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Topic subjectwhy don't White people just marry dogs if they love em so much?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=110714
110714, why don't White people just marry dogs if they love em so much?
Posted by InKast, Thu Oct-18-07 10:34 PM

just get it over with for fucks sake!
110715, it will prolly be legal soon..don't worry
Posted by Grace, Thu Oct-18-07 10:38 PM
110716, To make a cousin joke or to not make a cousin joke...
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Oct-18-07 10:45 PM
...that is the question. Whether tis nobler in mind to suffer the quality of his posting, or to take arms against the incestuous, and by repetition recall his infamy? To joke: to mock; no more; and by a joke to tell we end the longing and the thousand natural urges that funnybone is heir to, 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd. To mock, to ridicule; to ridiculue: perchance to receive a LOL, ay, there's the rub; for in that joke what laughs may come when we have shuffled off this noble board must give us pause: there's the respect that makes Inkast not change his name, for he would bear the whips and scorns of GD, the cousin jokes, the constant references, the pangs for Beyonceish family members, the judgment from the non-incestuous, that patient merit of the unworthy takes, when he himself might his quietus make with a new login? who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary online life, but that the dread of something after logging off, the undiscover'd website from whose address no user returns, puzzles the will and makes us rather repeat those cousin jokes we have than fly to others that we not know of? Thus beating a dead horse does make cowards of us all; and thus the native hue of resolution is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, and enterprises of great humor and moment with this regard their currents turn awry, and lose the name of action. Soft you now! His fair cousin! Nymph, in thy orisons be all Inkast's sins remember'd.

110717, well done.
Posted by marlbororeds, Thu Oct-18-07 10:47 PM


110718, ok, if you had not done this.... The Doc now reinstates his 'LOL'
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Oct-18-07 10:53 PM
>...that is the question. Whether tis nobler in mind to suffer
>the quality of his posting, or to take arms against the
>incestuous, and by repetition recall his infamy? To joke: to
>mock; no more; and by a joke to tell we end the longing and
>the thousand natural urges that funnybone is heir to, 'tis a
>consummation devoutly to be wish'd. To mock, to ridicule; to
>ridiculue: perchance to receive a LOL, ay, there's the rub;
>for in that joke what laughs may come when we have shuffled
>off this noble board must give us pause: there's the respect
>that makes Inkast not change his name, for he would bear the
>whips and scorns of GD, the cousin jokes, the constant
>references, the pangs for Beyonceish family members, the
>judgment from the non-incestuous, that patient merit of the
>unworthy takes, when he himself might his quietus make with a
>new login? who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a
>weary online life, but that the dread of something after
>logging off, the undiscover'd website from whose address no
>user returns, puzzles the will and makes us rather repeat
>those cousin jokes we have than fly to others that we not know
>of? Thus beating a dead horse does make cowards of us all; and
>thus the native hue of resolution is sicklied o'er with the
>pale cast of thought, and enterprises of great humor and
>moment with this regard their currents turn awry, and lose the
>name of action. Soft you now! His fair cousin! Nymph, in thy
>orisons be all Inkast's sins remember'd.

110719, I move we retire the CF post jack. I declare its reached its zenith
Posted by Cerebral Vortex, Thu Oct-18-07 10:58 PM
can i get a second?
110720, i absolutely agree.
Posted by marlbororeds, Thu Oct-18-07 11:06 PM


110721, agreed, anything less would be uncivilized
Posted by J_Sun, Fri Oct-19-07 01:32 PM


Once again, it's on!: Artesian 10/20
Bronzeville Community Club House
3847 S. Giles, Chicago, IL
9PM $10

DROkayplayer: Semi-Retired
110722, agreed.... i thought it was done and dusted tbh...
Posted by myob, Sat Oct-20-07 12:28 AM
110723, FATALITY!
Posted by Nopayne, Thu Oct-18-07 10:58 PM

110724, good one
Posted by 2pacalypse, Thu Oct-18-07 11:05 PM

110725, Man I'm not sure if I should even post here anymore.
Posted by theMantheMyth, Thu Oct-18-07 11:11 PM
I think I finished OKP.


