun pictures instead.
204898, Be smarter, dummy.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Nov-13-17 10:43 AM
204899, yeah shit got super sensitive on here.
Posted by Reeq, Mon Nov-13-17 10:26 AM
lowkey i think the over-moderation and pc policing of the board ran off more people than the drama.

niggas literally came on the board for a decade from like 8am to midnight for the drama. logging in aim chat for the drama. joining nightly conference calls for the drama.

once mods got heavy handed with the parental vibe...this shit started to grind to a halt.
204900, You mean we won.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Nov-13-17 10:44 AM

Yay! We won! We ran those clowns off the board!!!!!!!!!!

We won!
204901, congrats.
Posted by Reeq, Mon Nov-13-17 10:47 AM
(looks like you the last okgay left too)
204902, Yup. Lol
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Nov-13-17 10:49 AM
204903, is FUCK YOU part of your sig or do you type it each time?
Posted by SooperEgo, Mon Nov-13-17 10:51 AM
204904, Wonder.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Nov-13-17 10:55 AM
204905, lmao right?
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Mon Nov-13-17 10:07 AM
i still dont know how i missed this last laugh shit cause i was on the boards heavy back then
204906, no one has said or implied it was better before, you just make shit up
Posted by atruhead, Mon Nov-13-17 10:29 AM
the exact sentiment is "how have niggas not grown past the bullshit by now?"

hell, the incident this post is about kind of happened because we had allowed things to build up to that point. for a few years the culture was "how can I ruin someone's day?", this guy just hit the nuclear button though

the troll/mean spirited shit on here now is a downgrade from where we were, only because most people dipped off
204907, Nigga please.. it’s been said and implied countless times
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Nov-13-17 10:48 AM
and you still passive aggressive as hell. You still ain’t changed.

You talk a good game but your actions say otherwise.

Have a good week.
204908, lol people are always talking bout the good ol days, stop.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Nov-13-17 10:56 AM
204909, I got here in 02 but somehow missed so much
Posted by Paps_Smear, Mon Nov-13-17 10:43 AM
At one point I went away for a long time so there was a stretch I missed but I swear half of this shit I don't remember at all.

I was part of the late night crew also, didn't have time for the daytime foolishness.

Someone refresh my memory, was the midnight cats wildin out this much? Seems like we were pretty chill for the most part.