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Topic subjectKing Tut is one black ass mofo!
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111122, King Tut is one black ass mofo!
Posted by Earl Flynn, Mon Nov-05-07 12:35 PM
111123, I mean clearly....look at dude's cheek bones...
Posted by soulgyal, Mon Nov-05-07 01:04 PM
and the shape of his nose, tho it's squashed a lil.
111124, he lookin like Son of Iman. lol. nm
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-08-07 04:08 PM

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111125, lookin' like he smoked weed with his whole face. nm
Posted by poetx, Mon Nov-05-07 01:06 PM

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111126, lol.
Posted by R A i n, Mon Nov-05-07 01:09 PM
111127, he got a face only a mummy could love!
Posted by illegal, Mon Nov-05-07 01:27 PM
111128, ba dum dum - *cymbal crash*. i smirked. lol. ok, i ain't lol. but
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-08-07 08:00 AM
i did smirk, tho. that was funny.

in a bazooka joe kinda way.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111129, no i lol'd
Posted by odot27, Fri Nov-09-07 10:23 AM
111130, im mad i laughed lol
Posted by MzAshton, Fri Nov-09-07 05:59 PM

111131, smokin a black n mild by the banks of the nile,
Posted by poetx, Tue Nov-06-07 12:16 AM
learned as a young child, stone crypts don't git defiled (c) Tutash from the 'mics (ptolemaiks crew)

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111132, I request audio evidence
Posted by Allah, Tue Nov-06-07 12:17 AM
111133, from the Rhymed Papyrus:
Posted by poetx, Tue Nov-06-07 12:44 AM
word to hunefer, i keeps it hot like jeannie pepper,
yessir, you couldn't see me if you was readin metu neter,
i'm better, than your favorite pharaoh, sharp like an arrow,
from the land of the Bo! BO! push bricks in wheel barrows,
at my re-quest, rest in the west when i retire from conquest,
14, and grown, on the throne, now who wan' test,
de bad mon? not amon, but osiris' son, the livest one,
deep in thoth, ill, blood on the bill of my ibis, son,
tutty banks, cutty ranks, the highest of all deities,
advanced degrees, my stelae state it, prosaically,
one time for your mind, two times for my thugs,
live fast, die young and sto' my organs in jugs,
rock a solid gold casket, sarcophagus, splendid,
in 3,000 years, post this shit on yousendit,

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111134, !!!!!!
Posted by EyE C, Tue Nov-06-07 01:17 AM
111135, excellent
Posted by Chike, Tue Nov-06-07 04:28 AM
111136, perhaps the greatest single thing i've read on the boards all year.
Posted by jose3030, Tue Nov-06-07 04:30 AM
111137, many thanks (c) tutty ranks**
Posted by poetx, Tue Nov-06-07 10:05 AM
** i think ike/bigblackaf made up that name. we did something like this years ago in activist. on some ghost and raekwon shit. that post was tremendous. i'm tryna up the scrolls.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111138, unbelievable....
Posted by R A i n, Tue Nov-06-07 06:33 AM
Lol @ 14 and grown on the throne now who wan' test
111139, I like the direction this group is taking, I will research more.
Posted by Allah, Tue Nov-06-07 07:29 AM
111140, WOW
Posted by sha mecca, Tue Nov-06-07 09:41 AM
111141, oh shit.
Posted by shutterfly, Tue Nov-06-07 09:45 AM

>one time for your mind, two times for my thugs,
>live fast, die young and sto' my organs in jugs,
>rock a solid gold casket, sarcophagus, splendid,
>in 3,000 years, post this shit on yousendit,

i love it. lmao
111142, yeah.. that was right n/m
Posted by Mr Church Hill, Tue Nov-06-07 10:26 AM
111143, may i touch the hem of your garment?
Posted by abby, Tue Nov-06-07 08:52 PM
111144, you have issues of the blood? sorry, i can't help w/ that.
Posted by poetx, Sun Nov-11-07 10:44 AM
(know somebody who can, tho. give you a business card if you need it).