RIP Joe Zawinul
110726, you have reached the end.
Posted by bluetiger, Fri Oct-19-07 11:03 AM
110727, the end of the internet
Posted by mcdeezjawns, Fri Oct-19-07 11:05 AM
110728, o my
Posted by MsFatBooty, Thu Oct-18-07 11:13 PM
110729, *embalmeth post*
Posted by post mortician, Thu Oct-18-07 11:14 PM

110730, archive
Posted by KosherSam, Thu Oct-18-07 11:23 PM
110731, !!!
Posted by The_Red_Ninja_Turtle, Thu Oct-18-07 11:35 PM
110732, Doth make...
Posted by MikeLove, Thu Oct-18-07 11:38 PM
Thus beating a dead horse does make cowards of us all;
110733, *muerto*
Posted by Mic_Specialist, Fri Oct-19-07 12:13 AM
Posted by Mil, Fri Oct-19-07 12:18 AM

http://www.thelatepass.com (first entry: jay electronica)
110735, instant.
Posted by DawgEatah, Fri Oct-19-07 01:08 AM

R.I.P. 3rd i
Posted by illadelphgurl, Fri Oct-19-07 01:13 AM
(c) conan o'brien
110737, excellent!
Posted by akon, Fri Oct-19-07 07:06 AM
110738, it's like...I don't even read the posts, I just look for the joke
Posted by ExclusiveDW, Fri Oct-19-07 09:45 AM
110739, ^^^ GOAT of the cousin jokes ^^^
Posted by Kevin26_2, Fri Oct-19-07 09:59 AM
110740, jeezus
Posted by eclipsedInI, Fri Oct-19-07 10:02 AM
110741, Geeeezus, the Notorious just please us with your lyircal thesis...
Posted by Government Name, Fri Oct-19-07 10:08 AM
110742, lol
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Fri Oct-19-07 10:10 AM
110743, And with that, I shan't crack a cousin fucker joke again
Posted by mcdeezjawns, Fri Oct-19-07 10:55 AM
110744, kudos for the soliloquy but i think "cousin-fucker" would've sufficed
Posted by , Fri Oct-19-07 11:07 AM
110745, It's over
Posted by NOLOGY80, Fri Oct-19-07 11:33 AM
110746, applause (link)
Posted by J_Sun, Fri Oct-19-07 11:37 AM


Once again, it's on!: Artesian 10/20
Bronzeville Community Club House
3847 S. Giles, Chicago, IL
9PM $10

DROkayplayer: Semi-Retired
110747, ehh... 9 for creativity, 5 for execution.... this coulda been better
Posted by InKast, Fri Oct-19-07 11:39 AM
110748, FOH
Posted by mcdeezjawns, Fri Oct-19-07 12:30 PM
110749, Truthfully, I'm honored you responded.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Oct-20-07 12:25 AM
Inkast actually responding to a cousin joke >>>>>> Bigfoot sighting.
110750, excellent!
Posted by queenie, Fri Oct-19-07 12:34 PM

"That ain't like you Meaty....that ain't yo' style son." - BB
110751, !!!
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Oct-19-07 01:30 PM
this is why i love OKP.
110752, word to marvin.
Posted by Esco, Fri Oct-19-07 01:32 PM
110753, Family. You Quoted Hamlet.
Posted by , Fri Oct-19-07 02:01 PM



but wait...aren't you natural mystic?
i can't ride w/ you cause it's not ok-cool
and ppl sometimes think you're strange
so i'mma just steer clear.
-Vex ID

