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Topic subjectRE: Hmm
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=197034&mesg_id=197062
197062, RE: Hmm
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Fri Sep-12-14 01:39 AM
>>>To think in 2014, people wanna give you shit because you
>>>open to having sex with non Black women. Very sad, man.
>>Now muthafucka you know good and goddamn well ain't nobody
>>goin in over the
>>mere fact that he'd have sex with a non-black woman. You
>>not that fucking stupid.
>>And you might as well thank those with Stockholm Syndrome
>>being open-minded too.
>>You niggas and your self-imposed cognitive distortions, lol.
>You are full of shit, dude. Dudes on this board are known to
>piss and moan about where another man puts his dick and yes,
>some dudes here did give him shit for his attraction to this
>young lady. Don't act like people don't care because they do!

Again... and read this really slowly so that you comprehend. No one's giving him shit
because she's not black. They're giving him shit because she's a racist idiot...
racist against him in particular.
I know you're smart enough to understand that, even tho you want to pretend not
to be in order to tout yourself as some kind of open-minded superior being.

>Now, men who got a life do not worry about what other men
>like, is attracted to, etc..

That's some new millennium "y u hatin" bullshit that I hover above. The truth is
that the people coming to this girl's defense are men who wanna fuck, have fucked,
or got homies who fuckin, etc... thus perpetuating this bullshit. Therefore, your
statement is false... and if it's NOT false, you just exposed yourSELF as a man
without a life, because you're the one who asked him if he'd fuck the racist.
Damn what a mirror.

>I posed the question to dude and sensed that he was afraid to
>admit how he felt.

Yeah that was obvious.

>Lastly, I do not need to feel superior and
>trust, if I am stupid, then you and your mama ain't no

You still acting slow. I said you are NOT that stupid. Nice 3rd grade insult tho.
Brought back memories of that one time at recess when... oh nevermind.

>If you wanna discuss this topic, then I suggest that
>you watch how you come at niggas. Not all of us are scary and
>this shit can go where it doesn't need to go. Keep that in
>mind should you choose to respond to me again.

Son, ain't nobody concerned with spooking you. Lol wtf.
Mufucka said "not all of us are scary". Smh.