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Topic subject9th grader arrested for bringing homemade clock to school
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185917, 9th grader arrested for bringing homemade clock to school
Posted by Neez, Wed Sep-16-15 11:00 AM
I hope his family gets paid.

185918, been seeing this al morning. fuck them hos for that shit.
Posted by double negative, Wed Sep-16-15 11:02 AM
way to extinguish a childs curiosity
185919, whoa!
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Sep-16-15 11:05 AM
that's outrageous.
185920, I didn't know Hilary threw her support behind him
Posted by Neez, Wed Sep-16-15 11:06 AM
185921, support? why are people acting like he was in a saudi jail for 5 years?
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Sep-16-15 01:23 PM
185922, its like an outrage fantasy draft
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Thu Sep-17-15 08:34 AM
people are competing to see who can support him the most. its almost comedy that this happens to this poor kid during political season. maybe its a good thing i dunno anymore
185923, U right
Posted by Neez, Thu Sep-17-15 08:56 AM
Any number of scientifically minded minorities could use that help

185924, U right
Posted by Neez, Thu Sep-17-15 08:56 AM
Any number of scientifically minded minorities could use that help

185925, I mean, he could be like this year's Joe the Plumber
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Thu Sep-17-15 12:09 PM
185926, RE: support? why are people acting like he was in a saudi jail for 5 years?
Posted by Tommy-B, Thu Sep-17-15 01:34 PM
because... ISLAMOHOPBIA!!!!!
185927, This is such a gut punch. I hope famous blerds unite & help him out.
Posted by no_i_cant_dance, Wed Sep-16-15 11:08 AM
Actually, THIS SHIT HERE infuriates me to my bones.

I'm so tired of being reminded that our kids will not be protected...still fighting & resisting tho.
185928, it gets better. Obama is on tv at a confrence talking about....
Posted by double negative, Wed Sep-16-15 11:38 AM
the importance of STEM education. wtf wtf wtf wtf
185929, did he/his family want his face plastered on the news?
Posted by sweet ruffian, Wed Sep-16-15 11:44 AM
>I hope his family gets paid.
185930, yes.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Sep-16-15 11:49 AM
185931, I think his sister ok'd a photo of him being arrested in his NASA tshirt
Posted by no_i_cant_dance, Wed Sep-16-15 11:52 AM
to be shared via social media...I'm assuming he gave her permission. I have no idea about his parents tho.
185932, "race played no role in the arrest"... nope, but "Ahmed Mohamed" did
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Wed Sep-16-15 11:47 AM


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
185933, Ugh, he's a Black Muslim but ok racist islamophobes....y'all got it, smh.
Posted by no_i_cant_dance, Wed Sep-16-15 12:00 PM
Too many cops are pathological liars<<<that has got to directly correlate to their criminal behaviors.
185934, miss me with that "y'all" shit, nigga.
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Wed Sep-16-15 12:32 PM


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
185935, LoL, the [y'all] was referring to whomever said 'race played no role in the arrest'
Posted by no_i_cant_dance, Wed Sep-16-15 01:02 PM

185936, ah... aiight...
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Wed Sep-16-15 04:20 PM



"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
185937, He's B)lack?
Posted by flipnile, Wed Sep-16-15 12:36 PM
185938, His family is from Sudan.
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Wed Sep-16-15 12:46 PM


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
185939, If you've been to Irving before,
Posted by Starbaby Jones, Wed Sep-16-15 01:11 PM
you'd know that race is definitely a factor here.
185940, You can't even be a nerd of color safely.
Posted by Starbaby Jones, Wed Sep-16-15 11:59 AM
The whole story is disgusting, but I know that area well. So, the ignorance doesn't surprise me. It's just disheartening to see the school/district doubling down on this ish.
185941, family sounds happy as shit
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Sep-16-15 12:02 PM

185942, Cha-ching.
Posted by Neez, Wed Sep-16-15 12:05 PM
185943, Game over
Posted by Neez, Wed Sep-16-15 12:08 PM
185944, We have found the perfect victim
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Sep-16-15 12:25 PM
they about to make Texas the focal point of the next presidential election.

185945, that's fucking awesome
Posted by justin_scott, Wed Sep-16-15 01:46 PM
185946, they gon get paid and they gave their kid a scared straight
Posted by Cenario, Wed Sep-16-15 12:10 PM

*not that he needs one*
185947, Did you see the part about the dad running for President of Sudan?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Sep-16-15 12:47 PM
This here makes him an international figure.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
185948, President of Sudan? ahhhh, these mofos planned this shit
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Sep-16-15 01:21 PM
185949, Man anybody can run for president here
Posted by AFRICAN, Thu Sep-17-15 05:59 AM
In lean election years the gov will pay people to run just so there is more than one candidate on the ballot.
185950, Their son is very smart and did nothing wrong.
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Wed Sep-16-15 02:29 PM
Most colleges in the US will accept him especially if he has a letter of recommendation from a certain POTUS
185951, Obama just invited him to the white house
Posted by select_from_where, Wed Sep-16-15 12:12 PM
185952, You mean the Terrorist Training Camp
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Wed Sep-16-15 12:47 PM
185953, Shortly after the announcement, President Barack Obama extended -
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Wed Sep-16-15 12:21 PM
a Twitter invitation for Ahmed to bring his "cool clock" to the White House. "We should inspire more kids like you to make America great," the tweet read.

ha! they're gonna eat this up.
185954, Kid looks like a terrorist...terrorist of hearts that is.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Sep-16-15 12:21 PM
All that to say, "cute kid". I hope my boys turn out to be nerdy cute dorks like this kid.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
185955, ^^seductive childing
Posted by teefiveten, Wed Sep-16-15 12:53 PM
185956, I like how you turn that word into a verb.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Sep-16-15 01:09 PM
"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
185957, Letter from the school...smh
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Wed Sep-16-15 01:19 PM
185958, They didn't even evacuate the building, but they REALLY thought it was an
Posted by no_i_cant_dance, Wed Sep-16-15 01:38 PM
explosive device tho & were concerned about the safety of the students/staff?