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111145, If there is real audio, or a real group, send me some links
Posted by Allah, Tue Nov-06-07 09:11 PM
111146, sorry fam. i just made that shit up on the spot. (work is hella hectic,
Posted by poetx, Wed Nov-07-07 08:53 PM
i've noticed this creates a tendency for me to write rhymes as fictional characters).

i should record some shit, though. i don't have no rhymes that ain't on cassette.

i got to push the button on this certification package at the j-o, though. today is the deadline. tks, though. peace.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111147, I'ight, Peace.
Posted by Allah, Thu Nov-08-07 09:48 AM
111148, lol @ live fast, die young and sto' my organs in jugs,
Posted by 3CardMolly, Tue Nov-06-07 09:19 PM
guckin fenious!
111149, damn!!!!!
Posted by Wong Tern, Thu Nov-08-07 09:48 AM
111150, Nas? IS THAT YOU?!
Posted by RaFromQueens, Thu Nov-08-07 09:54 AM
111151, nah, he'da fucked up the historical references. he mean well, doe.
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-08-07 01:58 PM

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111152, what?
Posted by peppasauce, Thu Nov-08-07 02:47 PM
alexander the great v. napoleon?
111153, pretty much. nas would prolly say thebes was in nigeria or some shit.
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-08-07 04:24 PM
its love, though. he's one of the few that's TRYING to talk about something, at least occasionally.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111154, my damn
Posted by mayn1, Thu Nov-08-07 11:36 AM


<---avi: if you're not seen red, then you. should't be seen. nowhere!!!
www.myspace.com/mayn1 | www.areuhuman.blogspot.com (*NEW*)
111155, poetx for president.
Posted by 83, Thu Nov-08-07 11:54 AM
111156, I'm as black as nefertiti
Posted by kid thunder, Fri Nov-09-07 12:05 AM
haha, no seriously. wall paintings and stuff are very interesting. I seem to recall one about tanned-skin rulers flailing obvious blacks.

No seriously, I saw the nefertiti bust as a kid, but I never checked out White National Shit until I found out what the 5% nation was about. Well they've got some royalty money from me. I don't think White Supremacists make as much at Sam Goody.

amuse yourself here:


Not that I really give a damn, but hey.
111157, further proof
Posted by rob, Sat Nov-10-07 01:26 PM
you're just smarter and better than most of us could ever hope to be
111158, man you are THE best poster dog.
Posted by _Sandokhan__, Thu Nov-08-07 09:12 AM
that's my word.
111159, uhh. thanks...
Posted by poetx, Sun Nov-11-07 07:05 PM
i cain't call it. but i will settle for the crown of best at writing rhymes in the persona of king tutankhamun.

that's like specific props right there.


this has been a fun poast.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
Posted by BillGates, Tue Nov-06-07 12:44 AM

to those about to rock...we salute you.


111161, No it's not...It's a land island in a sea of dumb niggaz.
Posted by soulgyal, Tue Nov-06-07 01:18 AM
111162, *snicker*
Posted by Allah, Tue Nov-06-07 07:31 AM
111163, dumber than the average bear
Posted by Earl Flynn, Tue Nov-06-07 09:07 AM
111164, at least i know where lou gossett jr.'s folk come from
Posted by kevb, Tue Nov-06-07 06:28 AM
the first thing i thought of when i saw that picture was iron eagle.

