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Topic subjectScientists Discover "Nigersaurus" *Swipe*
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111240, Scientists Discover "Nigersaurus" *Swipe*
Posted by TheRemedy, Thu Nov-15-07 01:04 PM
This made me laugh out loud.

It has been 60 years since French paleontologists first found the dinosaur’s bones in Saharan Africa, and 10 years since Paul C. Sereno of the University of Chicago began assembling a more complete skeleton. Only now has his team recognized the plant-eater’s peculiar anatomy and foraging behavior.

The researchers report today that the dinosaur, named Nigersaurus taqueti, had an unusually short neck, delicate bones and a habitual head posture pointed directly toward the ground. Unlike the more common long-necked species, this was a ground-level browser like modern cows.

In a journal article and an interview, the paleontologist Dr. Sereno said this 30-foot-long dinosaur, with hundreds of teeth in its broad, squared-off jaws, probably lived on ferns, horsetails and other ground vegetation. The 110 million-year-old species was discovered in Niger and is related to the North American dinosaur Diplodocus.

“We have seen nothing like this dinosaur,” Dr. Sereno said. “It’s a puzzle that says, ‘figure this out,’ and we think it’s an extreme version of Diplodocus with the minimum amount of body structure it needed.”

The scientists described the Nigersaurus anatomy and behavior in a report to be published next week in PloS ONE, the online journal of the Public Library of Science. Their research was partly financed by the National Geographic Society, which is featuring the results in the December issue of its magazine.

At the time the dinosaur lived, the land that is now Niger was a lush habitat with forests and large waterways, crawling with predatory 40-foot-long crocodiles. Nigersaurus, with a body the size of an elephant, was one of the most common herbivores there.

The dinosaur’s relatively small skull, excavated in 1997, proved to be especially revealing. CT scans, analyzed by Lawrence M. Witmer of Ohio University, showed details of the braincase and inner ear, from which the scientists inferred the animal’s head posture. Neck bones also indicated that it could not look up. Its muzzle was angled to the ground, unlike the forward-pointing snouts of most other dinosaurs.

The muzzle itself was odd. In contrast to other plant-eating dinosaurs, this one had more than 50 columns of teeth, all lined up along the front edge of the jaws, forming, in effect, a foot-long pair of scissors.

The CT scans of the jaw bones revealed up to nine replacement teeth stacked behind each cutting tooth. When one wore out, another immediately took its place, at a rate, perhaps, of one a month in each column.

“Among dinosaurs,” Dr. Sereno said, “Nigersaurus sets the Guinness record for tooth replacement.”

111241, KOPYRITE! im maikin tihs intoo a sonng rite awaie!
Posted by Rubbert Kolly, Thu Nov-15-07 01:06 PM
"ill bee yore negasaurus baaaaaaaabe"
111242, oh my goodness.
Posted by lingo, Thu Nov-15-07 01:07 PM
111243, *making laughing motions -- no sound coming out*
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 01:08 PM

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** i move a
111244, LOL....
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Nov-15-07 01:52 PM
111245, *DEAD*
Posted by SupermanFrom281, Thu Nov-15-07 01:10 PM
111246, *dead*
Posted by unfukwitable, Thu Nov-15-07 01:10 PM

111247, lol
Posted by Vector, Thu Nov-15-07 01:11 PM
111248, HA.
Posted by R A i n, Thu Nov-15-07 01:15 PM
111249, oh my dear lord!
Posted by KosherSam, Thu Nov-15-07 01:16 PM
Posted by Rubbert Kolly, Thu Nov-15-07 01:35 PM

yea nega
ive gottin soe bigg mye negas
its lyke im a tyranosaurus
naw wate fuk taht
a negasaurus
chek itt