Civil suits, job losses, fade on sight for the teacher that called it in...all gotta happen.
185959, the police explanation is just as ridiculous
Posted by RobOne4, Wed Sep-16-15 02:55 PM
"school resouce officers questioned the student about his intentions and the reasons why he brought the device to the school. The student would only say that it was a clock and was not forthcoming at that time about any other details."

what other details are necessary it was a fucking clock. There are no other details stop trying to make it seem like it was a valid arrest.
185960, I'm about to make some t shirts
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Sep-16-15 01:26 PM
what's the conversion rate for rupals or whatever they use in Sudan?

185961, Handcuffed for his safety and the safety of the officers?
Posted by justin_scott, Wed Sep-16-15 01:43 PM
so, what was he doing that was a danger to himself? You mean to tell me that more than one police officer was worried he would attack them?
185962, not gonna front i woulda done a double take at his ''clock'' too
Posted by Big Kuntry, Wed Sep-16-15 02:35 PM
185963, I don't think that's the problem though. They thought it odd. You look into
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Sep-16-15 02:46 PM
it. Ask the boy some questions. Talk to him.

These fools went full retard and got 5 cops and hand cuff the boy based on nothing.

Same with that James Blake guy. The mistake wasn't misidentifying Blake for the suspect. It was running up on dude like they already knew he had committed a crime and was a threat.

The reason cops get so much he these days cause they act like cowards rather than do there job.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
185964, And if you really think its a bomb...why not evacuate the school?
Posted by Neez, Wed Sep-16-15 02:51 PM
Why handcuff the boy until you're sure what's going on?

This teacher sounds dumb as fuck
Oh I see something I don't recognize...its a bomb!

185965, ^^^ and thats how you know it was some racist shit
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Thu Sep-17-15 11:21 AM
If you think you have a bomb on your hands then you evacuate the school. It looks to me that they thought it was a movie bomb, didn't bother to corroborate the boys story at all, called the cops and not his parents. I have a hard time believing the boy never mentioned showing the clock to the physics professor, who he brought the clock in to show in the first place.
Since when do terrorist ride for NASA?
185966, Right
Posted by csuave03, Wed Sep-16-15 04:29 PM
185967, Act like?
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Sep-17-15 07:06 PM
185968, same
Posted by Tommy-B, Wed Sep-16-15 07:51 PM
imagine if he - Ahmed Mohammad - was sitting next to you on a plane
fiddling around with what he assured you to be "his home made clock."

fuck that.

(not to say that the school's reaction wasn't silly in
this incident, before people get mad and call me "islamophobic")
185969, he was cool about it
Posted by justin_scott, Wed Sep-16-15 08:17 PM
the cops and the school officials weren't. this only happened because his skin is brown and his name is Mohammed.

p.s. if he was on a plane next to me, fiddling around with something, I'd be able to tell if it was a clock or a bomb, and I could rationally ask him questions rather than stupidly letting fear and paranoia control me.
185970, ...
Posted by Tommy-B, Wed Sep-16-15 08:35 PM
>the cops and the school officials weren't. this only happened
>because his skin is brown and his name is Mohammed.

and because he's a muslim.

>p.s. if he was on a plane next to me, fiddling around with
>something, I'd be able to tell if it was a clock or a bomb,
>and I could rationally ask him questions rather than stupidly
>letting fear and paranoia control me.

cool. good to know that you wouldn't allow your fear and paranoia
of little Ahmed Mohammad fiddling around with his homemade ticking
electrical device with wires sticking out of it to cloud your judgement
in working out whether or not it's a bomb.
185971, Sorry...but most folks don't know what a bomb looks like...a real one.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Sep-17-15 09:40 AM
And most folk's impression of what a bomb looks like is based on what they've seen in movies....

If I saw someone on a plane fiddling around with THAT joint he concocted, to ME...based off of my lack of real world experience with bombs, i'd immediately jump to the conclusion that it looked like a bomb..... because...WTF fiddles around with a homemade clock on a plane?? Especially one that looks like the homemade bombs you see in movies???

But y'all gone and let lil mohomed cook doe....
185972, RE: Sorry...but most folks don't know what a bomb looks like...a real one.
Posted by Tommy-B, Thu Sep-17-15 01:47 PM
>And most folk's impression of what a bomb looks like is based
>on what they've seen in movies....

neither does he.

hence why he wouldn't act on his initial fear and paranoia but
would instead ask little Ahmed Mohammed 'reasonable' questions
about the home made device he is holding.
185973, Waat? Part 2
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Sep-17-15 09:34 AM
"p.s. if he was on a plane next to me, fiddling around with something, I'd be able to tell if it was a clock or a bomb..."

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
185974, if that thing made it past the security checkpoint @ the airport
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Sep-17-15 08:32 AM
i'd have no problem w/him playing w/it on an airplane.

ppl play w/phones on airplanes and phones have been used to detonate bombs. i don't panic when i see brown ppl playing w/a phone on an airplane. that'd be absurd. lol
185975, RE: if that thing made it past the security checkpoint @ the airport
Posted by Tommy-B, Thu Sep-17-15 01:27 PM
>ppl play w/phones on airplanes and phones have been used to
>detonate bombs. i don't panic when i see brown ppl playing
>w/a phone on an airplane. that'd be absurd. lol

yes, that would be absurd. HOWEVER, we're not talking about
brown people playing with phones - we're talking about little
Ahmed Mohammed fiddling around with a suspicious-looking
homemade device that ticks and has wires sticking out of it. it
may not be suspicious to YOU, but then again not everyone's as smart or
savvy or switched on as you (as you already know, of course).

this isn't a "brown people" issue either, because people of other
colour can also be muslim. his skin colour obviously made this
situation worse, but a lot of people will still get uneasy about a
muslim of any colour carrying that suspicious-looking - not to you - device onto a plane, or into any crowded area.
185976, uh huh...grow up
Posted by Calico, Thu Sep-17-15 02:09 PM
185977, RE: uh huh...grow up
Posted by Tommy-B, Thu Sep-17-15 03:10 PM
185978, LOL.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Sep-17-15 03:20 PM
>yes, that would be absurd. HOWEVER, we're not talking about
>brown people playing with phones - we're talking about little
>Ahmed Mohammed fiddling around with a suspicious-looking
>homemade device that ticks and has wires sticking out of it.

ticks? LOL

it's a digital clock, homie. it doesn't tick.

again - if the thing has made it past the security checkpoint @ the airport i'm cool w/the little brown boy playing w/it on an airplane. b/c i'm not a xenophobic racist asshole.