110754, you had sex with your cousin!
Posted by duD, Thu Oct-18-07 11:18 PM

110755, i just saw a woman fuck a dog on the internet
Posted by Donn L, Thu Oct-18-07 11:26 PM
she was pretty too. i dont understand that. seems like there would be some disease transferring or something.
110756, Common deserves line of the year for that dog and yoga shit
Posted by Ill Jux, Fri Oct-19-07 12:18 AM
110757, you know, to be honest
Posted by jbenok, Fri Oct-19-07 12:58 AM
i like cats alot (i've got two)

110758, what is it with GD and dogs?
Posted by kanino, Fri Oct-19-07 01:16 AM
110759, Ellen cancels tapings after dog drama
Posted by Earl Flynn, Fri Oct-19-07 09:09 AM
October 19, 2007


LOS ANGELES -- Ellen DeGeneres' talk show was put on hold for a day because of her emotionally wrenching dog-adoption drama.

"It's been a long week and a tough week and we decided to take a long weekend and be back on Tuesday," said Laura Mandel, a spokeswoman for Telepictures Productions, which produces "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."


DeGeneres was scheduled Thursday to tape shows to air Friday and Monday. Instead, the tapings were canceled and reruns featuring Jessica Alba and Queen Latifah will air on those days. A new show is planned Tuesday.

The battle over Iggy, a Brussels Griffon terrier mix, pitted DeGeneres against an animal rescue agency and, at one point, had her in tears on her show. The agency's owners complained of receiving death threats over the dispute.

DeGeneres adopted the dog, then gave it to her hairstylist's family after the dog, despite training, couldn't get along with the comedian's cats, her publicist has said.

Marina Batkis and Vanessa Chekroun, owners of the nonprofit Mutts and Moms agency, claimed that DeGeneres violated the adoption agreement by not informing them that she was giving the dog away and removed Iggy from the hairstylist's home Sunday.

DeGeneres pleaded for Iggy's return to the hairstylist on Tuesday's show. She said her hairdresser's daughters, ages 11 and 12, were heartbroken when the dog was taken away.

But Mutts and Moms' owners were adamant about their decision, and a spokesman for Batkis said she wouldn't be "bullied around by the Ellen DeGenereses of the world."

At a taping of the show Wednesday, DeGeneres told the audience she wouldn't talk about the matter again unless Iggy was returned to her hairdresser.
110760, LM*BLACK*AO!! *smh* nm
Posted by dEs, Fri Oct-19-07 10:35 AM
110761, RE: why don't White people just marry dogs if they love em so much?
Posted by dafuneral, Fri Oct-19-07 09:11 AM
why don't Black people just marry fried chickens?
110762, Chicken Shack is doing well in the suburbs
Posted by Earl Flynn, Fri Oct-19-07 09:43 AM
110763, so where does DMX fit in this sit'chi'ation?
Posted by mochalox, Fri Oct-19-07 09:24 AM
cuz I could'a swore he had a "thing" going on with his dogs...

110764, he aint famous enough no more
Posted by Earl Flynn, Fri Oct-19-07 09:44 AM
110765, ouch.
Posted by mochalox, Fri Oct-19-07 09:47 AM
110766, Have you SEEN DMX's wife?
Posted by mcdeezjawns, Fri Oct-19-07 10:56 AM
He already did
110767, *golf claps*
Posted by mochalox, Fri Oct-19-07 11:08 AM
110768, Well then there would be the issue of same-sex human,dog marriages &
Posted by Phenomenality, Fri Oct-19-07 10:33 AM
all the republican repercussions that would go along with that.. issues
of benefits.. then would dog/human couples be allowed to adopt?

its just too complex politically, i think.

:: I flip shit.. Quick slip.. Hip dip.. And you're twisted.. ::
110769, *buys stock in peanut butter*
Posted by illegal, Fri Oct-19-07 11:29 AM
110770, you're sick for that. funny but sick.
Posted by GOMEZ, Fri Oct-19-07 02:50 PM
110771, I tried but the only place it was legal was Arkansas. :(
Posted by Mongo, Fri Oct-19-07 01:34 PM