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Topic subject*clarity*
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=194296
194296, *clarity*
Posted by CyrenYoung, Sat Nov-01-14 10:03 AM
..bloocollar isn't banned (although he was put on timeout more than once).

while his NSFW posts were always on the edge of what's allowed here, he decided to start adding porn to the mix. people complained. we asked him to refrain, he agreed.

then he went back on that, and kept trying to slide porn into the mix. the last NSFW post he made actually acknowledged this (not sure if y'all caught that "..mods, there's no funny business in this one..." statement he made in the OP).

too little, too late. he played himself by pushin' the envelope one too many times.

while artistic/tasteful nudity will always be appreciated, those massive archive posts he made are no longer allowed.

no one forced him to post porn, and no one forced him to leave. he gambled and lost. he got upset and decided he was done with OKP.


*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194297, good riddance
Posted by atruhead, Fri Oct-31-14 10:33 AM
194298, i wouldn't go that far... lol
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 10:35 AM
..*some people said the same thing when you left

while i may not agree with everything you say/post, i still recognize you mean well. i've only hung out with you in mixed company a few times, but from what i could tell, you were always a good dude. that resonates with me.

i know a lot of people saw him as a misogynist, but i always thought he was trollin' for shits & giggles.

then again, i don't really know him.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194299, ^^^^
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Fri Oct-31-14 12:23 PM
He was one of the worst
194300, word
Posted by GirlChild, Fri Oct-31-14 12:45 PM
194301, Thanks for the clarification
Posted by Starks dunked on Bulls, Fri Oct-31-14 10:35 AM
I figured you guys were bullying us. Not sure what brought this up though.

194302, people keep askin' about it...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 10:37 AM
..and while its not our norm to disclose private convo, there's nothing to hide regarding that.

there are quite a few misconceptions floating around these parts, but i'm not at liberty to address them all publicly.

if i can explain something without going into the details of private convo and still help the overall community/understanding, i'm all for it.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194303, tell them whiny bitches Bing still works for them too.
Posted by HotThyng76, Fri Oct-31-14 10:39 AM
it ain't like bloo had access to some secret store of porno pix that the rest of these horny bastards can't find.

fuck them.
194304, oh shit!..
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 10:40 AM
..haven't seen this log-in in ages lol

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194305, naw I wouldn't know how to get the curated specific groupings that he did
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Oct-31-14 10:42 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

194306, Lmao this shit is like teen boys stealing playboy out the gas station
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Fri Oct-31-14 12:25 PM
How pathetic and pressed
194307, Where do Dicks too Big posts fall in the mix?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Oct-31-14 10:48 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

194308, if you're talking about SH's post, no one posted images in that one
Posted by BabySoulRebel, Fri Oct-31-14 10:54 AM
if I recall correctly
like c'mon now
194309, you'll have to ask SH... lol
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 10:54 AM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194310, Hopefully, right over here. YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
Posted by John Forte, Fri Oct-31-14 11:01 AM
194311, lulz
Posted by luminous, Fri Oct-31-14 11:02 AM
194312, Lmao
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Fri Oct-31-14 12:26 PM
194313, Keeping my Eyes on you
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 11:02 AM

"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194314, stop flirtin' with me, Casey...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 11:09 AM
..i'm only interested in women.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194315, hi
Posted by abby, Fri Oct-31-14 11:13 AM
>..i'm only interested in women.

(not really. just seemed like an appropriate response)
194316, HAY GIRL!...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 11:18 AM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194317, Here's a hand full of Horse Kicks to the FACE!
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 11:21 AM

"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194318, did you learn all this violent behavior in the church?..
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 11:27 AM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194319, LOL.. Have your read the Bible?...
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 11:29 AM


"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194320, hey, that's YOUR standard, not mine...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 11:33 AM
..cool story, tho LOL.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194321, You asked. Now you know.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 11:35 AM
God still loves you.

"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194322, if there's hell below, we're all gonna go © mayfield...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 11:36 AM
..i ain't worried.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194323, "The Devil is a lie" © Some Old Church Mother
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 11:46 AM

"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194324, and Rick Ross
Posted by abby, Fri Oct-31-14 11:47 AM
194325, which member of the deacon board hurt you?..
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 11:47 AM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194326, Look here shorty dwarf, kill all than nonsense.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 11:52 AM

"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194327, i love bein' short, you love trollin' for the lawd: EVERYBODY WINS.
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 12:04 PM
*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194328, One of us is lying and it ain't me..
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 12:15 PM

"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194329, i can only be me © stevie...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 12:20 PM
..and i've been short my entire life

what's not to love?

yet, you stan for someone who's stood you up for a couple thousand years?

i guess that makes you the liar.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194330, LOL. Yes you have and always be in stature and character.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 12:26 PM

"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194331, does the church condone insults and poor behavior?..
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 12:49 PM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194332, The church accepts all sinners. Come on thru.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 01:01 PM

"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194333, i'm cool on that. y'all have fun © prov...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 01:09 PM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194334, You Mad.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 01:10 PM
Lil Buddy.