>may not be suspicious to YOU, but then again not everyone's as
>smart or
>savvy or switched on as you (as you already know, of course).

yes, i'm well aware. you're proving the point in this subthread.

>this isn't a "brown people" issue either

no it's a xenophobia issue.
185979, Waaat? Part 1
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Sep-17-15 09:33 AM
"If you're innocent, be cool.
Only the guilty's catchin' offence."

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
185980, LOL when sigs strike
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Thu Sep-17-15 12:13 PM
185981, How many people fuck around with a DIY-looking device on a PLANE tho lol
Posted by mtbatol, Thu Sep-17-15 09:36 PM
lol @ folks going too damn far with this hypothetical.
185982, LOL dudes daddy gave a speech longer than family reunions history recitals
Posted by select_from_where, Wed Sep-16-15 04:14 PM
Dude was proud, was a cute moment.
185983, not sure why the science teacher wasnt called in
Posted by Riot, Thu Sep-17-15 04:42 AM
To clear everything up

This happened to a blk girl in florida as well a few yrs ago
I think she got an invite to nasa after the arrest
185984, What would be lightweight Southpark funny/terrible is if it actually was a
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Sep-17-15 09:35 AM

I mean I don't think folks have even seen a picture of it yet.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
185985, what if it's REALLY part of a master plan?? to cause an absurd uproar...
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Sep-17-15 09:43 AM
get invited to all kinds of high profile places to show off his contraption....
pull the wool over everyone's eyes....
all the while...the BIG goal is to get invited to the white house to show it off...
do the ol switcheroo.....

folks better stay woke....

"Get ready..for your blessing..."
185986, 9/11 levels
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Thu Sep-17-15 03:40 PM
185987, I have seen a pic.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Sep-17-15 10:05 AM
It's clearly not a bomb.
185988, Found it. How you going to say this is clearly not a bomb?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Sep-17-15 11:28 AM

I mean is this clearly not a bomb?


"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
185989, b/c i'm not an idiot?
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Sep-17-15 11:36 AM
i know that a bomb needs some sort of explosive material and there's none in that device.

i mean i didn't ace chemistry in high school and didn't even take a class in college but i know enough to know that kid didn't have a bomb.

now, a smarter question would be - 'How do i know it's not a detonator?'

but you didn't ask that. did you?

no. you didn't.

and, btw, it's not a detonator either.

185990, You know what's in that white Pouch? Or in the liner like in the liner of the
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Sep-17-15 11:52 AM

I am not arguing that the kid was treated unfairly, just arguing being cautious about what the kid had wasn't entirely beyond the pale.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
185991, of course YOU think so.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Sep-17-15 12:18 PM
bless your heart.
185992, stop being islamophobic
Posted by Tommy-B, Thu Sep-17-15 01:33 PM
only a stupid islamophobe would be sceptical of a muslim - of
any colour - carrying around that home made ticking device in a small
briefcase with wires sticking out of it and a clock face.

non-stupid and non-islamophobic people can clearly identify when a muslim
is not carrying a bomb. not that one should have to, of course, because
muslims don't needlessly blow things up, only people do.

allahu akbar
185993, xenophobia, not necessarily islamophobia.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Sep-17-15 03:21 PM
185994, k
Posted by Tommy-B, Thu Sep-17-15 03:38 PM
185995, Here's where the cops/school went wrong.
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Sat Sep-19-15 08:56 PM
>I am not arguing that the kid was treated unfairly, just
>arguing being cautious about what the kid had wasn't entirely
>beyond the pale.

AFTER they did their due diligence to make sure it wasn't a bomb, why did they still put him in handcuffs? Why didn't the school lift his suspension? That's where the anger and frustration is coming from. There were adults who let their preconceived notions about this kid block any form of common sense. That's what people are angry and frustrated about.
185996, I love that you have to plug this "bomb" in lol.
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Thu Sep-17-15 11:51 AM


185997, Would make disarming the bomb alot easier.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Sep-17-15 12:24 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
185998, Arab-looking man of Syrian descent found in garage building what appears
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Thu Sep-17-15 06:19 PM
to be a bomb. Arrest him.



185999, Saw the pics, that shit looks a lot more like a bomb than a clock
Posted by J_Stew, Thu Sep-17-15 06:40 PM
should have been handled much better, but it isn't like that thing didn't look like a bomb or at least what most people perceive to be a bomb based on all the dumb movies we watch.
186000, Why didn't they evacuate the school and call the bomb squad?
Posted by Case_One, Thu Sep-17-15 10:24 PM
Racist teacher.
"Love your haters until they can love themselves and then love them further." ~ J. Case
186001, agreed. that's really my problem with this
Posted by Mynoriti, Sat Sep-19-15 05:37 PM
i thought it looked like a bomb (at least what movie bombs look like)

but if they really believed it was, they would have treated the situation as such and took the necessary precautions you would take if you thought there was actual danger. not just grill the kid.

186002, Dawkins think it's a hoax.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Sep-21-15 04:45 PM

I will say this. I was wondering how exactly did he build a clock?

Cause I have no idea what's involved in building a clock and if he just created a new housing for the clock then that's really not building a clock.

I guess I also had a little bit of skepticism because the pops seems out there.

All that said I think it would be a long shot that this was a hoax because I think it would be pretty hard to guess that if it were a hoax his Pops would see that doing this would end result in white house visits and offers of enrollment from good schools.

And of course the police blew it whether or not it was a hoax by handcuffing him and putting him through what they did.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
186003, Honestly, this is exactly what it looked like to me
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Mon Sep-21-15 04:51 PM

>if he just created a new housing for the clock then that's
>really not building a clock.

I saw a picture and thought he just put the guts of a digital clock into a new enclosure.
I was confused why he was getting calls from MIT and internships offers off of that.

