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Topic subjectRE: Come On...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=100226&mesg_id=100407
100407, RE: Come On...
Posted by Zesi, Fri Dec-01-06 07:36 AM
>>when it just makes sense that every man and woman will have
>>different wants, different ways to be satisfied
>>...i can see her point
>>i think porn is part of a larger social beast...
>>distancing people from sex itself, setting standards for it
>>there are so many posts here that are like "if a girl
>>doesn't...drop her"
>That goes both ways. There was a post that says if a man
>dresses a certain way it's a bad sign and he needs to be
>dropped...or if a man doesn't __________ then drop him...that
>shit goes both ways

and that's stupid.

>>ain't nothing about, if she cares for you
>>why don't you try and see why she doesn't want to do that
>>respect that she's not comfortable with everything
>>it's all about your pleasure, and your comfort. and noone,
>>male or female, should be that self centered---it's what
>>masturbation is for.
>>i guess it comes from the fact that in general, men don't
>>really respect women. and all these guys aren't your assumed
>>bad guy with slicked back hair and a painted moustache...a
>>of them are pretty good people. but they don't have to
>>women. i'm not sure they've been taught. and i don't think
>>it's innate.it's crazy how many ways men assume power
>>even noticing it.
>Wow...just wow.
>You can't be a good person and not respect women...that
>wouldn't make the man a good person

It depends on what your measure of respect is. most men think they do respect women. does dr. king cheating make him a bad man? does the black power movement's overwhelmingly sexist attitude make it a bad thing to have happened?

>>but don't call them on it--then you hate men and you don't
>>any and you were ugly anyway.
>I don't understand

>>because of the power structure, men's porn consumption
>>reinforce women as people, just women as sex.
>Men's porn consumption represents fantasy and a high libido.
>There's little to no correlation at all that a man that
>watches porn thinks of women as just sex
>As a matter of fact, a lot of the "players" that think of
>women as sex don't watch porn at all (or very little)

i never said it was the only factor. and i simplified the argument. it' a bit more complicated. but i feel like women feel the need to perform for a man...to make him feel needed.

>>and we are sex...and so are you...i mean, it's how we all
>>at the same time, male female relationships are extremely
>>unhealthy and chaotic
>I agree with this...but to put it on porn is a stretch to say
>the least
>>i dont think they've been healthy, for the most part, but
>>since the feminist movement, i feel like women have changed
>>dramatically, while men try to hold on to what's not coming
>I can partially agree with some of this. The problem is that
>women don't know what they want, and men don't know what women
>want...and nobody is willing to talk about it. And when some
>women do tell some men what they want, certain men are too
>selfish to give it to them.
>The biggest downfall between men and women is communication.
>There are too many misunderstandings between the 2, if they
>ever get around to talking.

uh, i think a lot of women do know what they want. i don't really understand what you're saying? it's not about talking about it always, either. it's about listening and responding, changing behavior, changing the way the world works. more than just "communication"