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Topic subjectI’m so scared
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=212406&mesg_id=212406
212406, I’m so scared
Posted by bshelly, Thu Oct-22-20 08:10 PM
I am in the ultimate privileged position. I am a rich white American male. I say this because it’s gotten this bad, where I’m scared that even my bubble could burst. And I’m terrified to what happens to people who aren’t me.

I’m a former political science professor. I was paid to have measured takes about the political system and to be fair to all range of student opinions. And right now I have no measured takes.

Donald Trump is so terrifying. This is what Hitler looked like in 1932, except scarier, because his party already has a supermajority in the tiebreaker branch, the Supreme Court. And my side has absolutely no weapons.

Political science again: we have every warning sign that we will fall into autocracy, if not fascism. If we lose this election, the levers of democracy may be lost. Our choices right now suck, but if this election goes wrong, we may cease to have choices.

Please vote for Biden. He sucks, but it doesn’t matter I don’t care if you don’t care if you’re mad your person lost the primaries or what. See what happened with ACB, and listen to what Trump says. They mean it, family. The lines you have to stand in are unfathomable, and I beg you to stand in them anyway. Anything less than an overwhelming victory will be subject to Republican bullshit, and they control all the levers of power.

I don’t know, man. This is historically terrifying shit, and I got the degrees to prove it. Please, please, please vote.