The hoax business sounds far fetched though. This was like the perfect storm of things going right and wrong and the same time
186004, nobody thought he INVENTED a clock.
Posted by bentagain, Mon Sep-21-15 04:59 PM
the situation was handled wrong.

the fact that we're doing forensic investigations into whether or not Ahmed INVENTED a clock

is just proof of how far removed folks will go to avoid the issue.
186005, Dawkins didn't avoid the issue at all though, but yeah. whatever.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Sep-21-15 05:08 PM

>the situation was handled wrong.
>the fact that we're doing forensic investigations into whether
>or not Ahmed INVENTED a clock
>is just proof of how far removed folks will go to avoid the

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
186006, a 'hoax'.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Sep-21-15 05:17 PM
186007, Well it does go to Dawkins point.
Posted by denny, Tue Sep-22-15 05:13 AM
I hear what you're saying....I mean, who cares whether his clock was a legitimate invention? There's probably some of the right who just wanna bash the kid. "PLUS....he's invention is a FORGERY!" Anyone saying something like that is obviously just coming from a place of racism.

But Dawkins might be suggesting something like 'hey....he took apart a pre-existing clock and re-assembled it...using a briefcase as the outer shell instead of the original encasing. Why not just put it back into the original encasing? Why use a briefcase?' It does kinda beg the question.
186008, allegedly...and see reply 94
Posted by bentagain, Tue Sep-22-15 09:58 AM
my point is

why even allege ANYTHING on the kids' part

Ahmed could have, COULD HAVE, been acting intentionally and it wouldn't matter, IMO

the little coverage I saw of the kid, what he did feels like it's in his character

tinkering over the weekend and showing his teachers his project on monday

the conversation should not be about Ahmed's character, or alleged intent

the conversation should be on how bad this was handled.

IRT reply 94, I didn't want to fly my nerd flag too high

but yeah, building a clock as a project, it's really a standard in electronics courses

even if at worse, Ahmed disassembled a purchased alarm clock

reassembled it in a new housing

there is educational value in that

and it is a standard in engineering (taking something apart to see how it works)

we're also not talking about a public setting

this was a school

with alleged doctors of higher learning

who called the cops.

talk about that
186009, He probably built a clock from a kit or from parts he sourced.
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Mon Sep-21-15 05:26 PM
They look like this http://cdn.instructables.com/FX6/V0EQ/GV1HIJT7/FX6V0EQGV1HIJT7.LARGE.jpg Either way, he was a kid arrested for being brown and curious.
There are kits you can assemble with bread boards, timing chips, resisters, capacitors etc. You use a schematic to figure out how to put it together, solder it and bam it works. It's how just about every person interested in electronics starts.
This is the kind of shit I used to play with from radio shack before they stopped carrying this stuff. No one said the boy invented a clock. If he took any digital clock apart and reassembled it and it still worked, that is still more than the average 12 year old is capable of. All he wanted to do is show something he was tinkering with to his physics teacher. He didn't ask for any of this. That's enough of an accomplishment for me.


186010, ^^^^^^^^^
Posted by RobOne4, Mon Sep-21-15 07:05 PM
186011, Yeah no his point is that's exactly what he didn't do.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Sep-21-15 08:36 PM
The dude in the video's point is that the kid didn't make a clock as you described but rather took a commercial retail clock out of it's case and putting it into a brief case.

If that were the case it begs the question why. At least for some people it does. Other folks hate asking any questions that might disturb the current narrative.

>They look like this
>Either way, he was a kid arrested for being brown and curious.
>There are kits you can assemble with bread boards, timing
>chips, resisters, capacitors etc. You use a schematic to
>figure out how to put it together, solder it and bam it works.
>It's how just about every person interested in electronics
>This is the kind of shit I used to play with from radio shack
>before they stopped carrying this stuff. No one said the boy
>invented a clock. If he took any digital clock apart and
>reassembled it and it still worked, that is still more than
>the average 12 year old is capable of. All he wanted to do is
>show something he was tinkering with to his physics teacher.
>He didn't ask for any of this. That's enough of an
>accomplishment for me.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
186012, ...
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Sep-21-15 09:21 PM
186013, Yes which is why I said...
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Mon Sep-21-15 09:43 PM
Even if he did take apart an existing alarm clock to tinker with it, that could mean looking at the parts, messing with the guts or just trying to figure out what each part did, that is not unusual and still worthy of praise and not worthy of punishment. That's is how people learn to tinker. They take apart the shit they find in their house because it's cool to see the guts then they buy kits and start wiring their own shit.

I started taking apart my electric guitars even though I didn't know how the electronics worked. I just knew how to unscrew everything. The guts were so cool to look at and I liked to try to figure out exactly what each part did. Eventually I got brave enough to try and solder on new pots and capacitors.

If I had gotten in trouble at the "open shit up and look at it" stage I doubt that I would have gotten to the "let me wire a whole guitar from scratch" stage let alone the "handle well known guitars" stage.

I think if you're not into this kinda stuff it seems strange. This kid did what tinkers do, kit or exsisting clock. You'll hardly find a engineer who didn't start out taking apart shit laying around the house.

186014, It's not about that though.
Posted by denny, Tue Sep-22-15 06:50 AM
We have a kid who claims to have been harassed at school for his race. He was called 'a terrorist' and more specifically, 'a bombmaker'. This was before the incident took place. Is it that hard to speculate that he was angered by that and a small part of him got off on the idea that people might think his refurbished clock was a bomb? It sounds like an understandable reaction....kinda like an eff you to the teachers and students.
186015, And you think he deserved to be arrested for a prank.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Sep-22-15 07:03 AM
A harmless, obvious prank.

Would the school admins have called the police on a white kid who pranked them? <-- Ahmed and his parents already know. Which is why he's leaving that school. If my little Black boy was a student there I'd pull him out too. And my little Black girl, of course. Bc if that administration thinks they did the right thing in this case then that ain't the school for me and mine. Just like ppl who agree with the decision have no place in my life socially or otherwise.
186016, If it comes out that it was intended to be a prank
Posted by denny, Tue Sep-22-15 07:58 AM
then yes. He needs to get punished for that. He wouldn't be the first to pull a bomb prank at school and he's also not the first to get suspended or have police involvement as a consequence. Probably not the first this week. Shit happens all the time.

