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Topic subjectTiny
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=75170&mesg_id=75306
75306, Tiny
Posted by HannahTall, Thu Oct-06-05 03:26 AM
The couple sat down for a blast of breakfast in the hot July air-conditioned air. They felt like they knew each other for at least a couple of months. In reality, they had only come to know each other the night before. Last night, the couple had engaged each other with such openness and honesty, and the potential rewards seemed imminent.

“MiMi, I got to tell you. Like, last night, something happened, like something that’s hard to explain…”

With a touch to the clenched fist pressed against his lips, “Stephen, I know what you mean…it was something.”

“Yeah, I mean, like last night, I felt something I have never felt before. I felt, like, inside of you.”

“Oh yes, Stephen, I felt like you were inside me too.”

“It was like these dreamy, meaty walls. Can dreams even come true under such closed and grinding circumstances?”

“Oh yes, Stephen, I believe they can.”

“But aren’t dreams made up of forceful breezes and open pastures and the unknown?”

“Yes they can be, Stephen. But sometimes our dreams are really things that develop when we as people find something that works.”

“Hmmm, it’s just crazy. I really felt what it was like to be inside of you. Forever, I’ve never been able to hold on to anything, bouncing from girls, jobs, lifestyles. It’s an amazing thing.”

“Yes, Stephen, it truly is. What we have is a truly beautiful thing.”

And so ends the beginning of the beautiful tale of Stephen, the man with the tiniest penis in the world, and Mimi, the woman with the tiniest vagina in the world. They had been searching forever for one another. Up in the skies, a melancholy God smiled. He grabbed the hand of his tranquil Goddess and regretted his decision to make all genitalia the same. He reflected on his original intention to make human genitalia like key-work, so each and every person could easily find their true love. God then began to become disheartened until he stared into the eyes of his Goddess. She stared into his eyes with such forceful bliss.

God knew exactly what she was saying and looked very deeply at himself and said, “Ah well, they’ll all have tiny genitalia in heaven soon enough.”