"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194335, i don't need a crutch...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 01:17 PM
..i'm standin' firmly on my own.

thanks for the offer, but i decline.

you're a decent guy, i'm sure you'll find a date. LOL

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194336, LOL..
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 03:34 PM

"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194337, This is kinda silly, isn't it?
Posted by Vex_id, Fri Oct-31-14 11:07 AM
People are "complaining" that he posted some porn in between his ridiculous jade typhoon posts?

they can't just ugh...let's see, not click on his posts?

Sounds a lot like somebody has a personal beef so they are trying ban a poster on a technicality.

194338, he's not banned.
Posted by HotThyng76, Fri Oct-31-14 11:09 AM

194339, i can see why this was done tho
Posted by BabySoulRebel, Fri Oct-31-14 11:10 AM
a LOT of posters have been asking what happened to bloo (guess there weren't around for his goodbye post)

this is one of the few times recently that I can think of where mods have proactively addressed us versus us calling for an explanation.
I can dig it.
194340, yea i didn't even know this was happening until this post.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri Oct-31-14 11:12 AM
and i appreciate the transparency (for once) - but it's just silly. This means that someone had to click on a bloo post, sift through his hundreds of gifs/jpegs, find one that was an alleged 'violation' - and then inbox a mod on some 'see!! ban him!'

c'mon. silly.

194341, who knows what exactly happened
Posted by BabySoulRebel, Fri Oct-31-14 11:15 AM
people would also complain publicly, sometimes in his own posts
I for one didn't always appreciate it and found his presence to be more detrimental than beneficial.
He's not banned so he can always come back if he wants to
again *shrug*
194342, yes, this is how i see it
Posted by abby, Fri Oct-31-14 11:24 AM

>I for one didn't always appreciate it and found his presence
>to be more detrimental than beneficial.
>He's not banned so he can always come back if he wants to
>again *shrug*

i didn't care for his misogyny so, i didn't go into his nsfw posts. therefore, i wasn't aware of the porn.

but, if the board rule is "no porn" and you decide to plant your anti-authority flag on that rule, then you get what you get.

to me, that's where the silliness is--not in people complaining that he was being offensive, but in him deciding to disregard the guidelines out of pure selfishness.

and again, he ain't banned. soooooooo...
194343, at some point, we're all accountable for our own actions...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 11:29 AM
..unfortunately, some people refuse to see things rationally.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194344, pretty much
Posted by lfresh, Fri Oct-31-14 11:37 AM
>..unfortunately, some people refuse to see things rationally.

i aint even know
dont even miss him

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
194345, not exactly...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 11:17 AM
>and i appreciate the transparency (for once) - but it's just
>silly. This means that someone had to click on a bloo post,
>sift through his hundreds of gifs/jpegs, find one that was an
>alleged 'violation' - and then inbox a mod on some 'see!! ban
>c'mon. silly.

..while there were certainly a few community members that complained about his threads, he played himself with the actual porn inclusion.

*it generates "WARNING" for certain browsers/users, and states "the following contains material of a pornographic nature."

and while he initially started off sliding in a few scenes here & there, he eventually grew bolder with his actions.

given enough rope? *shrug*

*are you suggesting that the community SHOULDN'T do their jobs and report offenses?

and the real question: why couldn't he just ride out WITHOUT the porn?

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194346, I agree on that - he shouldn't have violated the guidelines
Posted by Vex_id, Fri Oct-31-14 11:33 AM
by posting porn - that was just dumb if that's what he did.

But if it wasn't egregious (meaning he had one gif tucked into hundreds of gifs that could be interpreted as 'porn' that was on the borderline, left up to an individual to judge) - then I do think it's a bit silly.

194347, not 1, not 2, not 3... © lebron...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 11:35 AM
..not only did he up the ante each time, he eventually had a full section of porn gifs

and then tried to play the victim???


*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194348, Ok i was unaware of that, and stand corrected.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri Oct-31-14 11:38 AM
>..not only did he up the ante each time, he eventually had a
>full section of porn gifs
>and then tried to play the victim???