(vurse 1)

im thu negasaurus
bettur feer mye rore
eet yore ladee upp
becuz i amm a carnivoar

butt i becum a hurbivoar
whin i smoak taht hurb
soe nowe i amm omnivoarous
mye nega tahts mye worde

mye teath replaise kwickly
tahts won uv mye feechures
i nead themm frum eeting thu ribbs
uv oll thees othur creechures

mye caiv iz vary spachious
itll maik yoo saie "gud grachious!"
reelest negasaurus
inn oll uv thu creetachious

cuz wen dynosores rooled thu planit
won stuud owt frum oll thu reste
oll thu othur reptyles cood'nt stande itt
cuz thay new mye gaim wuz thu beste
so wen yoo cee a negasaurus
bettur notiss hiss gaim iz fyne
cuz evin wen negasauri goe eckstinct
hiss storee gos onn foar oll tyme

(vurse b)

im thu negasaurus
thu won youre gurl iz aftur
ill gitt yore womin fastur
then a velosiraptur

yoo knoe mye dik iz biggur
then tyranosaurus recks
thay wont mee too flecks
and giv themm tyranosaurus seeeecks

doa'nt stepp too mee nega
und forse mee too smak yoo
yoo hait becuz mye stile iz flier
then a ptairodactil

so recugnyze a negasaurus
und thu waie hee roals
und git reddy cuz steevn speelberg's
fillmin oll mye viddeeeooooooooos!

(korus 2x)


yea nega
keappin itt reel oll thru thu jorassic
dubble upp onn feemails, maik it a tryassic
its yore boyefrend
showt owt too oncle joonbug
Posted by Jesse Badgreen, Thu Nov-15-07 01:37 PM
111252, Good Gosh
Posted by Jahnadian, Thu Nov-15-07 01:38 PM
111253, Omnivore.
Posted by Origin05, Thu Nov-15-07 01:52 PM

Hes an omnivore fam.
111254, ^has got to be poetx
Posted by Vector, Thu Nov-15-07 01:55 PM
111255, no, its not. i'm sitting here cracking up w/ the rest of y'all fools.
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 02:13 PM
this is the best rubbert kolly poast evar.

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** i move a
111256, Haha! I thought the same thing
Posted by Inspired, Thu Nov-15-07 03:53 PM
111257, i think it's Newborn202
Posted by EurekaFish, Fri Nov-16-07 08:47 AM

you're second to none
111258, LMFAO*
Posted by ACRG, Thu Nov-15-07 01:56 PM
111259, *passes from cardiac arrest*
Posted by ChuckFoPrez, Thu Nov-15-07 01:59 PM
111260, *golf claps*
Posted by bluetiger, Thu Nov-15-07 02:00 PM
111261, Kellz... you stupid
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Nov-15-07 02:02 PM
LAMBO!!!! (© Jesse Badgreen)
111262, LOL
Posted by Coatesvillain, Thu Nov-15-07 02:04 PM
Reading that to the melody of "I'll Never Leave" makes it that much more hilarious.
111263, Archive!
Posted by IslaSoul, Thu Nov-15-07 02:05 PM
111264, i second the motion
Posted by Mr Church Hill, Thu Nov-15-07 03:32 PM
111265, third
Posted by SupermanFrom281, Thu Nov-15-07 03:43 PM
111266, fourf.
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 04:51 PM
ie, throwing the alley oop so someone can say FIF!


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** i move a
111267, 1..2...3...4..fif...
Posted by ThaAnthology, Thu Nov-15-07 04:57 PM
111268, ^^^ flushes it, backwards. poetx on the no-look alley oop assist.
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 04:59 PM

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111269, seis
Posted by gaa700, Thu Nov-15-07 05:58 PM
Posted by JBoogs, Thu Nov-15-07 02:40 PM

