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Topic subjectyou're typing from behind a computer
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=200144&mesg_id=200182
200182, you're typing from behind a computer
Posted by atruhead, Mon Aug-11-14 06:33 AM
I understand feeling helpless and frustrated
but it's way easier to tell someone else to essentially give up their lives when it isn't you
more often than not, rage isnt a logical solution worth anything over a long term

I see why the disenfranchised in St. Louis are fed up*, but random niggas with health benefits paying four figure rent or mortgages? I dont believe yall are about that action, nor should you be

*most of them aren't rioting because a boy was killed, they're rioting because they dont have shit