111165, PING!
Posted by Allah, Tue Nov-06-07 09:12 PM
111166, so is his grandmother
Posted by Nettrice, Tue Nov-06-07 07:33 AM
111167, Queen Tye? : )
Posted by soulgyal, Tue Nov-06-07 09:54 AM
111168, word. recognized her from the flicks. she's his g-mom, tho?
Posted by poetx, Tue Nov-06-07 10:04 AM
peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111169, Never heard that before.....
Posted by soulgyal, Tue Nov-06-07 11:10 AM
111170, naw, not tiye. hatshepsut is like his great-great grandmom, assuming
Posted by poetx, Tue Nov-06-07 11:25 AM
that the lineage is unbroken for a couple generations behind him.

not tiye. and i think that picture is tiye, not hatshepsut. hatshepsut went HOARD, too. she said fuck all that dumb shit. i'm not queen. i. am. pharoah.

i heart hatshepsut.

she was strong, militarily, too.

when folks be talking that, 'was cleopatra (a ptolemy) black?' i be like, fuck that set up question. was HATSHEPSUT BLACK? find a picture and shut up. /convo.


peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111171, the current rumor is that Nefertiti was a pharoah, too
Posted by Nettrice, Tue Nov-06-07 11:34 AM
and that pic/link is definitely Tiye who was Ankhnaten who could have been Tut's daddy or brother or both

Nefertiti was Ankhnaten's wife

"In keeping with the theory that she became pharaoh upon her husband's death, it is thought by some scholars that Nefertiti changed her name to Ankhkheperure Neferneferuaten, a conjectural pharaoh who may have been the one responsible for abandoning the Aten religion, and moving the capital back to Thebes. This would have been the only way to please both the people and the powerful priests of Amun. Nefertiti would have prepared for her death and for the succession of her daughter, now named Ankhsenamun, and her stepson, Tutankhamun. They would have been educated in the traditional way, worshiping the old gods. This theory has Neferneferuaten dying after two years of kingship.

She was succeeded by Tutankhamen, who is thought to have been a son of either Amenhotep III or Akhenaten. He married Nefertiti's daughter Ankhesenpaaten. The royal couple were young and inexperienced, by any estimation of their age, and Ankhesenpaaten bore two stillborn (and premature) daughters whose mummies were found by Howard Carter in Tutankhamen's tomb." ~ wikipedia

it's also been said that Ankhnaten was Moses:

111172, ahh, thanks (re: tiye... i was looking for her on the list of kings... that
Posted by poetx, Tue Nov-06-07 11:44 AM
would splain it.

also, i saw that tutankamun was originally named tutankaten, and 'changed his name', hailign a reversion from akenaten's 'heresy' and back toward the old gods. but given the age of tut, this was likely not his doing but that of one of his advisers, Ay, who was also an adviser for previous pharoahs, including akhenaten.


very interesting story.

also, akenaten = moses may be too much. moses may have been a follower of akhenaten, though. hard to tell. moses was a popular name in egypt at the time. (pharoah thutmoses preceded these cats by a couple of generations). and he was definitely black and looked to the south in his kingship.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111173, you're welcome...i love learning new stuff about ancient Egypt
Posted by Nettrice, Wed Nov-07-07 11:28 AM
111174, RE: the current rumor is that Nefertiti was a pharoah, too
Posted by kid thunder, Fri Nov-09-07 12:45 AM
but what evidence is there that Nefertiti was black, if that's where we going?

Artifacts from the time says she wasn't. Arab/Caucazoid if anything.

The Sahara formed a bit of a genetic barrier between northern invaders and true blacks (sub-saharan), from what I hear...at least you'll be hard pressed to find monuments to rulers with sub-saharan features in africa. Everyone's mummy skin turns black.

But hey, hate to kill the party with real shit, but whatever. I'm just getting sick of this Afrocentric bullshit.
111175, defining race has been based on subjective classification
Posted by Nettrice, Sat Nov-10-07 05:22 PM
Egypt has always been an African civilization though it straddles two regions, Africa and the Middle East. it's fairly clear that the cultural roots of ancient Egypt lie in Africa and not in Asia. Egypt was a subtropical desert environment and its people had migrated from various ethnic groups over its history (and prehistory), thus it was something of a "melting pot," a mixture of many types of people with many skin tones, some certainly from the Sub-Saharan regions and others from more Mediterranean climes. it is impossible to categorize these people into the tidy "black" and "white" terms of today's racial distinctions.