PRAISE WHITE JESUS! (c) Uncle Ruckus
111271, *DEAD x 3*
Posted by SupermanFrom281, Thu Nov-15-07 02:47 PM
111272, WOW!
Posted by stayls, Thu Nov-15-07 02:49 PM
111273, *choking on laughter*
Posted by Government Name, Thu Nov-15-07 02:56 PM
111274, OH SHIT!
Posted by RobOne4, Thu Nov-15-07 03:00 PM
111275, LOL
Posted by walihorse, Thu Nov-15-07 03:10 PM
111276, I almost got myself fired on that one. ARCHIVE
Posted by KosherSam, Thu Nov-15-07 03:28 PM
111277, I was trying not to crack up at work
Posted by KangolLove, Thu Nov-15-07 08:03 PM
111278, OMG
Posted by electric_lady, Thu Nov-15-07 03:48 PM
111279, dead'd
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Nov-15-07 04:55 PM
111280, my lawd
Posted by eclipsedInI, Thu Nov-15-07 05:14 PM
111281, wowee.
Posted by melodikangel, Thu Nov-15-07 05:15 PM
111282, .....
Posted by soulgyal, Thu Nov-15-07 07:06 PM
: (
111283, omg
Posted by richieEarl, Thu Nov-15-07 07:25 PM
111284, *done*
Posted by Vizionz28, Thu Nov-15-07 07:36 PM
111285, +++Abby died here+++
Posted by abby, Thu Nov-15-07 08:10 PM
111286, WOW. i'm so glad i decided to check out GD today.
Posted by Steve O Tron v2, Thu Nov-15-07 09:34 PM
you are truly a genius.
111287, Official read time: 14 mins
Posted by EvenflowDDT, Fri Nov-16-07 08:33 AM
Damn u man
111288, Here lies that nigga Dave, if hadnt read this his life he'da saved
Posted by Wong Tern, Fri Nov-16-07 08:58 AM
111289, fuck!
Posted by R A i n, Fri Nov-16-07 09:00 AM
lmfao @ (verse b)
111290, hoe.lee.shit. LOL!!!!!!
Posted by J_Sun, Fri Nov-16-07 09:39 AM


DROkayplayer: Semi-Retired
111291, this is why i loved okp since 99
Posted by fire, Fri Nov-16-07 09:46 AM
111292, LMAO
Posted by b2thej, Fri Nov-16-07 10:20 AM
111293, Incredible fuggin posting!!!
Posted by AlphaSupe, Fri Nov-16-07 10:28 AM
111294, *DYING*
Posted by Origin05, Thu Nov-15-07 01:51 PM
111295, LOLOL
Posted by JBoogs, Thu Nov-15-07 02:39 PM

PRAISE WHITE JESUS! (c) Uncle Ruckus
111296, good. lord.
Posted by The_Orange_Ninja_Turtle, Thu Nov-15-07 06:35 PM
111297, *dead*
Posted by napturalmystic, Thu Nov-15-07 08:25 PM
111298, wooowww
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Thu Nov-15-07 01:08 PM
111299, Nigersauras, which lived in the late Playaistocene Era, roamed
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 01:14 PM
a subsaharan terrain rich in vegetation, including the Collared Fern, and what appear to be giant, Land of the Lost watermelons.

From the relative few bones discovered thus far, paleontologists have nonetheless felt confident enough to infer many details about Nigersaurus' life, including the theory that the lumbering beast ate a large meal early in the morning and slept through the day.

VVV - HELP a fellow OKP win $100k for his business! They need only 60 more clicks!


peace & blessings,


** i move a
111300, stop. you're going to kill me.
Posted by Damali, Thu Nov-15-07 01:26 PM
oh my god...


111301, *DEAD...again*
Posted by SupermanFrom281, Thu Nov-15-07 01:28 PM
111302, LOL.
Posted by Aeon, Thu Nov-15-07 01:29 PM
111303, hahahaha
Posted by mermaid, Thu Nov-15-07 01:39 PM
111304, always killin shit
Posted by DawgEatah, Thu Nov-15-07 01:50 PM

R.I.P. 3rd i
111305, This ain't even fair, lol.
Posted by Coatesvillain, Thu Nov-15-07 02:05 PM
Shit hurts when I laugh, but I can't help it.
111306, ^^^
Posted by TheRemedy, Thu Nov-15-07 03:16 PM
LMAO This is absolute brilliance. I knew someone would articulate why this made me literally convulse with laughter
thank you Poetx...
111307, lol. y/w. that's *exactly* what ran through my mind when i read the
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 03:23 PM

Nigersaurus, indeed. like Niger Innis.

y'all ain't slick.

