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Topic subjectRE: This is a stupid point
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=186312&mesg_id=186630
186630, RE: This is a stupid point
Posted by quadrush, Wed Sep-02-15 05:16 PM
>You don't have a problem because your gay and are ok with the
>gay lifestyle. I on the other hand don't care for it one way
>or the other and have children and I want to have
>grandchildren. That won't happen if my children turn out gay.
>By normalizing this behavior you are making my job harder and
>parents like myself as well. But you guys do not care... what
>you care about is your personal acceptance in this society.
>You all have no cares about how this can possibly affect
>children's future. Once again we are not entitled to accept
>your lifestyle. Just like white people don't have to accept
>black people's gangbanging lifestyle.

So let me first say that I mean this is in the most respectful way possible.

Shut the entire Fuck Up you stupid motherfucker! I grew up with a heterosexual mother and a heterosexual father and I grew up in the 80's and 90's. I point that out to say that homosexuality was not "normal" in my upbringing. I also grew up in a very religious family so the gay was doubly frowned upon. But guess the fuck what! I am fucking gay! So this stupid fucking idea that you have about kids seeing gay will make them think it's ok and therefore turn to it does not make any fucking sense and my experience shows that it is not true. You, sir, may know a whole lot of shit but you obviously know NOTHING about sexuality. I hope the kids that you have aren't gay since you will most likely push them into sexual repression.