The schools don't mess around with that shit and they don't let white kids do it neither. I'm sure that ahmed has to deal with all sorts of messed up shit being a muslim in Texas. He's said as much in his interviews. They called him a 'bombmaker'....an insult that obviously held some relevance to him if he's gonna allude to it in a newspaper interview. It's not a stretch that he would play off that and be tempted to put a little scare in his tormentors and then make them look stupid when he says 'it's just a clock'. If that's how this went down....it's a stupid, yet understandable mistake typical of an angry 14 year old boy who's been victimized.

That scenario makes alot more sense than the one that's being suggested repeatedly in this thread.....that the teachers and principles colluded with the police in pretending that they were scared Ahmed was a legitimate terrorist so that they could arrest and humiliate the muslim kid.

186017, and it shouldn't ever happen to any kid. period.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Sep-22-15 08:07 AM
>then yes. He needs to get punished for that. He wouldn't be
>the first to pull a bomb prank at school and he's also not the
>first to get suspended or have police involvement as a
>consequence. Probably not the first this week. Shit happens
>all the time.

...and it shouldn't happen unless the kid's prank actually exposed others to risk of harm. using police to 'teach a kid a lesson' is horrific.

>The schools don't mess around with that shit and they don't
>let white kids do it neither.

and i am always against it even when it happens to white kids. it shouldn't happen to any of them. however, i remain unconvinced that in this case those admins would've called police on a white kid. but even if they would've i'd still have pulled my kid out of the school b/c i think the admins' reaction to the 'prank' was outrageous.

I'm sure that ahmed has to deal
>with all sorts of messed up shit being a muslim in Texas.
>He's said as much in his interviews. They called him a
>'bombmaker'....an insult that obviously held some relevance to
>him if he's gonna allude to it in a newspaper interview. It's
>not a stretch that he would play off that and be tempted to
>put a little scare in his tormentors and then make them look
>stupid when he says 'it's just a clock'. If that's how this
>went down....it's a stupid, yet understandable mistake typical
>of an angry 14 year old boy who's been victimized.

keywords: 'typical of an angry 14 year old BOY'

IMO school admins shouldn't call police on kids for doing kid shit. and by your measure this was some kid shit. so i remain unconvinced that the school admins did the right thing here even if this kid pranked them w/the clock.
186018, RE: and it shouldn't ever happen to any kid. period.
Posted by denny, Tue Sep-22-15 09:35 AM

>...and it shouldn't happen unless the kid's prank actually
>exposed others to risk of harm. using police to 'teach a kid
>a lesson' is horrific.

I actually whole-heartedly agree with that sentiment. And that's a much broader debate. But that's what we do. Students get taken out of school in cuffs all the time. That's just normalized for me in a way....but you're absolutely right. Nothing good ever comes from doing that. And imagining myself Ahmed's teacher.....I'd be even less likely to report it for fear of the police being driven by radical islamist fear. But who knows....what if Ahmed was doing all this scary 'vagueness' in the presence of other students. She might lose her job by not reporting it.

>>The schools don't mess around with that shit and they don't
>>let white kids do it neither.
>and i am always against it even when it happens to white kids.
> it shouldn't happen to any of them. however, i remain
>unconvinced that in this case those admins would've called
>police on a white kid. but even if they would've i'd still
>have pulled my kid out of the school b/c i think the admins'
>reaction to the 'prank' was outrageous.

I guess I can see how you feel it's outrageous and I agree.....where we differ is that I don't think it's out of the ordinary. That's what schools do. I got arrested at school once for some petty robbery. I told that story here once...it's hilarious. They cuffed me. It happens all the time. So that leads me to perceive that it's possible the teachers and even the police (?!?!) were simply following a school/legal protocol about bombings. I don't think they have much of a choice in what they do nowadays. There's a procedure set up. It could be that the police were saying to him 'Sorry ahmed....but this is outta our hands. You really cant joke about this type of stuff in the future". That version of events isn't possible to exist if you follow the headlines 'School mistakes clock for bomb. Arrests 14 year old Muslim boy".

>IMO school admins shouldn't call police on kids for doing kid
>shit. and by your measure this was some kid shit. so i
>remain unconvinced that the school admins did the right thing
>here even if this kid pranked them w/the clock.

Yah, I have to agree with you in principle. But I think my point is that Ahmed did not receive an uncommon response to what he allegedly did. The public perception is that the school arrested him because they thought his clock was a bomb. And if that's the working presumption....then what they did was barbaric.
186019, a'ight.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Sep-22-15 10:42 AM
now i see where you're coming from. i'll stand down. lol
186020, Just going to chime in on one thing
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue Sep-22-15 09:54 AM
Any kid who brought a "prank bomb" to school is getting the cops called on them. That is one of the few things that almost completely transcends race these days and even pre 9-11 it was an issue of sorts.

I hope it wasn't a prank and I hope the kid just tinkered with an existing clock or used some kind of kit to build it.

It is odd that it looked like a TV drama suitcase time bomb, but I'd like to think that the adults should have realized that's not what real suitcase bombs look like i.e. something Jack Bauer would have to deal with.
186021, RE: a "prank bomb"
Posted by bentagain, Tue Sep-22-15 10:08 AM
hey teacher look at my prank bomb


wasn't the first teacher an electronics teacher?

all you have to do to know it's not a BOMB is look at the f'n thing

which they did

186022, I don't think you are getting what the suspicion is.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Sep-22-15 11:22 AM
The suspicion isn't that he tried to fool anyone into thinking he had a bomb. The suspicion is that he made something that he knew sorta looked like a bomb to be provocative or for jokes.

What he is being accused of isn't the equivalent of calling in a bomb threat to scare people but rather repeatedly saying "Yo this pizza is da BOMB" in a TSA line because he thinks its funny and to piss off TSA workers.

In the second instance, it doesn't matter if everyone knows you don't have a bomb, you still might get hemmed up.

Whether that is right or wrong is a different discussion than the one everyone is having.