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peace & blessings,


** i move a
111308, lol
Posted by bayoubyyou, Thu Nov-15-07 07:06 PM
111309, Not the land of the lost watermelons
Posted by napturalmystic, Thu Nov-15-07 08:36 PM
111310, *predicting "Nigersaurus" alias or screenname*
Posted by SupermanFrom281, Thu Nov-15-07 01:15 PM
111311, I wonder if that joint is kin to Purplesaurus Rex
Posted by Tw3nty, Thu Nov-15-07 01:21 PM
111312, Hell, he probably ATE Purplesaurus Rex
Posted by SupermanFrom281, Thu Nov-15-07 01:26 PM
That Kool Aid stereotype and all
111313, ^best Kool Aid flavor ever made
Posted by Fishgrease, Thu Nov-15-07 02:51 PM
111314, ^ truest of stories. nm
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 05:10 PM

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** i move a
111315, lambo at this:
Posted by Jesse Badgreen, Thu Nov-15-07 01:24 PM

>The researchers report today that the dinosaur, named
>Nigersaurus taqueti, had an unusually short neck, delicate
>bones and a habitual head posture pointed directly toward the

the only thing missing is something like this:

"Researchers also note that its shallow pelvis suggests a slew-footed, shuffling gait."
111316, i'm saying. and wide hipped females. and big reproductive organs. nm
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 02:43 PM

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** i move a
111317, *pyern*
Posted by tex, Thu Nov-15-07 02:46 PM

rosemary's babydaddy
111318, werd. they named a shuffling ass dinosaur after us, yo. fuck is next?
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 03:35 PM

little, fast, dark skinned reptile that went around snatching other dinosaurs' shit.

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** i move a
111319, I read 2/3 of it before I realised it wasn't a joke
Posted by cipha_2, Thu Nov-15-07 01:27 PM
111320, i read it twice and made sure the link really worked before i was like
Posted by , Thu Nov-15-07 01:41 PM

they serious.



(22:32)kaki****: i love you. you are NOT a fan.
you are my best friend. my sister.
but if you leak my album, i will DESTROY YOU, your ENTIRE life,
and everything you EVER loved.
(22:32)empresserykah: well gatdamn.
111321, same here
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Nov-15-07 08:05 PM
111322, Where's Rev. Sharpton at?
Posted by GetNGrown, Thu Nov-15-07 01:48 PM
111323, N-I-G-E-R you fucking idiots, this is worse than that ESPN Deportes post
Posted by InKast, Thu Nov-15-07 01:50 PM
yall are some immature ass, misappropriating ass NIGGERS!
111324, RE: N-I-G-E-R you fucking idiots, this is worse than that ESPN Deportes post
Posted by bluetiger, Thu Nov-15-07 01:52 PM
>yall are some immature ass, misappropriating ass NIGGERS!

^^hurt alert
111325, nega i fukd yore cuzzin, und shee sed yore dik wuz smal
Posted by Rubbert Kolly, Thu Nov-15-07 01:53 PM
holla att a negasaurus wen hez inn thu streats
111326, okay this shit is toooo much
Posted by Origin05, Thu Nov-15-07 02:11 PM

111327, oh my fucking god
Posted by KosherSam, Thu Nov-15-07 03:30 PM
111328, *extinct*
Posted by Nopayne, Thu Nov-15-07 05:08 PM

111329, lol
Posted by ChuckFoPrez, Fri Nov-16-07 08:43 AM
111330, Yes, yes, and yes. This is all gold.
Posted by Bridgetown, Thu Nov-15-07 05:24 PM
111331, fock.
Posted by The_Orange_Ninja_Turtle, Thu Nov-15-07 06:37 PM
111332, Stop please stop...no, don't stop
Posted by napturalmystic, Thu Nov-15-07 08:39 PM
I need this kind of laughter Rubbert Kolly, I love you man.
111333, The people know this
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Nov-15-07 01:53 PM
>yall are some immature ass, misappropriating ass NIGGERS!

but...The People also know that the average dumb ass does not know the difference between "Niger" and "N###er".