so Nefertiti was African and most likely her "race" was a mixture of ethnic groups, the most dominant (genetically) being Black
111176, Cosign. Hatshepsut was my GIRL.....damn did I spell that right?...neway..
Posted by soulgyal, Tue Nov-06-07 11:37 AM
She ODed.
111177, she Od'd?
Posted by 3CardMolly, Wed Nov-07-07 02:52 PM
cliff notes please
111178, she's Ankhnaten's mother and Ankhnaten is supposed to be
Posted by Nettrice, Tue Nov-06-07 11:28 AM
Tut's daddy or brother or both...it was too incestuous for folks to figure out!
111179, yep. i slept. btw, she was 'round the way like a champ. straight up
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-08-07 09:11 PM
sistren right there.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111180, Tiye look like she from soufeas' egypt/kmt
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-08-07 09:12 PM

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111181, Nubia/Sudan
Posted by Nettrice, Thu Nov-08-07 10:40 PM
111182, haha. folk throwin up they WaSet and whatnot. nm
Posted by poetx, Fri Nov-09-07 12:23 PM

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111183, more from the Rhymed Papyrus:
Posted by poetx, Tue Nov-06-07 08:54 AM
before i bless the mic, peace to the god, Ra;
an my dj, doin work behind the wheels like ptah;
beats is clay, still, what we build is monumental;
only built for nubian sphinx, ankh, my rollie presidential;
plus i iced out the flail, use my crooks for jux;
rule by divine birthright, got the earth, like, shook;
word to amon, unseen, i'm outta sight, at night;
but make procession from the east, bless the least with my light;
whoever got beef, i got an army that's pursuin 'em;
ancient ruin 'em, ayo, that's word to khufu an nem;
don't play us, heavy is the head with the uraeaus;
true playas, soothsayers say its best to obey us;
but still i keeps it trill, run the streets w/ my folk;
one love, tutankhamon, aka, Young Smoke!

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111184, ...
Posted by R A i n, Tue Nov-06-07 09:40 AM
111185, B'RAH!
Posted by Allah, Tue Nov-06-07 09:16 PM
111186, only built for nubian sphinx?!
Posted by RaFromQueens, Thu Nov-08-07 09:56 AM
You need some kind of award for this shit
111187, thanks. i kinda smiled when i wrote that. that's like a triple nerd score.
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-08-07 03:33 PM

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111188, RE: King Tut is one black ass mofo!
Posted by sirryan, Tue Nov-06-07 10:13 AM
i was thinking the same thing when i saw that shit. they can't deny he was a black man. take that elizabeth cleo taylor
"hip-hop since '92"

'sometimes i wish people were records' (c) Sir Ryan
111189, skin blackens due to mummification process, dessication, and
Posted by poetx, Tue Nov-06-07 10:57 AM

but he is descended down through tuthmoses, hatshepsut, amenhotep, akhenaton an nem --> he black.


peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111190, Like I said...his bone structure tells on him. n/m.
Posted by soulgyal, Tue Nov-06-07 11:11 AM
111191, RE: skin blackens due to mummification process, dessication, and
Posted by sirryan, Thu Nov-08-07 11:47 AM
thanks for the knowledge. now says that shit in spanish.

"hip-hop since '92"

'sometimes i wish people were records' (c) Sir Ryan
111192, yw. i be tryna drop a jewel or two. cuz folks will go at one little
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-08-07 11:59 AM
innaccuracy and try to dead the whole argument. like several years ago when time published that 'was cleopatra black?' article as pretense to clown the whole afrocentric movement. and lump a bunch of disparate folks together.

i would have sonned them on that by saying that she was one of the ptolemaic rulers, who were likely persian, and ruling after conquest. at best, she may have been of mixed blood, but she was not 'egyptian' by birth in the manner of those who traced the origins of the civilization upward from the sources of the nile. then i would have said, 'was hatshepsut black?'. and they would have shut the fuck up.

also, that's still very recent in egyptian history (tut, hatshepsut, akhenaten an nem). old kingdom (great pyramids, etc), was like, 3200 bc an shit. waaay back. and look at the surviving noses on THEM statues. them is REAL black. they off that good yaphet kotto black.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111193, RE: yw. i be tryna drop a jewel or two. cuz folks will go at one little
Posted by sirryan, Fri Nov-09-07 10:44 AM
glad you bring the real. you see this niggas post. this is why i come back to all hip hop. knowledge i can use bitches. not who in the fuck watched kidnation.

