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75253, ...
Posted by Belief, Wed Oct-05-05 02:18 PM
The examination of her wrists was methodical and spiritual at the same time. She imagined them marked red and streaking with precise incisions that wouldn't show in the casket. 'Maybe I can tie plastic bags around them so the blood won't get on the carpet. I can double-bag to make sure there are no leaks.' Her consideration for others betrayed her reason for an early departure. She was leaving a world where she mattered as much as no one and felt less than nothing. It would be weeks before anyone would even look for her or notice she was no longer around. 'Maybe the smell will attract them,' she thought.

She cleaned her apartment, threw out all the trash and anything that could spoil. She folded all her clothes and left them in piles with crisp, white pieces of paper laid on top of them saying which clothes were to be given to whom. She did the same with her shoes. She washed all the dishes and all her laundry. She sat down at her desk and over-paid all her bills, another act of consideration for those who never considered her. 'They may put me in a pine box, but at least they won't have to pay for my electricity or water. That would just be rude.'

As she walked around her apartment, looking over every nook and cranny, making sure everything was in its place, she prepared to write her final note...a note of explanation:

'I did this because I am no one. This is a world of people who are something. I'm sorry I failed, no one is responsible but me. Thank you and goodnight.'

She smiled at how legibly she'd written the letters and thought how pleasant it would be for whomever found it to read before they balled it up and discarded it in the empty trash receptacle. And then it was time. With newly washed cotton sheets under and newly washed towels underneath her arms, plastic bags in tow, she surgically made two incisions. And as her awareness of this world began to fade, she fancied one last thought - 'I forgot to let the cat out...'