The Doc remembers kids in school chuckling at it on a globe
Sometimes The Doc believes jabronis came up with the name of that country just so they could get away with sayin' the N-Word.
111334, actually it has nothing to do with anyone being dumb
Posted by lingo, Thu Nov-15-07 01:57 PM
there is terminology for the act of reading a word as it appears.
111335, but his poast is dumb reactionary, tho. and then to turn around and
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 02:18 PM
call folks -er's. lol.

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peace & blessings,


** i move a
111336, thinks of my cousin.
Posted by 13Rose, Thu Nov-15-07 02:53 PM
Dude tried to tell me about a movie he had called "The River Nigger". I said you mean the River NIGER. His reply was "oh".
111337, LMAO!
Posted by kenny_dust, Thu Nov-15-07 03:13 PM
111338, sure... THAT'S why that post made you think of your cousin... uh huh
Posted by KosherSam, Thu Nov-15-07 03:31 PM
111339, lol. that reply was hilarious because i went in and was like, 'hmm.
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 03:54 PM
they REALLY talking about their cousin'. fancy that.

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peace & blessings,


** i move a
111340, lol
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Thu Nov-15-07 08:42 PM
111341, lmao!!!! oh, THEY are the idiots. I see.
Posted by Government Name, Thu Nov-15-07 03:04 PM

111342, ^^AJ Soprano^^
Posted by eclipsedInI, Thu Nov-15-07 05:15 PM
111343, Kin to sinosaur?
Posted by bluetiger, Thu Nov-15-07 01:52 PM
111344, RE: Scientists Discover "Nigersaurus" *Swipe*
Posted by lightyeargroover, Thu Nov-15-07 02:34 PM
You know white scientist's were snickering when they came up with that one.

Fuck, I can't remember how many times I heard a white person pronounce Niger as Nigger.

111345, The Nigersaurus also appeared fond of eating Archeopteryx,
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 02:42 PM
a prehistoric ancestor of chicken. Unique among all dinosaurs in its diet, the omnivorous Nigersaurus appeared to have preferred eating Archaeopteryx only in combination with a pasty substance obtained from the Tabascus Fern, which also was native to its region.

Among other curiosities was the initially inexplicable presence of minerals in the teeth of Nigersaurus. Scientists were first at a loss to explain a shiny patina on the foremost teeth of the Nigersaurus, however, after checking the strata near the dig site, they discovered that the Collared Fern, a staple of Nigersaurus' diet, grew close to the ground in rocky areas rich in gold deposits.

The Nigersaurus tended to live in communal clusters around short, rocky outcroppings called Dubkofsky Formations, after the geologist who had studied them. The dinosaurs appeared highly social, and would cluster, perched upon these Dubs (archeologists are a lot prone to shortening long scientific names amongst themselves), eating Archaeopteryx, and laying eggs in groups of twelve, also known as Laying Dozens.

Dr. Siddartha Raghavendra, a renowned archaeologist, made a landmark discovery of a cranial feature thought to be unique to Nigersaurus. at the crown of the head of the dinosaur, there are a series of concentric ridges of bone. Given the very moist climate of the Playaistocene, but the relative dearth of watering holes near the Nigersaurus' habitat, Raghavendra surmised that the ridges would trap condensed moisture in the morning, allowing Nigersaurus to drink the dew. In honar of his discovery, The International Paleontogists Federation has christened this cranial feature the Dew Raghavendra, or, in shortened form in paleological circles, the Dew Rag.

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peace & blessings,


** i move a
111346, !!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Posted by JBoogs, Thu Nov-15-07 02:50 PM
> In honar of his discovery, The International
>Paleontogists Federation has christened this cranial feature
>the Dew Raghavendra, or, in shortened form in paleological
>circles, the Dew Rag.