194349, and this is what it ALWAYS comes down to...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 11:46 AM
..every flare up on the boards happens because people want to act out in fake outrage over simple things. mostly because they just want things their way.

however, once something is handled through inbox, and actual dialogue ensues, people are a LOT more receptive to things.


instead of inboxing their concern, they'd rather blow up on the boards, vyin' for attention and support from the community.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194350, RE: yea i didn't even know this was happening until this post.
Posted by TR808, Fri Oct-31-14 01:10 PM
>and i appreciate the transparency (for once) - but it's just
>silly. This means that someone had to click on a bloo post,
>sift through his hundreds of gifs/jpegs, find one that was an
>alleged 'violation' - and then inbox a mod on some 'see!! ban
>c'mon. silly.
not necessarily since bloo posted this link to a program that turned the links into pictures on the browser. Im sure what happened was a Mod clicked on it after he was already warned...

194351, snitching definitey motivated by personal beef
Posted by John Forte, Fri Oct-31-14 11:10 AM

>Sounds a lot like somebody has a personal beef so they are
>trying ban a poster on a technicality.

194352, he snitched on himself, tho...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 11:22 AM
..more than once.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194353, sounds like you're trollin'...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 11:12 AM
..its kinda funny, 'cause i thoroughly enjoyed his shenanigans durin' #GendarWarz

i hold no grudges, no agendas.

just the facts, sir. just the facts.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194354, yes, you mods are always the epitome of objectivity and truth.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri Oct-31-14 11:13 AM

>i hold no grudges, no agendas.
>just the facts, sir. just the facts.

194355, i'd challenge anyone to point out an instance...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 11:21 AM
..where the mods weren't bein' fair/objective regarding the boards.

there are a lot of opinions shared on okp, but mods aren't abusive. colorful, yes. not abusive.

c'mon, fam.

we've chopped it up over drinks. you know the deal.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194356, let's not go down that rabbit hole shall we?
Posted by BabySoulRebel, Fri Oct-31-14 11:29 AM
let's stick to the original topic which was addressing bloocollar's self-exile.
194357, its not much at all, really...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 11:32 AM
..the common perception on the board is that any infraction met with action by a mod is immediately seen as ridiculous or extra.

the truth is everyone knows when they've stepped over the line, they just don't think they should be chastised about it. that's when everyone plays the victim.

all the talk of unfairness or that we play favors?


you want it to be one way © marlo...

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194358, but i wanna go down that rabbit hole. lol. people keep complaining about
Posted by abby, Fri Oct-31-14 11:37 AM
the mods, but i've yet to see the unfairness.

and i mean that genuinely. i'd really like to see examples.

there was a time a few months back where i didn't like the way cyren handled a situation that i was in (still ain't happy about it), but it wasn't because he was being unfair to me, it was because he didn't know the history. so, we had different perspectives on how it should have been handled. but at the end of the day, i'm responsible for abby, and i decide every day if i want to participate in this forum or not. and cyren ain't the "law." he's just a mod. so, it ain't that big of a deal.

but folx act like the mods are the ferguson police, and i've yet to see that really play out here. so, yes, i'd like some examples.
194359, i don wanna i wanna celebrate
Posted by lfresh, Fri Oct-31-14 11:44 AM
this is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
194360, lol. i'm sure this post will bring him back. his fanbase is rallying the troops.
Posted by abby, Fri Oct-31-14 11:50 AM
put your pompoms down, girlie
194361, too late abby!
Posted by lfresh, Fri Oct-31-14 12:08 PM

*takes her patti shoes off*
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
194362, RE: i don wanna i wanna celebrate
Posted by MME, Fri Oct-31-14 11:53 AM
>this is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
194363, on ding dong the witch is dead status
Posted by lfresh, Fri Oct-31-14 12:08 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
194364, Lolol a few others need to be culled
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Fri Oct-31-14 12:31 PM
194365, how about when i was hacked and the person was using the 'n' word
Posted by Vex_id, Fri Oct-31-14 11:30 AM
and nary a mod came to explain what happened, until
waaaay after the fact to explain that i had in fact
been hacked, such that some of my fans (atruhead, bonamie)
were claiming that I did use the 'n' word to describe
a poster, and were perpetuating that lie all across social
media and to other posters.

No mod came to transparently address that situation, and that
was a vile attempt at character assassination.

194366, what!!!!!!!!
Posted by Crucian1, Fri Oct-31-14 11:34 AM
194367, i woke up that morning to okps on my twitter timeline
Posted by Vex_id, Fri Oct-31-14 11:41 AM
cursing me out and posting screen-shots (courtesy of
the wonderful atruhead) of the person who hacked me
using the 'n' word.