>hey teacher look at my prank bomb
>wasn't the first teacher an electronics teacher?
>all you have to do to know it's not a BOMB is look at the f'n
>which they did

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
186023, RE: I don't think you are getting what everyone is.
Posted by bentagain, Tue Sep-22-15 11:29 AM
just to reiterate

I would much rather focus on teachers using police on minors


IRT Everyone

IDK how many teenagers you know

but I'll go ahead and assume in a HS setting, at least 50% of the students have a cellphone

did any students call the cops?

were any of the students alarmed by Ahmed's 'clock'?

does he walk to school, take the bus, or get dropped off

he walked around the school for 3 periods?

if you want to talk about context or whatever

this happened at a school

which has mechanisms for discipline

I would assume that starts with confiscating the item in question



that didn't happen

whatever you or anybody would allege

and again, even if there was intent on Ahmed's part


he didn't yell bomb

he didn't leave it under a desk or a bathroom stall, etc...


why would anybody assume it was a bomb?
186024, I hear you but that's a whole different convo that doesn't include WH visits
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Sep-22-15 12:14 PM
If it turns out that the kid purposely made something to look like a movie bomb then I think that is a different conversation than saying a kid who designed a clock from scratch was treated like a terrorist because of his religion and race.

>just to reiterate
>I would much rather focus on teachers using police on minors
>IRT Everyone
>IDK how many teenagers you know
>but I'll go ahead and assume in a HS setting, at least 50% of
>the students have a cellphone
>did any students call the cops?
>were any of the students alarmed by Ahmed's 'clock'?
>does he walk to school, take the bus, or get dropped off
>he walked around the school for 3 periods?
>if you want to talk about context or whatever
>this happened at a school
>which has mechanisms for discipline
>I would assume that starts with confiscating the item in
>that didn't happen
>whatever you or anybody would allege
>and again, even if there was intent on Ahmed's part
>he didn't yell bomb
>he didn't leave it under a desk or a bathroom stall, etc...
>why would anybody assume it was a bomb?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
186025, does the direction that this convo is going remind you of any other
Posted by bentagain, Tue Sep-22-15 12:23 PM
police involved incidents that have dominated the headlines for a couple of years now?

you want to go down the road of character assassination and victim blaming

safe journey

never changes the facts that it was a clock, and the school handled it wrong.

186026, RE: I don't think you are getting what everyone is.
Posted by Tommy-B, Tue Sep-22-15 12:18 PM

>why would anybody assume it was a bomb?

you're doing

too much.

i - like others -

in this


have said that

Mr. Mohammed

shouldn't have been


our point is


there was good

reason to believe

that his homemade device encased in a briefcase with wires sticking out of it




a bomb.

186027, RE: there was good reason to believe that his homemade device
Posted by bentagain, Tue Sep-22-15 12:28 PM
encased in a briefcase with wires sticking out of it may have been a bomb."

was there

was there really?


kid goes to school with this clock

how many people see him before he even gets to school


I believe it was an electronics teacher = knows it's a clock

how many people see this clock

before it's decided that this is bomb hoax?

IMO, it feels like the teachers knew it wasn't a bomb

but BECAUSE it's Ahmed

they decided to use the police to teach him a lesson

what lesson do you think Ahmed learned?

how many 'reasonable' people did Ahmed come into contact with that day, whom concluded it wasn't a bomb, it was just a clock?

186028, I'm not disagreeing
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue Sep-22-15 12:06 PM
I'm really just pointing out that a kid of any ethnic background could get the cops called on them for legitimately pranking something like that and I'm not saying that was the case here.
186029, RE: could
Posted by bentagain, Tue Sep-22-15 12:10 PM
sure, just like yt gets killed by the cops too

I'm not understanding the spin so far from the topic

this kid DID get the cops called on him

but we're entertaining forensic investigations into his 'invention'

instead of talking about why this kid DID get the cops called on him

IMO, it makes it worse that they knew it was just a clock

and called the cops anyway

what lesson do you think Ahmed learned?

186030, Ahmed learned one lesson...
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Sep-22-15 12:27 PM
he's transferring to a new school. b/c the admins at the school in this case are unreasonable.

that's a valuable lesson. i hope other students and parents at the school learned the same.
186031, Those admins would have done the same.
Posted by denny, Tue Sep-22-15 01:39 PM
There's no district that has a school bombing policy that says 'It is up to the teacher's discretion whether to report a possible bomb hoax'.

For Tommy. I don't know how else to put this cause I sense you're not getting what we're saying......They identified it as a bomb hoax. At no time did anyone think it was real. A bomb hoax, however, is taken very seriously in it's own right. In fact, it's probably most endangering to ahmed himself. It's also a criminal act. That's what he was arrested for. It was not for endangering anyone's safety. So the law was justly applied in arresting him....whether one agrees that bomb hoaxes should be arrestable offences is a different matter. And whether Ahmed was guilty of carrying out a bomb hoax is also debatable. But like Buddy said....that's not the conversation that's happening right now. The conversation is being made about whether the school and police were justified in feeling threatened by Ahmed. It's an irrelevant question because they DIDN'T feel threatened by Ahmed and never claimed to have been.
186032, i'd find one.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Sep-22-15 01:54 PM
or i'd home school.

either way my kid would be out of that school. period.

and despite what you say i disagree that what these admins did was inevitable or reasonable. nothing you say will change my mind on it.

i understand that the decision to have the boy arrested was driven in part by reactionary policies created in recent years as part of generalized 'zero tolerance' initiatives among school admins as related to handling student misconduct (such policies make school admins more likely to involve police in student misconduct cases). of course there was also some racism and xenophobia mixed in there as well (despite whatever you say about it). b/c (despite what you say) the admins DO have discretion since they don't call police every single time some student violates the school's conduct code (i know of too many cases where admins didn't call police - i used to date a school district superintendent, bro, and i've heard stories).

it's all too much - the admins were wrong. period.
186033, sorry I meant 'would' and beyond that I can't say much else.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue Sep-22-15 12:36 PM
186034, 'they can't be as smart or smarter than us!'
Posted by Crash Bandacoot, Mon Sep-21-15 07:25 PM
186035, you so trash B
Posted by astralblak, Mon Sep-21-15 10:52 PM
186036, Yah...Bill Maher was talking about it.
Posted by denny, Tue Sep-22-15 02:41 AM
The MSNBC guy on the show was saying how quick we all take up our battlestations when an incident like this happens without hearing the context.