PRAISE WHITE JESUS! (c) Uncle Ruckus
111347, LOL. just stop. *cries*
Posted by bluetiger, Thu Nov-15-07 02:51 PM
111348, lmao...niiice
Posted by unfukwitable, Thu Nov-15-07 02:58 PM

111349, stop! lmao!
Posted by SupermanFrom281, Thu Nov-15-07 03:03 PM
111350, COTDAMN!!!!
Posted by Government Name, Thu Nov-15-07 03:05 PM
111351, Im mad that used "Dr. Siddartha Raghavendra"
Posted by TheRemedy, Thu Nov-15-07 03:24 PM

Thats all folks. Thanx for coming out. Goodnite.
111352, dude.
Posted by electric_lady, Thu Nov-15-07 03:46 PM
111353, You're such an a$%. hahahahaha...
Posted by Bridgetown, Thu Nov-15-07 04:58 PM
111354, greatness
Posted by bayoubyyou, Thu Nov-15-07 07:07 PM
111355, woooooooow
Posted by Vizionz28, Thu Nov-15-07 07:41 PM
111356, $#%$%#%$^#%^&$%^$&%&$%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by ChuckFoPrez, Fri Nov-16-07 08:45 AM
*resurrects only to get eaten by a tyrannosaurus rex*
111357, lmao.
Posted by R A i n, Fri Nov-16-07 09:03 AM
111358, not to be confused with the Stymiesaurus
Posted by Nettrice, Thu Nov-15-07 03:26 PM
111359, u would come in here wit yo own brand of NotFunny.
Posted by Aeon, Thu Nov-15-07 03:42 PM
111360, hahaha.
Posted by melodikangel, Thu Nov-15-07 05:17 PM
111361, ^^^doesn't know who Stymie was
Posted by Nettrice, Thu Nov-15-07 07:18 PM
i'm still laughing at that one

111362, The Rev. Al Sharpton issued a statement from NAN headquarters
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 03:52 PM
today and hailed this as a positive announcement.

"We have been in need for some time now, of an African dinosaur. It will be very helpful to the self-esteem of children in this country if they would immediately stop playing with Tyrannosaurs and Stegosaurs and begin purchasing Nigersauruses."

Rev. Jesse Jackson could not be reached for comment, but a spokesmen assured us that he would provide us with a better comment than Rev. Sharpton, no later than tomorrow morning in time to make the drive time news.

VVV - HELP a fellow OKP win $100k for his business! They need only 60 more clicks!


peace & blessings,


** i move a
111363, ayo, cool out!
Posted by eclipsedInI, Thu Nov-15-07 05:16 PM
111364, BET has announced that they will produce a documentary series
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 04:05 PM
entitled, 'When Niggasaurs Ruled The Earth', voiced over by Morgan Freeman and Michael Clarke Duncan. The groundbreaking (well, for BET) series will include stop motion animation and attempt to give viewers a feel for how things were in the Playaistocene Epoch.

The reaction to this news has been mixed, with some people actively anticipating the program, and others expressing concern that BET will handle this subject with the necessary sensitivity and scientific detachment of, say, the History or Discovery Channels.

Dr. Kaletra Baker, the head of the world's only African Dinosaur Studies Degree Programme, at Xavier University, had this to say:

"I approached Bob Johnson *years* ago about doing a show on dinosaurs and he said, 'B*tch, I don't give a f*ck about dinosaurs'. I found it incredibly rude and demeaning, but I did not want to be seen as trying to 'bring a brother down'. Now, however, that the Nigersaurus has been discovered, I fear that they will run roughshod over science only to glorify and exploit very common misconceptions about black dinosaurs, and I am deeply, deeply concerned. Look, they even got the title of the show wrong".

When asked about the misspelling of Nigersaurus in the promotional materials for the documentary series, BET associate producer Lando Davis said, "Mayne, we'll fix that up, don't worry 'bout it. Besides, they only paying $250 a week to our copyediting staff. Its a different economy", echoing the famous line from founder Bob Johnson.

A spokesperson for Viacom apparently stayed above the fray with a cryptic comment, "Mo money, mo money, MO money."