I had to personally call a former mod to get the situation
addressed, and even when mods had established that i was
in fact hacked, there was no clarity brought to the situation, nor
was it ever officially addressed by the mods.

That shit was worse than trying to clean up identity/credit card fraud.

194368, this is KEY...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 11:57 AM
>I had to personally call a former mod to get the situation
>addressed, and even when mods had established that i was
>in fact hacked, there was no clarity brought to the situation,
>was it ever officially addressed by the mods.
>That shit was worse than trying to clean up identity/credit
>card fraud.

..had you actually reached out to me (or reg or jsun), we would've been able to handle the situation immediately. i never received an inbox about it. i was asked openly (on the boards AND twitter) by someone else.

i've stated several times that anyone who wishes to contact me can hit up my inbox (i'm alerting thru email & phone). i make every effort to address all issues in a timely manner. moving forward, i hope that won't be necessary, but the option is always open to you and everyone else.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194369, you still care
Posted by atruhead, Fri Oct-31-14 09:01 PM
like, what year was that?
194370, when i was asked about it, i spoke on it...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 11:41 AM
..honestly, i think that entire situation was blown out of proportion.

unfortunate that someone would attack your character in that manner.

at the same time, a lot of people don't know you well enough to speak on your behalf. i'm prob'ly one of the few mods that have actually hung out with you in person and know you to be a good dude.

still, sometimes we're not on top of things as fast as we should be (and we've mentioned that). we do what we can, when we can. we're workin' towards improvement.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194371, i appreciated that, but it required more than just vouching for me
Posted by Vex_id, Fri Oct-31-14 11:47 AM
MrThomas knows me quite well, can vouch for me, and the person
who hacked me was clever in that they picked a fight w/ him -
so even those who know me were being subject to that deception.

Also, just because somebody may seem cool doesn't necessarily they mean they aren't racist or capable of using vile language like that. When it was factually established that i was hacked, it should've been addressed definitively, not just on some 'oh i think vex is cool and probably wouldn't do that' - you feel me?

I'm not trying to say mods are horrible - y'all do a good job by & large - but that situation was horribly handled from a justice standpoint.

194372, i remember that. and i can see how that situation could put a bad taste in
Posted by abby, Fri Oct-31-14 11:55 AM
your mouth.

and i think i recall it being said that you were hacked, but because there was no definitive action or major announcement, if i'm being honest, in the back of my mind i've since wondered if you were really hacked. so, yes, i can see how that would be a fucked up situation for you.

if the question is in the back of my mind, and i've met you, i'm sure it is for others. so, yes, i can totally see your point.

my question, though, is what do you think the mods should have done? i know you think (and i agree) that there should have been definitive action. but, what kind of action? within their powers, how should they have handled it?
194373, exactly:
Posted by Vex_id, Fri Oct-31-14 12:28 PM

>if i'm being honest, in the back of my mind i've since
>wondered if you were really hacked. so, yes, i can see how
>that would be a fucked up situation for you.

And that should have been addressed as it was in their powers to do so in an official capacity - not on some 'oh vex is cool he wouldn't do that' << that's for other members to do, not mods who have a *factual* basis that I was hacked based on their investigation in running IPs and looking into the matter.

>my question, though, is what do you think the mods should have
>done? i know you think (and i agree) that there should have
>been definitive action. but, what kind of action? within their
>powers, how should they have handled it?

Well, being that this post (about something as silly as porn) was anchored and explained with transparency, I think that my situation (much more serious and w/ greater implications) should've been addressed in this fashion. An anchored post (for a day) which says: "We (OKP) ran an investigation and it was confirmed that Vex was indeed hacked. In the spirit of transparency and protecting people's personal information/identity - we thought it was necessary to clear this up."

Since they didn't - it's still not cleared up in the minds of some people, particularly those who have had an agenda against me (like atruhead).

194374, excellent point. i can totally see that.
Posted by abby, Fri Oct-31-14 12:36 PM

>Well, being that this post (about something as silly as porn)
>was anchored and explained with transparency, I think that my
>situation (much more serious and w/ greater implications)
>should've been addressed in this fashion. An anchored post
>(for a day) which says: "We (OKP) ran an investigation and it
>was confirmed that Vex was indeed hacked. In the spirit of
>transparency and protecting people's personal
>information/identity - we thought it was necessary to clear
>this up."
>Since they didn't - it's still not cleared up in the minds of
>some people, particularly those who have had an agenda against
>me (like atruhead).

