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Forum nameGeneral Discussion Archives
Topic subjectthebreastcancersite.com (click this once a day)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=38960&mesg_id=39070
39070, thebreastcancersite.com (click this once a day)
Posted by poetx, Fri Mar-18-05 10:41 AM

click that once per day and advertisers will donate free mammograms for poor women. (also, on the same page their are links to the hungersite, children's health site, and others, which use web advertisers and user traffic to create 'free' donations on your behalf to a bunch of charities).

when i first got to these boards, okp tinkywinky put me up on this site. i slack ery now and then but i do try and click through once per day. (or twice if i work from home and the office, since the IP is different).

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

my philosophy on free time:
"and next time when he get it he'll waste it on somethin' useful" - MF Doom