In anycase, it's been claimed that he took apart a pre-existing clock and then put it back together in a different casing. There's also a video he posted the night before he brought it to school saying that he made a small alteration in order to make it look 'less suspicious'. So the kid was cognizant of the fact his clock may have been alarming to people at the school.

In addition....apparently there was never any question as to whether it was a bomb or not. He had already brought the clock to a few classes before being sent to the principle's office. He was sent to the office because the teacher claimed he was being elusive and vague in clarifying what it was. So the teacher thought the kid was baiting her into thinking it was a bomb. And that's why he was sent to the office. The police were eventually called because it was contended that he was pulling off a 'bomb hoax'. I have to admit....the story makes alot more sense in that context. I was all for the kid at first....but it's looking more and more like he was pushing boundaries and kinda baiting people. I mean, all he did was change the casing of the clock....which coincidentally made it appear similar to a bomb?

The thing is....it's kinda understandable why the kid would do something like this. He's 14....going through being a muslim kid in Texas. It's a pretty basic 'let's eff with the teachers' kinda plan. It's incredibly stupid....but hey, 14 year olds do stupid things. To be honest....it sounds like something I would do when I was 14. "What is it that you have there Ahmed?'....'Uhh it's something that I made"....'Yes, but what is it"....'Uhh it's my invention that I wanted to bring to school'....with a sly smile. I mean, I even find it kinda funny in a hypothetical sense....but he needs to be punished if that was the context of events. And calling the police to put a scare in him is reasonable as well.
186037, You're such a reasonable troll
Posted by AFRICAN, Tue Sep-22-15 03:00 AM
186038, Look, I don't know what happened.
Posted by denny, Tue Sep-22-15 03:15 AM
But it's clear that everyone involved KNEW it wasn't a bomb. That's why the story didn't make any sense in the first place. Who sends a kid to the office with a potential bomb in his possession? The school wasn't evacuated. And these observations have been making the rounds with the suggestion that the teachers, principal and police just wanted to arrest the kid cause they're racist. So the contention is that they were PRETENDING they thought it was a bomb so they could joyfully arrest that little muslim kid. The fact that the school wasn't evacuated isn't proof that everyone involved was racist. It proves that the people involved thought it was a hoax.

And think about it for a second. Why a briefcase? There's a million things he could have used. A cardboard box being the most obvious. A briefcase? Seems highly likely that the kid was trolling. And the subsequent interviews with him also sound kinda off. The other kids used to call him a 'bomb-maker'? It doesn't sound like he was treated like a terrorist. Sounds like he was treated like a bomb hoaxer.
186039, #30... I felt like the family is in on this shit
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-22-15 10:16 AM
they sounded a little too happy over their kid being handcuffed.

Talking about his life will never be the same... GTFOH. This is America, you get 15 minutes and then you are outta here.

maybe he gets a little overtime overseas but nah... I think the WH and Clinton and others will pull back from this once all the info comes out.

ionno. Shit seems way too dramatic. He ain't the first dark skinned kid to be put in cuffs over some dumb shit at a HS.

186040, Excellent mental gymnastics in here, I'm impressed.
Posted by Backbone, Tue Sep-22-15 05:53 AM
Aside from that, I'm happy I found this Richard Dawkins parody twitter account to help me deal with people trying to rationalize a 14 year old getting put in cuffs "because terrorism":

186041, The intial headlines were extemely misleading though.
Posted by denny, Tue Sep-22-15 06:39 AM
He was put in handcuffs under suspicion of performing a bomb hoax. Not under suspicion of being a terrorist.
186042, If true it changes nothing in the narrative.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Sep-22-15 06:59 AM
You know, for ppl who aren't into overbroad policing. Who don't think police should be called on kids for doing kid shit. Like pulling a prank that didn't endanger anyone's life.

But you keep on being you. We all know you already.
186043, Headlines don't change the issue for me.
Posted by Backbone, Tue Sep-22-15 07:31 AM
If they actually think he was trying to pull off a hoax (supposedly by just.. showing it to everyone without explicitly saying "it's not a bomb, don't worry"), they should have called his fucking parents, not the police. Unlike actual hoaxes, it was clear from the get go that nobody's life was in actual danger, or they would have responded differently.

Even if the kid did try to get a reaction, the fact that he got this one tells me enough, especially since it's not like it happened in a social and cultural vacuum.

But it's like some people are afraid that we're closing our eyes to Islamist terrorism if we just treat non-militant Muslims the same as everyone else.
186044, RE: Headlines don't change the issue for me.
Posted by denny, Tue Sep-22-15 08:24 AM
>If they actually think he was trying to pull off a hoax
>(supposedly by just.. showing it to everyone without
>explicitly saying "it's not a bomb, don't worry"), they should
>have called his fucking parents, not the police. Unlike actual
>hoaxes, it was clear from the get go that nobody's life was in
>actual danger, or they would have responded differently.

From what I've gathered....contrary to all the media coverage, there was NEVER any question as to the possibility it might be a bomb. That's why there was no evacuation and no bomb threat protocal was implemented. The teacher that sent Ahmed to the principle KNEW that it wasn't a bomb. A bomb hoax does not need for the targeted party to think that that the threat is genuine in order for the act to be criminal. The police were brought in to determine if a criminal act had taken place....specifically, if Ahmed intended to incite fear. He does not need to be successful in doing so in order for the crime to be committed.

>Even if the kid did try to get a reaction, the fact that he
>got this one tells me enough, especially since it's not like
>it happened in a social and cultural vacuum.

Kids who pull bomb pranks at school get arrested. From my experience, that is not a controversial reaction. Of course, it's possible that Ahmed didn't intend to perform a bomb hoax. But if they think he did (possibly because of a racial bias), reporting him to the police is protocol.

>But it's like some people are afraid that we're closing our
>eyes to Islamist terrorism if we just treat non-militant
>Muslims the same as everyone else.