194375, i really wish you would've stated this at the time...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 12:43 PM
..because i have no problem doing just that.

in fact, its not too late (although, that might seem a bit strange at this point). you've been a part of this community for years and have earned the respect of your peers. i didn't realize that some people still viewed you in that light.

when i saw your comments (and the responses), i thought the situation was handled. since you never brought anything else to my attention, i wasn't aware that you still held residual feelings about the incident.

for this, i apologize.

i don't see you as a bigot/racist, and i don't believe the general perception of you or your character suggests anything like that. however, if you still want to address that on the board, i'm all for it and will anchor a thread to talk about it.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194376, anchor a thread. i think it deserves to be cleared up once and for all.
Posted by abby, Fri Oct-31-14 12:49 PM
it may seem strange since it happened so long ago, but i think you can link back to this post to explain why it's just happening now.

i can see how as a mod you do not have insight into every situation and how they affect members, so i understand how this might have slipped through.

but i think vex deserves an anchored thread...even if it's this late.
194377, if he wants it, he got it...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 12:51 PM
..all he has to do is say the word.

but its gotta be of his own accord, no one else.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194378, you know what - I would appreciate it.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri Oct-31-14 01:10 PM
beyond being a very just gesture on your part (which I greatly appreciate) - it is important to me that this be cleared up (in an official capacity) - because it really bothered me for some time, and still does as not too long ago somebody brought it up on the boards as if I wasn't hacked - and admittedly - it bothered me (even though I realize that everyone in my life who knows me knows that I am not that kind of person).

I've been involved in this community since the very beginning, and if I do something to mess up my standing w/ anybody - i want it to be because of something i actually did or said - not a hacker w/ an agenda.

194379, *INBOX*
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 01:19 PM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194380, thanks abs.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri Oct-31-14 01:11 PM

194381, lol @ me having an agenda against you.
Posted by atruhead, Fri Oct-31-14 09:04 PM
how many more times will I be mentioned in here?

you've said racially questionable/insensitive things, I didnt believe you were hacked (AS IN, IS THAT REALLY UNLIKE THE OTHER SHIT YOU'VE SAID?) and we're 2 months from 2015 with you still in your feelings about it
194382, you're a liar and a coward.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri Oct-31-14 09:13 PM
and it still stands: you're the one bum dude on this site who if I see,
it will be very problematic for you, on site.

So do yourself a solid and never show yourself in my presence.

I could go ultra low blow on you if I really wanted to (congrats
on your marriage) - but I won't sink to your levels.

194383, not even sure how to reply
Posted by atruhead, Fri Oct-31-14 09:23 PM
you brought me up, but it's me with the agenda
you have negative feelings towards me, I cant say it's the same on my end
you're threatening to take "low blows", congratulations on having mutual friends on Facebook or knowing how to follow a hashtag, no one cares other than you. you made a passive aggressive post trying to start shit up last month, it went ignored

I dont think about people I had issues with from here years ago, that's the point of growing up
194384, yeah.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri Oct-31-14 09:26 PM

194385, since you called me out
Posted by atruhead, Fri Oct-31-14 09:00 PM
what about when you said "black women, stop trying to use me for my money" years before your alleged hacking?

194386, don't recall this episode but I'm sure I was all up and thru it
Posted by Binlahab, Sat Nov-01-14 07:24 AM
Prolly cranking it up...and for that I apologize

does it really matter?

for all my fans who keep my name in their mouth: http://i.imgur.com/v2xNOpS.jpg
194387, A lot of mod fuckery is of the throw the rock and hide your hands variety
Posted by John Forte, Fri Oct-31-14 11:30 AM
194388, we don't hide anything...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 12:08 PM
..we're not always at liberty to explain everything

we're also not required to address every offense (and the actions taken in response). its funny, 'cause most times the rest of the community can tell you why your shit was locked/deleted.

still, people refuse to be rational about it.

expecting an inbox for every infraction is a fools dream.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194389, i've seen and been subject to flagrant abuse of power
Posted by howisya, Fri Oct-31-14 11:32 AM
and the person(s) responsible would never cop to doing it

there are some rotten apples in the bunch, whoever they are
194390, reply #68.
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 12:09 PM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194391, all fine and good
Posted by howisya, Fri Oct-31-14 12:14 PM
except i can think of numerous counterexamples where the moderator or administrator deleted, hid, or locked whole topics or individual replies on a whim and wouldn't admit to being the one to do it

you may not play favorites or have agendas or grudges, but the same can't be said of others
194392, any post that was locked/deleted/hidden...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 12:22 PM
..was done so because of guideline infractions