"hip-hop since '92"

'sometimes i wish people were records' (c) Sir Ryan
111194, i just saw this other cat. nm
Posted by poetx, Fri Nov-09-07 05:44 PM

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111195, RE: skin blackens due to mummification process, dessication, and
Posted by kid thunder, Fri Nov-09-07 12:48 AM
what about all the wall paintings and sculptures that could have been painted "nubian" shades but weren't?

North Africa hasn't been black since the Sahara became a desert.
111196, We come from the foothills of the mountains of the moon, where
Posted by poetx, Fri Nov-09-07 11:07 AM
god Hapi dwells - Papyrus of Hunefer. one of the oldest documents recovered from egypt/kmt.

mountains of the moon are the twin sources of the nile in central east africa. 'hapi' is the neter (god, if you will) associated with the Nile river, the source, both physically and metaphysically of the nile valley civilizations, of which egypt was the most well known and recognized but not the most ancient. the egyptians traced their civilization's origin to the south.

also, the archaeological record confirms this, with the proto-dynastic civilizations, including the Ta-Seti (land of the bow) situated further up the nile, to the south, in what is nubia and present day sudan.

i'm having fun with this post, w/ regard to tutankamun, however, the creators of dynastic egypt, up to and through the old kingdom and the time of the great pyramids were undoubtedly and unmistakeably phenotypically BLACK AFRICAN. look at khufu (cheops), khafre an nem.

thuthmoses (a couple of kings before tut) was unmistakably black, as were hatshepsut, etc. if tut was not entirely black he was certainly black enough to be racially profiled while driving an acura in the U.S .

the egyptian civilization traced its own roots to nubia and further south. that's why when there were nubian conquests, they were considered restorations of the past glory of egypt, unlike persian and hyksos conquests.

there are more pyramids in sudan than in egypt. go count all the pyramids in persia or arabia and get back to me. also find me any document in which the egyptians themselves trace their lineage and heritage to the north. didn't happen.

the society was certainly diverse. it existed around a nexus of three continents (2 real, one imagined).

if the UK elects a succession of black prime ministers, would someone be dumb enough to say, two millenia in the future, that britain was an historically black civilization? that's precisely what 'egyptologists' and lay people alike do with egypt with regard to that nation's history, equating the entire population with the widely circulated images of a handful of foreign born rulers who conquered egypt millenia after the foundation of its science religion and culture were set.

and this does not even get into the wide variation of african phenotypes (ie, look at a somali compared to a nigerian or south african).

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111197, this right here is why i love you....
Posted by ladyboss08, Sat Nov-10-07 03:54 PM
the 'intellectual' silence that follows as you break down an issue.
111198, *e-blushes*. i ain't know he called himself throwing salt until i went
Posted by poetx, Sat Nov-10-07 04:27 PM
back and reread.

thx, tho.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111199, How do you get
Posted by Musa, Tue Nov-06-07 11:44 AM



111200, more from the Rhymed Papyrus:
Posted by poetx, Tue Nov-06-07 08:40 PM
yeah, yeah. shouts out to 1st Wonder! Akhenaten... Tuthmosis... 18th Dynasty fam... turn my mic up...