VVV - HELP a fellow OKP win $100k for his business! They need only 60 more clicks!


peace & blessings,


** i move a
111365, from laughter to tears...
Posted by clover, Thu Nov-15-07 08:48 PM
111366, Man.....gotdamn lmao
Posted by SupermanFrom281, Thu Nov-15-07 11:34 PM
111367, LMBAO @ everything that's happened in this post!
Posted by tari, Fri Nov-16-07 12:05 AM
>"I approached Bob Johnson *years* ago about doing a show on
>dinosaurs and he said, 'B*tch, I don't give a f*ck about
111368, my ninja said kaletra...lmao
Posted by unfukwitable, Fri Nov-16-07 09:42 AM

111369, that nigga got a name like he from dc: Nigersaurus taqueti
Posted by donwill, Thu Nov-15-07 05:31 PM
Nigersaurus taqueti
111370, i'm sayin. all he need is a hyphen an he in there. N'ygasorris TaQueti
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 08:00 PM
watch it be some lil ninjas in kindergarten 5 yrs from now w/ that exact damn name.

and the teachers, who weren't on okp, are gonna be like, what. thee. fock?!?

VVV - HELP a fellow OKP win $100k for his business! They need only 60 more clicks!


peace & blessings,


** i move a
111371, Rubbert Kolly + poetx = ARCHIVE
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Nov-15-07 06:34 PM
111372, lol @ the Time calling this "A Dinosaur That Grazed Like a Cow"
Posted by TotalRequestloveLive, Thu Nov-15-07 06:51 PM
111373, as opposed to...
Posted by TotalRequestloveLive, Thu Nov-15-07 06:51 PM
is what I'm getting at
111374, somebody at Time is like, 'fuck all that.. they won't Imus *ME*.. sheeeit'
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 08:03 PM
i remember how them ni&&as in DC went off about the word 'niggardly'. Nigersaurus? No thanks. We'll be referring to him as big-assed reptile of african ancestry.

VVV - HELP a fellow OKP win $100k for his business! They need only 60 more clicks!


peace & blessings,


** i move a
111375, This alias has GOT to be poetx.
Posted by soulgyal, Thu Nov-15-07 07:06 PM
111376, NO. it is not. real talk. i have no aliases. i don't want to take shine
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 07:59 PM
away from rubbert. he (she/it) killin' it right now.

VVV - HELP a fellow OKP win $100k for his business! They need only 60 more clicks!


peace & blessings,


** i move a
111377, KNOCKED OUT!......
Posted by Case_One, Thu Nov-15-07 07:32 PM

<----- Waves Galore!
111378, reel tolk tho, i saww a negasaurus inn hiz natchural invironmint (PICK)
Posted by Rubbert Kolly, Thu Nov-15-07 07:53 PM
111379, look buddy
Posted by tex, Thu Nov-15-07 08:02 PM

rosemary's babydaddy
111380, oh shit!!! plus, that bamma neck small as shit, too. and he lookin down.
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-15-07 08:04 PM
this is fantastic.

VVV - HELP a fellow OKP win $100k for his business! They need only 60 more clicks!


peace & blessings,


** i move a
111381, lol
Posted by thegodcam, Thu Nov-15-07 08:55 PM
111382, my sides hurt.
Posted by Origin05, Fri Nov-16-07 12:08 AM
111383, we can stop the internet now, it cant get better than this post
Posted by J_Stew, Fri Nov-16-07 08:40 AM
111384, uh, do i need to call it the n-wordsaurus?
Posted by shockzilla, Fri Nov-16-07 08:46 AM
111385, to avoid protesses... yes. that's the safest route. nm
Posted by poetx, Fri Nov-16-07 09:55 AM

VVV - HELP a fellow OKP win $100k for his business! They need only 60 more clicks!


peace & blessings,


** i move a
111386, ^all that i love about OKP
Posted by wray, Fri Nov-16-07 08:56 AM

111387, smh @ all the non-blacks in here.
Posted by Esco, Fri Nov-16-07 09:14 AM
111388, *bookmarks for archive*
Posted by J_Sun, Fri Nov-16-07 09:37 AM


DROkayplayer: Semi-Retired
111389, :-)
Posted by TheRemedy, Fri Nov-16-07 10:06 AM
111390, why am I not suprised.
Posted by Esco, Fri Nov-16-07 10:15 AM