its that simple.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194393, 100% false
Posted by howisya, Fri Oct-31-14 12:26 PM
i've seen in action and been on the receiving end of someone's cowardly vendetta. you personally may not participate in such petty behavior, but others do. i don't care how many times you say otherwise, it's simply not true.
194394, give me an actual example...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 12:56 PM
..otherwise, its kinda hard to take what you're sayin' seriously.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194395, i won't give them the satisfaction of recounting the examples here & now
Posted by howisya, Fri Oct-31-14 01:01 PM
but it doesn't strike me that you take this seriously anyway. if you want, i can inbox you the next time it happens to me in GD. i just felt obligated to point out what you were saying is not true, even if it's true for you.
194396, while you might not know this...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 01:23 PM
..mods are held accountable for their behavior on okp as well.

i've spoken to mods on different occasions about incidents on the boards. anytime someone was out of line, it was addressed. i don't play favors for mods or anyone else in the community when it comes to fairness.

*in the future, please inbox me and i'll d my best to address any issue that may arise.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194397, thanks
Posted by howisya, Fri Oct-31-14 01:37 PM
fairness is important to me. i don't like double standards, favoritism, and bullying. i've only been subject to it a few times in GD, nothing all that recently, and it's never been clear who did it. the deleting and hiding of posts was ridiculous and mildly annoying, but i never inboxed a mod or did what i know isn't supposed to be done and made a new post about it. i just chalked it up to a culture of rogue moderators trigger happy after years of dealing with an unruly population. i know topics can't be undeleted, and there's no point in remaking a topic that was just deleted, but just to illustrate what i'm talking about next time it happens to me i'll inbox you.
194398, Fool you deactivated my for no reason multiple times
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 11:53 AM
And you reactivated it after people complained.

"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194399, you were put on timeout for spazzin' out and spamming the boards...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 12:03 PM
..we've had these convos on the board (and inbox).

you thought someone was being unfair to you. it was explained, yet you refused to believe me or anyone else.


from there, you started spazzin' on the boards. you were warned, you continued, you were deactivated. NO ONE came to your defense or demanded that you be reinstated (not that it would've mattered). you were reinstated because your timeout was never meant to be permanent.

its that simple.

and this is comin' from the same guy you met and played ball with in ATL.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194400, I didn't spam anything. I called YOU OUT.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 12:18 PM
You banned me an Gloated with an Anchor Post just like you are doing today.

>..we've had these convos on the board (and inbox).
I posted something and it wasn't spam. People even asked why my post was deleted. You know the on about asking for NEW MOD ELECTIONS!

>you thought someone was being unfair to you. it was explained,
>yet you refused to believe me or anyone else.

You ain't explain anything.

>from there, you started spazzin' on the boards. you were
>warned, you continued, you were deactivated. NO ONE came to
>your defense or demanded that you be reinstated (not that it
>would've mattered). you were reinstated because your timeout
>was never meant to be permanent.
>its that simple.

Playa you have a shot memory.. No Pun Intended. Well Kinda.

>and this is comin' from the same guy you met and played ball
>with in ATL.

I'd still play ball with you. It's all fun on the court and off the boards. But up in here we ain't on the same team of understanding.

"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194401, *since you CLAIM i'm lyin'* (inbox special)
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 12:38 PM
RE: What's your issue?
From: Case_One
Date: Aug 05th 2014
>>Seriously, what's your problem with me?
>per the guidelines:
>(1) Posting to Okayplayer.com is a privilege, not a right. You
>must register with us in order to post. If your post gets
>deleted (in violation of any of the below guidelines or
>otherwise) do not expect or ask for an explanation.
>(please take a moment to review the guidelines in full)

Who are you to determine when the PRIVILEGE had been violated? Man You are on a serious POWER TRIP. And Everyone sees it.

You are being hypocritical, because it was YOU who asked to be inboxed if anyone had an issue with a POST that YOU DELETED. OWN THAT!

>to answer your question:
>i have no quarrel with you or anyone else.
>anything that's not allowed on okp is removed. anyone who does
>not adhere to the guidelines of okp will have their privileges
>you've been a part of the OKP community long enough to know
>what's allowed and what isn't. you've also been warned in the
>past about behavior that will not be tolerated here. anyone
>who continues to disregard the guidelines is handled with zero
>its that simple.
>if you have any further questions, my inbox is always open.

Dude Please. You are on the HIG HORSE.

Also, I have not violated any rule. Asking questions about MOD activity (Especially YOURS) is not a VIOLATION of any Rule. You are not the Judge and jury, you are just a cat that's in position to abuse the PRIVILEGE of being a responsible MOD with integrity.