WHAT?! you got problems w/ TUT? then come bring dem;
... 18th Dynasty fam -- New Kingdom;
keep my womens in linens, more sandals than common;
got the priesthood's Aten-tion when i changed my name to Ahmun;
Raaaaaa -- R-A--you know the rest;
the type to get hype grab the mic sit on my throne-an-just;
freestyle like the-nile, emcee style-ist innovations;
my pe-nile, an obelisk dis-pensin libations;
flood the spot like inundations when i'm sprinklin my nations;
with the divine seed, receivin ovations;
and ovulations ya obligations to clap thass whassup
while i lay on my back, an splack the sky goddess, Nut

** its of interest to note that tutankhamun was a bit more explicit than usual in declaring his prowess. this may have been attributed that he and his queen were of young age and their only two known offspring were stillborn. that's not good form for a divine ruler, so this particular braggadocio was likely tutankhamun's attempt to save face.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111201, bruh.....
Posted by Allah, Tue Nov-06-07 09:14 PM
111202, inbox
Posted by Allah, Wed Nov-07-07 10:52 AM
111203, This shit is serious ! I'm not D riding though(c) Riley
Posted by Musa, Wed Nov-07-07 11:42 AM
Where you get this from?
111204, i wrote it. about .01 seconds before the timestamp, champ.
Posted by poetx, Wed Nov-07-07 08:56 PM
just wylin the day away.


peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111205, fantastic © Lionel Osborne
Posted by J_Sun, Thu Nov-08-07 09:49 AM


DROkayplayer: Semi-Retired
111206, Wow. That was good. nm
Posted by The Hour Glass, Thu Nov-08-07 02:48 PM

okay? ...now smile :p
111207, caucasian deathmask/blue-eyed "eyes of egypt"/red-haired pharoh's wives
Posted by kid thunder, Fri Nov-09-07 12:51 AM
fake legend or archaelogical/linguistic evidence. N/M
111208, hmm???
Posted by poetx, Fri Nov-09-07 10:32 AM

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111209, lol @ this and poetx
Posted by Esco, Thu Nov-08-07 09:19 AM
Posted by RaFromQueens, Thu Nov-08-07 09:51 AM
111211, from the Book of Coming Off By Day and By Night:
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-08-07 10:17 AM
check the rhyme... i been on the throne since age 9;
divine ruler since i bounced out my momma' behind;
not the first not the last, just one of a long line;
but the best to ever do it now i'm goin for mine;
i shine, my subjects line up to see me like Sothis;
the dopest, i'm Sirius, B...ya-ya-you know this;
my opus, off the top, carved in rock or in scrolls, its;
the Youngest In Charge, mega large, ancient show-biz;
my dough is... longer than the nile and won't slow up;
it flow up, and keep a ninja buildin as i grow up;
so hold up, don't run up, on tutty holla'n Hotep;
tryna be my buddy -- there's some shit i don't know yet;
but 'watch my back' ain't it, i learnt that lesson young, kid;
and i don't need my guards, i'll body you myself over dumb shit;

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111212, more from the Book Of Coming Off By Day and By Night
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-08-07 10:51 AM
(also known as the Book of the Dead(sic))

yeah, they call me black, chocolate, fudgey;
as a youngin so pudgy EA Wallis couldn't Budge me;
but judge me -- by my age, by whatever, you get played out;
i'll have ya monkey ass on a stone slab, laid out;
to go the old school route, y'all people ain't ready;
style go back to the days of Ta-Seti;
Bo! this goes out to all my sisters and bros;
and can't forget my cousins Menkare an' Thuthmose;
you knows, we got flows, like the barley in the grain sto's;
all these suckers cain't see me w/ they 3rd, they brains closed;
tutankamun reins, hoes, none a y'all could do it;
they schooled me as a youngin: set ya goal an step to it;
this pharoah shit is fluid, in motion an changin;
once a brother get the crown people aroun me get strange an;
comin outta pocket hatchin plots and what not;
shit, its like they forgot about maat;
but i won't... and neither will the priests, cuz we can't;
its my responsibility for bein THE man;
AND the one and only son of Ausar and Auset;
the heir, Heru, son, comin at Tut's neck is a lost bet;

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111213, you crazy for this right here:
Posted by Chike, Thu Nov-08-07 04:19 PM
>yeah, they call me black, chocolate, fudgey;
>as a youngin so pudgy EA Wallis couldn't Budge me;

and this:

