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Topic subjectsmile or you should smile is not cool for everyone
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=195253&mesg_id=195731
195731, smile or you should smile is not cool for everyone
Posted by sixteenstone, Wed Oct-29-14 01:43 AM
How many times do we have to explain this shit? Stop giving women orders to do what YOU want them to do. You do not know what's going on in my life at that moment. I'm not ever going to be smiling at all times, nor do I appreciate being ordered to do so. For what? Cause I'm a woman and here to be all jolly and coy for your enjoyment at all time? It's my space, my mood, and my prerogative to smile or not smile.

Are you telling other men who walk down the street to smile too? Cause those "smile" comments are never just so. It follows with how you look mean and need to look happier and a list of other dumb comments to follow. I'm not on earth to be smiling for you. Mind your business and stop telling me what to do. You can be in a horrible mood, not feeling well, or just lost someone in death. I'm not trying to hear that shit from a stranger who is trying to take ownership of my mood at the moment for his pleasure. Some men are always trying to get some damn attention from every woman he sees because he believes she is solely there for him.