So, before you go deactivating my login - which is EXTREME, or even deleting my post just because you don't like the content you should ask yourself, "AM i acting with integrity and honest fairness?"

Also, Polls about who should be a MOD has always been part of this place. And People know who needs to strop down. And so do you.


that's the end of that particular inbox.

*for the sake of clarity, we don't hold mod elections. its not allowed. (guideline #4). i've told you this on more than one occasion (on the boards AND inbox).

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194402, lololololol lordt
Posted by abby, Fri Oct-31-14 12:45 PM
194403, AYYYYE! © hip hop...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 12:47 PM
..and none of that is malicious

i don't make a habit of postin' inboxes, but he asked for it.


*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194404, couple things....1. whenever someone CAPITALIZES certain WORDS in an...
Posted by MrThomas43423, Fri Oct-31-14 12:54 PM

that shit cracks me up. especially WHEN its a word that doesn't really HAVE to be emphasized.

2. deleting a post about who should be a mod and who shouldn't doesn't really indite him of anything. if anything if that post was deleted its an indication of sensitive, selective and controlling moderation. your approval rating doesn't have to be 100. you should be able to take criticism and head and still do your job without getting personal.
it's true what they say...people are strange, when you're strangers.

not compassionate....only polite.

I am not like you at all and i cannot pretend.
194405, i didn't burn it because of his critique...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 01:01 PM
..we get criticism all the time.

any post/poll about voting for mods will be deleted, doesn't matter who authors it.

*for the record, he didn't just post up a poll asking for new mods. he posted up calling me all kinds of names n'such, whinin' about his previous post trolling the LGBT community being deleted. someone inboxed me about his thread, i checked it out, and deleted it.


i don't take any of this personal.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194406, Like I said Bro. You're a Classless dude ..
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 01:07 PM
And posting an inbox doesn't bother me. It only highlights my point as to why OKPdan needs to revoke you as a MOD.

Everyone sees you for the kind of hypocrite that you are. Just keep posting bro... Keep Posting.

"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194407, you called me a liar, claimed i didn't explain...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 01:13 PM
..i posted an inboxed proving that i did more than explain.

if that shows a lack of class on my part, then i'll be that © redman

however, you saw that your thread was deleted, and proceeded to post more threads about your discontent. the cycled continued. that's called spamming the boards.

you were put on time out.

its that simple.

again, i hold no grudge against you.

niggas gonna nig.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194408, You are a Liar. You siad I spammed the Board. I didn't
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 01:18 PM
You are just worried about having your Bod status revoked. And it needs to be revoked.

And I'm going to keep reminding folks about that fact.

"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194409, you MIGHT wanna peep the edit to reply #116...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 01:26 PM
..oh, and your talk of me bein' in fear of my status bein' revoked?



meanwhile, you're agenda has already been exposed.

look. i get that you don't like the way the boards are governed. we know that people won't always agree, and that's exactly why the guidelines are in place.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194410, And Rebels gon Rebel.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 03:50 PM

"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194411, lol same. i imagine accompanying hand claps.
Posted by veritas, Fri Oct-31-14 01:17 PM
>that shit cracks me up. especially WHEN its a word that
>doesn't really HAVE to be emphasized.
194412, SYLL.A.BLES!!!
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 01:45 PM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194413, HIG HORSE is how u know it's legit. Or else Cyren has done his homework
Posted by KosherSam, Fri Oct-31-14 04:39 PM
194414, STOP MAKIN' ME LAUGH!!! lol
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 05:35 PM
..maaaaaaaan, listen © the legendary roots crew

admittedly, i kinda chuckle when case get's heated and starts goin' IN, typin' with GREAT vengeance and FURIOUS anger! © jules

but i'm really started to think he might be a tad-bit dyslexic, and i really wouldn't want to tease him about somethin' that's a serious issue for a lot of people.

but yeah, he's fuckin' hilarious when he's angry.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194415, that's how i knew it was real, too. at first, i was like this ain't case. there
Posted by abby, Fri Oct-31-14 06:14 PM
are no typos and bad spelling. then i got to the second paragraph, and i knew it was legit.
194416, 'NO ONE came to ur defense' lmao yes!
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Fri Oct-31-14 12:36 PM
194417, Pats head.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 01:07 PM

"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194418, This muhfuggah here...
Posted by SeV, Fri Oct-31-14 01:17 PM

but im banned tho.