>comin outta pocket hatchin plots and what not;
>shit, its like they forgot about maat;

MY man (c) Denzel-Frank Lucas-Washington
111214, that's the fun shit, tryna slip jewels in there. soon as i can think of
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-08-07 04:23 PM
a way to rhyme ammamait and someone's heart being ripped from his chest and fed to him when it don't outweigh the feather, i'm on it.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
Posted by Allah, Fri Nov-09-07 06:05 PM
111216, *looks around crib for USB mic*
Posted by poetx, Fri Nov-09-07 06:56 PM

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111217, poetx
Posted by isaaaa, Thu Nov-08-07 02:56 PM

Get 25% off www.karmaloop.com w/ rep code JR9103 at checkout!!!
Karmaloop now has
111218, T-U-T is one blackass mofo... the blackest maaan alive;
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-08-07 03:31 PM
T-U-T is one blackass mofo... the blackest maaan alive;
T-U-T is one blackass mofo... the blackest maaan alive;
T-U-T is one blackass mofo... the blackest maaan alive;

it's the T-U... 18... x, fam, i see you;
that mummified funk shit -- take a whiff -- P.U.;
*cough, cough* word bond, we GONE offa dat date palm;
tutankahmun, the bomb, spittin fiyah like NApalm;
you betta get STATE-farm, maaco an geico;
an call charter house, fam, cuz damn, you a psycho;
to try an test tut, you mad? word to tefnut;
an guess what? mary lefkowitz can git the left nut;
an kiss my black ass while you at it, it-neva-mattered;
in ancient times, the color of-the-brotha who made the rhymes;
ask the greeks (SPEAK!) wit they copyright crimes;
but still wouldn't dare to try an come against mines;
ayo, i build with granite cuz ain't nothin sweet or soft;
tut is black Thoth, the god, not a myth, signin OFF!

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111219, awlesome
Posted by Aeon, Thu Nov-08-07 03:46 PM
111220, ^^^masterpiece
Posted by Chike, Thu Nov-08-07 04:21 PM
I licked shots...

>to try an test tut, you mad? word to tefnut;
>an guess what? mary lefkowitz can git the left nut;

...right there.
111221, somebody post a hook. nm
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-08-07 05:40 PM

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111222, do a Warcloud style.
Posted by _Sandokhan__, Thu Nov-08-07 09:24 PM
111223, does not compute. (who/what?)
Posted by poetx, Thu Nov-08-07 11:53 PM

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111224, ah man. I thought you were cool.
Posted by _Sandokhan__, Fri Nov-09-07 12:39 AM
111225, my coolness is limited by free time. so i'm VERY hit or miss on new
Posted by poetx, Fri Nov-09-07 08:14 AM
shit. mostly miss.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111226, Warcloud = http://www.myspace.com/franktherobottank
Posted by _Sandokhan__, Fri Nov-09-07 02:57 AM
111227, ah, ok. i heard that cat before. his shit is interesting.
Posted by poetx, Sat Nov-10-07 05:20 PM

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111228, .
Posted by poetx, Fri Nov-09-07 10:07 AM

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111229, T-U-T, the blackniculous one...
Posted by poetx, Fri Nov-09-07 10:50 AM
T-U-T, the blackniculous one... ridiculous, dun;
heard your freestyle and laffed, wouldn't spit-till-its-done;
my nickel-is-gun-- scuse me meant to say my gun is nickel;
...plated i made it just for the fickle fans that hated;
on my last scroll, my head swole? don't ask me chief;
why the fuck you think i'm posted in the bas-relief?;
i play my part, but props come with the position;
my pops put me on, he said destroy ya opposition;
so any competition wants to think they competitive;
gets deaded-its a must i smash they bust before i edited;
cartouches of douches, sew they ass up with sutures;
chisel my name in the forehead, "one love, Tut -- smooches";