Yah...it's obvious to everyone that Americans are disproportionately afraid of islamic terrorist attacks. To a completely ridiculous degree. But in this case....the teachers were not suspicious of Ahmed being part of a terrorist threat. They were suspicious that he was intending to incite fear via a bomb hoax.

Heres' the statement from the school:


186045, that statement clarifies nothing.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Sep-22-15 08:35 AM
i'm not sure why you posted it. why did you?
186046, What? It clarifies that the image from the Dawkins video isn't an image
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Sep-22-15 09:46 AM
of the actual device the kid brought to the school. So that kills the whole argument that the kid perpetrated a hoax based on the image.

Heels so dug in you can't see how he just posted something that helps your position. LOL.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
186047, it doesn't since the statement was issued on Sept 16
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Sep-22-15 10:43 AM
and Dawkins' video is dated Sept 20. so the statement can't refer to a video that hadn't been made yet.

186048, Huh? How come the Dawkins video and the Statement can't refer to
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Sep-22-15 11:01 AM
an image that has been circulating since at least Sept. 16th?

>and Dawkins' video is dated Sept 20. so the statement can't
>refer to a video that hadn't been made yet.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
186049, omg i don't care.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Sep-22-15 11:04 AM
i was about to type something else here when suddenly i realized i don't care.

the video doesn't clarify anything.

whether this is a hoax or not the school admins reacted poorly IMO. the decision to call police was wrong w/o regard for what Dawkins thinks about the video statement issued before he'd made his video that refers to the statement that's not about what he said about the thing that's not a thing that was not something that deserved the thing about that stuff. so what the fuck ever.
186050, If you really didn't care you would, you know, not respond.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Sep-22-15 11:11 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
186051, i don't care and yet i'm responding.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Sep-22-15 11:18 AM

now what?
186052, Soo you care enough to respond and catch feelings. I get it.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Sep-22-15 11:25 AM
Now I can say I am pretty sure that I am good on this back and forth and will bow out and let you go ahead and have your last word. All yours....

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
186053, now i've responded AND caught feelings.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Sep-22-15 11:54 AM
that's good to know.

tell me more about me. like, what color are my drawers today?
186054, you should have followed your own advice up there
Posted by Tommy-B, Tue Sep-22-15 11:37 AM
and stood down when you thought you were ahead
186055, ok. thanks.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Sep-22-15 11:55 AM
i'll call on you when i need advice about how to post around here.

186056, it's good to see that the weak howls of "islamophobia!!!!!"
Posted by Tommy-B, Tue Sep-22-15 11:33 AM
have been drowned out by perspective, time and reason.

the school were wrong to arrest Ahmed Mohammed. especially
after ascertaining that his home made clock-device encased in a briefcase
with wires sticking out of it wasn't, in actuality, a bomb.

however, there WAS good reason for alarm and you cannot tell
people that they shouldn't feel unnerved in a situation like this.

over the past few decades, adherents of a particular ideology have
been blowing shit up at an alarming rate for reasons attributed solely to their adherence to the said particular ideology.

Ahmed Mohammed's race was undoubtedly a factor in this, but not the
primary factor for the panic and his subsequent arrest. if he was a
white adherent of the aforementioned ideology, i'm sure there
would also have been panic (and possibly no arrest, though i can't
say for sure).

as legsdiamond said up there, black kids get needlessly taken away in handcuffs all the time but you don't get this type of hysteria
because people want to make sure that the aforementioned ideology is
never associated with stuff like bombs and (possible) destruction,
even though it has been for a very long time.
186057, That's a discriminatory viewpoint imo.
Posted by denny, Tue Sep-22-15 01:03 PM
Seriously, what you're espousing IS islamaphobic because it suggests that it's reasonable to assume a 14 year old muslim kid is a threat to bring bombs to school in America. Except how many times has it happened in the past? I believe that number is 0. So it's not reasonable to assume. You're expecting the behaviour of an identifiable group to be similar in America and a place like Palestine. And that's because you think the root of Palestinian war acts are based on RELIGION. When, in fact, they're driven by a very quantifiable land dispute. You're attributing those acts of child suicide bombers to ISLAM rather than the regions and circumstances that exist there. That's what islamaphobes do.

The ironic thing...is that the popular perception right now is accusatory of the school officials and police in this case....because they think they have the view you've espoused. I don't think they do. When this all comes out...there will be NO talk from the teacher's perspective of how muslim people are more likely to bomb schools than others. And that we're justified in being suspicious of them. They WEREN'T suspicious of Ahmed. It's people with YOUR view that are suspicious of Ahmed and it's based on prejudice. There's nothing in the actions of the police and teachers that shows they agree with you. And I don't think the general population is realizing that with this issue right now.
186058, you talk too much (c) Run-DMC
Posted by Tommy-B, Tue Sep-22-15 01:33 PM
i'm not saying that EYE agree with the suspicions of
people, nor the panic, nor the school's and police's reaction
to this incident.

i'm saying that certain people DO hold suspicion towards muslims who
carry around suspicious looking home made devices.

i'm not commenting on the specifics of this case because, frankly,
i don't know nor care enough to inquire much further than i already

the school reacted horrendously and this should have been a non-story,
but it wasn't. why? because of the kid's religion and race and the
prejudice of the people who dealt with this incident.

i agree with you on the palestine thing though. that is a
land dispute, exacerbated by religion. however, the reason why muslims
blow themselves - and others - up, IS because of religion.

186059, get the fuck out
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Sep-22-15 01:45 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
186060, *shrugs*
Posted by Tommy-B, Tue Sep-22-15 01:52 PM
i'm just saying, muslims have been known to engage in terrorism.

was that likely to be the case here? of course not. but you
can't be playing with these sort of things.

don't ban me again
186061, a muslim in america does not fit the profile for domestic terrorist
Posted by bentagain, Tue Sep-22-15 01:53 PM
just sayin'
186062, you are a dumb fuck.
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Sep-22-15 01:59 PM
coming back to an argument where everyone has already decided your stupidity isn't worth discussing, does not mean that they "quieted down"

they moved on.

because you're a fucking dumbass.

this is the end of our interaction.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
186063, *shrugs again*
Posted by Tommy-B, Tue Sep-22-15 02:05 PM
have a nice day, mod