Dallas Cavericks LETS GO!!
194419, Halleluiah! Thank You, Jesus!
Posted by MME, Fri Oct-31-14 11:49 AM
194420, You gon mess around and catch the Holy Ghost
Posted by Case_One, Fri Oct-31-14 11:55 AM

"People need to stop confusing God's compassionate tolerance for complete acceptance." ~ J. Case
194421, so why was FromTheGo banned?
Posted by PIMPINCHICAGO, Fri Oct-31-14 11:53 AM
194422, frequent infractions...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 12:05 PM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194423, ????
Posted by PIMPINCHICAGO, Fri Oct-31-14 12:16 PM

I inboxed you and you acted like you ain't know shit.

I pin pong from mods who was like Iont know...

Is it because I hate the Lakers fam?

I never posted porn...

I am just curious at this point.

194424, sometimes trollin' works for shits n' giggles...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 12:49 PM
..other times, its outta line

when i asked you to chill, you said ok, then proceeded to TROLLLLLLLLL ONNNNNN.


no grudge, no agenda.

its that simple.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194425, what the fuck are you talking about?
Posted by PIMPINCHICAGO, Fri Oct-31-14 08:44 PM
Like seriously fam?

We haven't had interaction so this warning bullshit you talking is nonsense.

I asked a couple mods right after and the only reason I hit your inbox was because I was told you had that power.

Yo ass didn't own up to shit or even knowing about it then, and now you come with this lame ass excuse Lol.



194426, I've been complaining abt the terrible mods here for yrs
Posted by Binlahab, Fri Oct-31-14 12:16 PM
Odd how which complaints get listened to

And it's ridiculous not to have a porn board here. We like porn! Stop with this old pg 13 bullshit we are all grown adults here

194427, why didnt you ask Dan about a porn board?
Posted by Sha, Fri Oct-31-14 12:27 PM
If it's that important to you ask the prez.
194428, Why in 2014 do u need a porn board? Here?
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Fri Oct-31-14 12:38 PM
194429, three tenets of nerddom: music, TV/film, porn.
Posted by Binlahab, Fri Oct-31-14 12:39 PM
Everyone loves porn.

Including you.

You'd be all up and thru a porn board

does it really matter?

for all my fans who keep my name in their mouth: http://i.imgur.com/v2xNOpS.jpg
194430, Porn is readily available. I sure do love porn, just don't need to get
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Fri Oct-31-14 01:51 PM
It here, i'm guessing u want okp to be ur all
194431, ive never understood the 'porn is readily available' response
Posted by seasoned vet, Fri Oct-31-14 06:23 PM
is porn readily available?

but so is everything else on OKP that we talk about

if one doesnt want/like porn of OKP for whatever reason, then state that reason. the fact that you can get it elsewhere has nothing to do with anything
194432, this site would be immediately blocked by websense if there
Posted by FLUIDJ, Fri Oct-31-14 07:35 PM
was a porn board....
I can't clap to that at ALL.....

194433, fuck awl y'all.
Posted by morpheme, Fri Oct-31-14 12:23 PM
194434, lol
Posted by SHAstayhighalways, Fri Oct-31-14 12:25 PM
194435, *firm slap on the arse*
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 12:45 PM
..now get back in the game!


*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194436, I love you!
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Fri Oct-31-14 05:19 PM
194437, why do you lock "some" spin off post?
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Oct-31-14 12:28 PM
194438, there's a thin line...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 12:55 PM
..we all know how organic dialogue can grow and branch into many different directions.

somethings certainly warrant in depth discussion about specific subjects.

however, the blatant spin off just because you don't want your words buried in a platinum post does NOT warrant a new post.

*also: hot topics are one thing, but several post about basically the same subject (and its offshoots) won't be honored (ie: the many spin-offs to "street holla agenda")

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194439, lol this dude so full of it yo
Posted by SeV, Fri Oct-31-14 01:27 PM

but im banned tho.

Dallas Cavericks LETS GO!!
194440, ^^^
Posted by Binladen, Fri Oct-31-14 02:26 PM
194441, I hated his nsfw posts.
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Oct-31-14 02:44 PM

♥♥Church Diva♥♥
194442, When you guys talk about "abuse of power" and "its not fair"
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Fri Oct-31-14 03:58 PM
yesh. This an issue to get upset about on a free message board?
194443, niggas gonna nig...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Oct-31-14 05:37 PM
..*kanye shrug*

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
194444, do remember: http://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12632554&mesg_id=12632554&page=2#12633350
Posted by atruhead, Fri Oct-31-14 09:08 PM
194445, So...where's Bloo's goodbye post at? Can't find that shit
Posted by gumz, Sat Nov-01-14 12:39 AM
194446, DAMB
Posted by Allah, Sat Nov-01-14 09:46 AM