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111230, dude recoard this shit, please
Posted by aroundRobinHoodsbarn, Fri Nov-09-07 06:58 PM
111231, from the flowsetta stone:
Posted by poetx, Sat Nov-10-07 12:55 AM
smokin a black n mild by the banks of the nile;
learned as a young child, stone crypts don't git defiled;
so i -- FLIP.the.file, RIP.the.style,
SPIT.an.smile, CHIPS.git.piled, my SHIT.is.wild;
its.WRITten.I'll go on and do big things;
already copped a little spot in the valley of kings;
i hear y'all whisperin: "ayo, tutty, what he be on?";
but y'all' be airbrush murals, yo, when tutty be gone;
sometimes, i get the feelin that it won't be long;
but if i cross that line first i'ma finish up strong;
fuck a flick i'll carve my shit in a rock;
profilin like "what up?" wif my hand on my cock;
if you bury me, make sure i got my platinum ankh;
and my whole crew in the grave playin spades an tonk;
cuz they riiide with me like that, an if i gotta go out;
i picked the flyest casket, its gold, i'm finna show out;

** after he turned 17, tutankhamun's subject matter became more morose, and he began to speak of his mortality, almost with a sense of prescience.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111232, I went to Egypt this past winter
Posted by TotalRequestloveLive, Sat Nov-10-07 01:55 AM
and I asked EVERYONE, were the people who built the pyramids black like in sudan, or did they look like you (arab). The overwhelming response was either one of confusion, vagueness, or sadly that they looked like present day arabianized Egyptians.

this all changed once I got down (up) to Aswan where the Nubian influence is so much stronger. They were all like IT WAS FUCKING THE BLACK MAN YOU BITCH AS MOTHAHFUCKEEEEWWWWSSS (c) RZA

I'm exagerating, but only there in Aswan did the people overwhelmingly say the black, africans were the pharoahes who built the shit.

HOWEVER... the blackness in Tuts's remains only has to do with age and preservatives. A lot of the chemicals turned the skin, and then it cured over millennium. So you can't rely on the skin color. The fucked up thing was that since the brain of the mummified was removed from the nose, all the mummies I say in person of like Rames II and shit, the nose was broken from this process so I couldn't see what the nose looked like. Figured that was going to be about as definative as we were going to get, but no dice. (the penis was covered up too.)

111233, The bigger pyramids existed way before Twt Hnkh Hmn
Posted by Allah, Sat Nov-10-07 03:22 AM
So off course black people built those FOR SURE.
111234, yeah i know
Posted by TotalRequestloveLive, Sat Nov-10-07 03:25 AM
that's what I was talking about. I was asking people, "who built the pyramids" and a depressing amount said they looked just like them (arab).

111235, arab nationalism. of course they gonna self-represent. like zawi
Posted by poetx, Sat Nov-10-07 12:56 PM
hawass an nem.

and acting as if they don't have a vested interest.

but its whatever, doe.

folks in the U.S. don't be knowing shit about our history. i'm not surprised at your findings in egypt, especially around an issue so historically politicized.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111236, GD, Activist and Freestyle all in one....
Posted by Seven, Sat Nov-10-07 06:46 AM
..i enjoyed this post
111237, haha. i never Thoth about that. this is a fun post, though.
Posted by poetx, Sat Nov-10-07 12:58 PM
although its hard to rhyme and stay somewhat historically accurate.

i'm allowing myself a few anachronisms, here and there. on some tut journeyman.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111238, i should rhyme about a him watching a brooklyn babylon on his
Posted by poetx, Sat Nov-10-07 04:50 PM
palm pilot, while working on his business plan for developing downtown thebes and then we'd cover hi tech, ptp,artist and hustleboard as well.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in
111239, this post went wonderfully awry. n/m
Posted by mika_muyo, Sat Nov-10-07 03:58 PM
Http://www.vimby.com I only use my sig for goodness.
http://profile.imeem.com/NTTnc2 <--I-meem?!
http://tinyurl.com/lgs <--HILARITY